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Z. Postanjian makes complaints to PACE against NA speaker

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  • Z. Postanjian makes complaints to PACE against NA speaker

    Z. Postanjian makes complaints to PACE against NA speaker

    Member of Heritage faction of the Armenian parliament Zaruhi
    Postanjian applied to the procedure rules commission of the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). She said that
    the speaker of Armenia's National Assembly wants to remove her from
    the Armenian delegation to the PACE because of the question she asked
    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, according to

    According to Z. Postanjuan, she received explanations from that
    commission of the PACE. The commission said Hovik Abrahamian has no
    authority to make changes in the composition of the Armenian
    delegation because the delegation's composition was already approved,
    and if the speaker makes an attempt to hinder her activities, the
    Council of Europe will react.

    The opposition deputy expressed confidence that H. Abrahamian will not
    be able to exclude her from the Armenian delegation in the future as
    well because all the factions of the Armenian parliament shall be
    represented in the PACE. If any problems arise in January of next year
    when the composition and powers of the new delegation are approved,
    then the European institution will react.

    The Council of Europe has not yet received any official document from
    the speaker of the Armenian parliament and it therefore cannot take
    any actions.

    Meanwhile, another member of the Armenian delegation to the PACE,
    deputy of Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) faction Ms. Naira Zohrabian
    said that Postanjian's question shocked PACE deputies. `None of the
    parliamentarians said that it was a good question. It was unacceptable
    to everyone, including those deputies who are famous for their
    anti-Armenian sentiments and who always gloated over unpleasant
    incidents concerning Armenia. Even to them, that statement was
    absolutely unacceptable. But if any actions are organized in the
    airport, I will consider this unacceptable, too,' she noted.

    We would remind you that in response to the press reports that the
    youth wing of the Republican Party of Armenia plans to stage a protest
    against Heritage faction deputy Zaruhi Postanjian upon her return from
    Strasbourg and to pelt her with eggs and tomatoes, the spokesman for
    the Armenian president Arman Saghatelian said that the presidential
    office considers holding such actions as incorrect.

    `We don't accept the intentions of various sides to stage a protest
    against Z. Postanjian at the airport and consider them incorrect. We
    appeal to everyone to refrain from such initiatives,' Arman
    Saghatelian stated.
