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Vahram Kazhoyan: Azerbaijan's behavior against Armenia is nothing el

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  • Vahram Kazhoyan: Azerbaijan's behavior against Armenia is nothing el


    by Marianna Lazarian

    Monday, October 7, 21:28

    Nothing of what Azerbaijan tells the world on international floors can
    be considered to be truth. It is a constant torrent of lie combined
    with anti- Armenian rhetoric, Vahram Kazhoyan, Secretary General of
    the Armenian National Commission for UNESCO, said during the General
    Debate of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly.

    Kazhoyan stressed that nothing else can be expected from the country
    whose president says in public that Armenians worldwide are the
    enemies of Azerbaijan. He added that Azerbaijan's behavior is nothing
    else but xenophobia and it is liable to prosecution, at least in the
    civilized world.

    Kazhoyan recalled that Azerbaijan is the only country in the world
    that boasts of its immense military expenditures. In the meantime,
    official Baku is self-contradictory, he said. On the one hand, Baku
    advocates a peaceful dialogue and peaceful conflict settlement, on
    the other hand, the Azeri president states that he will never let
    Armenia join any political, economic, energy or transport project
    and that he will continue the policy on isolation of Armenia.

    He said that the UN Security Council's resolution urge the
    Azeri authorities to stop military actions against civilians in
    Nagorno-Karabakh but despite the cease-fire treaty they signed in
    1994, they keep using snipers to kill soldiers and civilians in
    Nagorno-Karabakh and keep refusing to withdraw them.

    Kazhoyan said that all the Azeri authorities have said so far proves
    that Azerbaijan is a racist and xenophobe state. He quoted Azeri
    President Ilham Aliyev as saying on Sept 18 that Azerbaijan's national
    flag must be hoisted in Shushi and Stepanakert and that the Azeris must
    continue living in their historic lands "Irevan Khanate, Gokce and
    Zangezur." Kazhoyan explained to the Assembly that by Irevan Khanate
    Aliyev meant Yerevan, the capital of independent Armenia - a member of
    the United Nations. "So, what else is this but aggressive-militarist
    xenophobia?" Kazhoyan concluded.
