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Richard Giragosian: The EU will shortly offer Armenia a new coop doc

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  • Richard Giragosian: The EU will shortly offer Armenia a new coop doc

    Richard Giragosian: The EU will shortly offer Armenia a new
    cooperation document containing of 7 clauses

    Interview of the head of Centre for Regional studies, Richard
    Giragosian, with Arminfo news agency

    by Marianna Lazarian
    Saturday, October 5, 15:05

    Mr Giragosian, what do you think about the two integration unions
    which Armenia wants to join? What are their positive and negative
    sides? What will Armenia loserefusing the Association Agreement?

    As for the Customs Union, I can say that the positive element of
    Armenia's joining the Customs Union is that it will enhance the
    Armenian-Russian partnership, prove once again Russia's trust in
    Armenia and will strengthen Armenia's positions within the frames of
    the CIS. At the same time, it enhances relations with Kazakhstan and
    Belarus. However, despite Armenia's hopes linked with the Customs
    Union, all the positive sides of this integration process are not
    clear yet. If we touch on the economic sector, Armenia will have
    losses chiefly regarding the trade tariffs and prices in general.
    Armenia could have an opportunity of interfering the bigger market.
    Moreover, for the last two years export of the Armenian production to
    the European market exceeded twofold its export to the countries of
    the Customs Union. And finally, the Customs Union offer Armenia
    nothing new, that is to say, old rules which protect interests of
    Armenian oligarchs and weaken economic reforms, will go on
    functioning. Moreover, thanks to such actions, no big European
    investments will be made in Armenia any more. This just an economic
    side of the situation. The way how Armenia adopted a decision to join
    the Customs Union also weakens the country, as from now, the EU takes
    Armenia as an unreliable partner for the European countries.

    Can we suppose that the EU will reduce the number of programmes being
    fulfilled in Armenia?

    Since Armenia's decision to join the Customs Union, the European Union
    has already adopted a decision to reduce some programmes. All the
    funds that had to be directed to the Armenian government for
    fulfillment of the DCFRA agreement, were stopped. I mean several
    million EUR. This is a great financial loss for our government. And if
    in future the EU decides to deliver funds to Armenia, they will be
    delivered not to the government but civil society.

    The ruling party of Armenia says that the decision to join the Customs
    Union is stemming from the national security of the country. How much
    is such a statement grounded, especially if we take into account the
    fact that Russia sells weapon to Azerbaijan, and one of the members of
    the Customs Union, Kazakhstan, demands to immediately close the border
    to Nagornyy Karabakh?

    I do not agree to the viewpoint that Armenia is joining the Customs
    Union stemming from the national security problems. First of all,
    DCFTA agreement as well as the Association Agreement have never
    contained the points linked with security. Moreover, these agreements
    have never been presented as a challenge or threat to the
    Armenian-Russian relations.

    Armenia's joining the Customs Union against the background of the fact
    that Russia is Azerbaijan's number one partner on weapon delivery, and
    Kazakhstan protects territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, is evidence
    of weakness of Yerevan's positions. The given steps are evidence of
    availability of deeper problems, and demonstrate absence of equality
    in the relations between Armenia and Russia, that is to say, Moscow
    shows no respect to Yerevan. Armenia's decision to join the Customs
    Union is directed against Ukraine. In this case, Armenia is just a
    victim. Actually, these steps were directed against Ukraine but not
    Armenia. The key purpose of the given decision was to force Armenia
    say "no" to the EU , but not "yes" to the Customs Union".

    Many experts say about a dramatic changing of the political course of
    Armenia. However, this sudden changing took place in Moscow, first of
    all, and then in Yerevan, that is to say, the Russian policy changed
    first, the expert said.

    This was the reason, why Russia was not against Armenia's negotiations
    with the EU for 3,5 years, and official Moscow has drawn a line just

    What can we expect from the Vilnius `Eastern partnership' summit? Will
    the door of Europe be finally closed for Armenia, or new cooperation
    conception will be drawn out?

    I predict only one thing for Armenia at the Vilnius Summit -
    disgrace: it was really disgraceful on Armenia's part to surrender to
    Russia so easily. It was a strategic mistake and a lost opportunity.
    However, at present we are going to prepare new legal aspects for
    cooperation with the EU. Just for this reason, despite disappointment,
    the EU said about its readiness to continue cooperation. Armenia and
    the European Union will create a new legal aspect for partnership. The
    new document will consist of 6 or 7 clauses, with priority to be given
    to mobility or simplicity of visa regime, education and
    sector-specific cooperation - that is, the financing will be continued
    but will be directed to specific sectors. The other points will
    concern the efforts to fight corruption, to ensure the rule of law and
    to protect human rights. But I still doubt that the document will be
    ready by the EaP Summit in Vilnius. Unfortunately, the Armenian
    authorities do not realize that the context of their partnership with
    the EU has been seriously changed and that the new format will focus
    on the weakest aspects of the Association Agreement - corruption, rule
    of law and human rights. For this reason, the Armenian authorities
    will face new higher requirements and closer control. Now that the
    ruling regime has betrayed the EU, it will turn its eyes towards the

    The Armenian-Turkish Protocols are still on the agenda of the
    parliaments of Armenia and Turkey. Can we say about staring of a new
    process between these two countries?

    At present, the given issue is regarding Turkey but not Armenia
    which did everything possible depending on it for normalization of the
    Armenian-Turkish relations. Now everybody are waiting for the actions
    from Turkey, Turkey is responsible for that. Incidentally,
    Washington's, Brussels's and Moscow's viewpoint on the issue
    coincides. They agree that Turkey left the process and it itself can
    decide when to return to it. However, I think that that the
    Armenian-Turkish Protocols are already dead and will never come back.
    But, at present we have another process, when they are trying to
    attract the points which were involved in the Protocols without the
    protocol format. And this new strategy is about opening of the border
    and establishment of diplomatic relations. This is one of the issues,
    where I protect the position of the authorities of Armenia by 100%.
    Just thanks to this issue Armenia has managed to enhance its strategic
    significance and deepen diplomatic relations.

    Can we suppose that by 2015, the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    genocide, Turkey will again return to the Protocols for creation of
    illusion of improvement of relations?

    Turkey will come back to normalizing of relations with Armenia till
    2015. The genocide issue is a bigger problem for Turkey than for
    Armenia. It is linked with the moral pressure imposed upon the
    official Ankara. We should expect that Turkey will come back to
    normalizing of relations with Armenia over the coming years.
    Azerbaijan has become the biggest victim of normalization of the
    Armenian-Turkish relations, as its relations with official Ankara were
    damaged. "Turkey is disappointed by the fact that Azerbaijan puts veto
    upon all the initiatives in its regional policy. Turkey was wrong as
    it underrated the role of Azerbaijan. Moreover, Russia made use of
    the temporary worsening of the Azerbaijani-Turkish relations and
    improved its relations with Baku. We see that Turkey is not the
    biggest military partner of Azerbaijan any more, as Russia has
    occupied this position. Armenia should not like the look of it.

    What do you think about an intention to make Constitutional reforms?
    What is the truepurpose of their making? Is not it Serzh Sargsyan's
    attempt to secure his power?

    It is still early to speak about it as then reforms have not been
    offered yet. However, I think that they are not an attempt to prolong
    Sargsyan's power. I think it will not work because of the two reasons.
    First, it is for the first time over the entire history of Armenia
    that the fight started within the ruling party. Secondly, Sargsyan is
    the last representative of the Karabakh elite in the power. At
    present, we are ay the transition stage and the next head of state
    will be younger and will have absolutely different political views. I
    don't think that in the created situation the current system will
    function in future as well.

    What will civil displeasure in the republic result in against the
    background of overall price hike? Can we expect social revolt in the

    Civil activism and interest in political processes are growing in
    Armenia. One of the key reasons of it is the situation when almost 1/3
    of the population are below the poverty line, while the oligarchs are
    getting richer and richer, with no echanism available to control their
    insatiable appetites. As a result, the people regard them as traitors
    and the biggest threat for the country.

    Thank you, for an interesting interview.

    From: A. Papazian