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Ukraine and the European Union

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  • Ukraine and the European Union

    Ukraine and the European Union

    West or east?

    The European Union should sign a deal with Ukraine - but only if Yulia
    Tymoshenko is freed

    Oct 5th 2013 |From the print edition

    ITS very name means `borderland'. Ukraine has long been on the edge
    between east and west. Now this country of 46m people is poised to
    tilt westward by signing an association agreement with the European
    Union next month that also promises freer trade. But Vladimir Putin,
    Russia's president, is putting pressure on Ukraine instead to join
    Belarus and Kazakhstan in a Eurasian customs union that has become his
    pet project.

    The Russian sales pitch is simple. Russia remains the single biggest
    market for Ukrainian exports. Ukraine would get cheaper gas (Belarus,
    which has also sold its gas distributor to Russia's Gazprom, pays less
    than half as much). Russia would ease the country's huge debt burden,
    much of it owed to Gazprom. Mr Putin was also the main backer of
    Ukraine's president, Viktor Yanukovych, in November 2004, when his
    rigged election was overturned in the orange revolution. Most alluring
    of all, the Russians, unlike the EU, would not make pesky demands for
    human rights, the rule of law, an end to corruption and a proper

    Yet Ukraine would gain far more from going west. Trade is shifting to
    what is, in overall terms, a much bigger and richer market than the
    Eurasian union could ever be. The EU has a well-tried formula for
    helping to reform and liberalise economies from the former Soviet
    block. Even Ukrainian oligarchs close to Mr Yanukovych recognise that
    more competition from the EU will help them modernise their companies.
    In the future, an association agreement could even be a precursor to
    eventual EU membership.

    But what is pushing the Ukrainians towards the EU now is not all this.
    It is Russian bullying. Mr Putin says Ukraine is a sovereign country
    able to make its own choice. But it is doubtful that he believes this.
    Not only did Russia rule most of Ukraine for two centuries, but Kievan
    Rus is seen as the cradle of the modern Russian state. Many Russians
    still live in Ukraine: Crimea is 80% Russian. To deter Ukraine from
    turning west, the Russians briefly imposed trade restrictions
    recently, even banning chocolate imports. A Kremlin adviser has called
    the signing of an association agreement `suicide', warned of a
    Ukrainian default and even threatened to split apart the country's
    Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking halves (see article).

    Free Yulia

    When Armenia was pushed around by Russia, it caved and decided to join
    the Eurasian union. But the response in Georgia and Moldova has been
    to move closer to the EU. Similarly, in Ukraine, polls show that
    support for the association agreement has risen to over 50%. Mr
    Yanukovych has no desire to play second fiddle in a club dominated by
    Mr Putin. But Russia's stance has also injected geopolitics into the
    debate. Some Europeans argue that, to head off any risk of losing
    Ukraine to Mr Putin, the EU should relax its conditions for the
    association agreement, especially its demand that Mr Yanukovych's
    political opponent, Yulia Tymoshenko, should be released from jail,
    where she has languished since her politically motivated trial in June

    That would be a mistake. The EU's pressure has been working. Ukraine
    may still be a corrupt oligarchy, but it has been making reforms
    demanded by Brussels. It is widely expected that Mrs Tymoshenko will
    soon be sent to Germany for medical treatment; she may be released
    thereafter. More generally, the value and appeal of an association
    agreement lies precisely in the conditions it sets for liberalisation
    and reform: to soften these for one special case would weaken them for
    all. The EU would keep leverage even after an association agreement is
    signed. Brussels hopes to implement its free-trade elements
    immediately, but it needs ratification by national parliaments to come
    fully into force; that process will probably last until beyond the
    next Ukrainian presidential election in early 2015.

    If Russia sticks to its threats, Ukraine will also need financial
    assistance from the Europeans to see it through the winter. It should
    get it. The EU could also ease its visa regime and help more students
    go west. To both sides, Ukraine is the most valuable prize left in
    eastern Europe. Indeed, this moment could be as critical for the
    region as the decision in the 1990s to admit the ex-communist
    countries of central Europe to the EU. Fortunately, thanks to Mr
    Putin's inept bullying, the prize should now fall into Europe's lap.

    >From the print edition: Leaders

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress