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River of Trouble?

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  • River of Trouble?

    River of Trouble?


    Some might remember the problem-plagued tunnel that was built in the
    1980s to channel the waters of the Arpa River to Lake Sevan to halt
    the precipitous decline of its water levels. I hope that its namesake
    organization, Arpa Foundation for Film, Music, and Art (AFFMA), will
    not be similarly impacted after a troublesome episode at this year's
    annual Arpa International Film Festival.

    I became aware of the issue by being included in a long string of
    e-mails among the festival's organizers and protesters. The point of
    contention was a film entered by an American who fought in Libya with
    the rebels and now is supporting the rebels in Syria. In the interest
    of full disclosure, please know that I have not seen the film. I will
    not name it or its maker since I have no desire to promote that cause,
    and because the point of my writing this piece is to suggest better
    ways to handle similar situations in the future.

    The film is billed as a documentary, but by all accounts is more of an
    advocacy piece that, according to one of the e-mails, will be used to
    help convince members of the U.S. Congress to support U.S. military
    involvement in Syria. The problem lies therein. Since the rebels pose
    a threat to the Armenian community in Syria, promoting something that
    supports them in an Armenian forum is at best problematic.

    Those protesting inclusion of this film called for its removal from
    the festival's roster. They also objected to the filmmaker being
    awarded the Armin T. Wegner award (Wegner was the German soldier who
    photographically documented scenes from the Genocide). At one point
    the film seemed to have been pulled from the line-up. But ultimately,
    it was shown. There was a Facebook exchange by partisans on both sides
    of this issue. As to the award, it was rescinded, and some other award
    given to the filmmaker. Of course, no one was pleased with this
    situation - not the protesters, not the filmmaker's supporters, and not
    the festival organizers. Harsh words and mutual recriminations rarely
    lead to pleasing outcomes.

    How can such an escalation of passions and negative impacts on our
    community's organizations be avoided?

    On the first level, organizers must be more alert to sensitive issues.
    In this case, the film's advocacy of a faction that is damaging our
    community should have been a red flag. Once this opportunity (i.e. not
    accepting the film for screening at the festival) was missed, the die
    was cast. If in response to the protests, the film had been pulled,
    Arpa's reputation as the host of a film festival would be damaged.
    Keeping the film in promoted a cause that's currently detrimental to
    our community. The award just compounds the mess.

    At this point, Arpa really had not much of a choice but to screen the
    film. But what should have been done was to make a strong statement
    about the damage the film's advocacy does to Armenians while
    simultaneously touting Arpa's commitment to promoting the arts and
    deep discussion of issues.

    On the other side, it seems that the protesters missed an opportunity
    to challenge and discredit the position espoused by the filmmaker in
    the after-film discussion. If the comments there were as rambling and
    sometimes over the top as some of the comments on Facebook or the
    e-mail discussions I saw, then what happened during the discussion
    probably undermined the otherwise appropriate concerns and positions
    of the protesters. Accusing Arpa of being willing to support Turkish
    denialism helps no one, nor does attacking Arpa's legitimacy. The
    comments should have been focused on and limited to addressing the
    issues raised in the movie and the flawed motivations of its maker.

    So please, in the future, anyone organizing public, high visibility,
    events, be VERY attuned to our communities' and nation's needs and
    concerns. Future protesters, please, focus the criticism and attacks
    on the offender(s) and keep them sharp but appropriate. Let's prevent
    problems and when they unavoidably do rise, let's solve them without
    creating other problems or damaging our community.

    From: A. Papazian