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ARPA International Film Festival Shows Warmongering And Biased Film

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  • ARPA International Film Festival Shows Warmongering And Biased Film



    By Appo Jabarian
    Executive Publisher / Managing Editor
    USA Armenian Life Magazine

    October 7, 2013

    This year's Arpa For Film Music and Arts (AFFMA) annual festival would
    have been another success had the communitywide anger not been ignited
    because of an 11thhour showing of a misleading and warmongering film
    on Syria.

    Early last week dozens of community activists were shocked and alarmed
    by the fact that a one-sided film was going to be shown. Literally,
    they took it to the internet and inundated various social media
    outlets and personal inboxes expressing their categorical opposition
    to showing the politically misleading film.

    In order to be better informed I watched it online and I understood
    why several independent activists were deeply troubled.

    To unsuspecting viewers, the film may seem an innocent-looking
    documentary depicting the ordeal of the Syrian people supposedly
    "suffering under the yoke of" current Syrian regime. But well-informed
    viewers may be insulted knowing full well that the current inhumane
    state of affairs in Syria is the result of invasion by thousands of
    well-armed Muslim extremist terrorists entering Syria illegally by
    way of Turkey and other countries, and spreading death and destruction.

    These terrorist elements quickly populated the ranks of the Syrian
    rebels. At one point, when Syrian rebels themselves realized that
    foreign-born Al-Qaeda-backed Muslim allies resorted to countless
    systematic massacres and other atrocities against defenseless innocent
    civilians, they began rejoining all-volunteer Syrian nationalist
    forces defending their country against foreign intrusion.

    Arpa realizing its grave mistake in deciding to show a misguiding
    documentary on the Syria Crisis initially promised to cancel its
    showing; and to rescind the Armin T. Wagner Award that was initially
    planned to be presented to filmmaker Mr. Mathew Van Dyke.

    However for some reasons, breaking their earlier written promise not
    to show, ARPA officials reinstated the showing of the film in the
    eleventh hour.

    On the day of the showing, I chose to join the protesters outside.

    Arpa had initially promised to cancel the film screening but within
    24-36 hours it turned around and showed it.

    Had the organizers know in advance of Arpa's eventual decision to
    show the film they could have secured even a much bigger turnout.

    Regardless, the protesters condemning the film held rallies both
    on Saturday and Sunday. On the first day of the protest they faced
    off with "opposition" sympathizers also holding a rally supporting
    the film.

    The "opposition" sympathizers were yelling "Down with Al-Assad." While
    the protesters responded: "Down with Al-Qaeda; Shame on Al-Qaeda for
    killing innocent Christians, moderate Muslims and Christian Armenians;
    Shame on Arpa for showing a one-sided, warmongering film" indirectly
    supportive of Al-Qaeda in Syria.

    The next day, "opposition" sympathizers failed to show up. The
    anti-war protesters condemned Arpa for presenting Mr. Van Dyke with
    the "Silver Lens" award for his propaganda film.

    I wonder, as Americans, how we would have responded if a documentary
    film is shown in a foreign film festival in a third country propagating
    widespread death and destruction in America under the pretext of
    supporting a struggle for the legalization of illicit drugs.

    Interestingly, at the same time as Arpa was showing the warmongering
    film, Turkey was getting ready to propose a resolution in the
    Turkish Parliament calling for Turkish armed invasion of Syria for
    an 11-month-long military operation.

    According to an Oct. 2 news article in Hurriyet, a Turkish daily,"the
    need for the motion was described as arising from the use of chemical
    weapons by the Syrian regime on its people, referring to an attack
    conducted by the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Aug. 21
    in Damascus that killed more than 1,400 Syrian citizens."

    According to a Sep 24 news account by Press TV, "Al-Qaeda-linked
    militants in Syria have destroyed several Jewish mausoleums in the
    historical town of Tadouf in the northern city of Aleppo. Militants
    reportedly demolished a number of the most ancient Jewish mausoleums
    in the town. Foreign-backed militants have so far destroyed many
    religious sites in Syria since the unrest began in 2011. Earlier this
    month, members of the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front attacked the
    historical Christian village of Ma'loula near the capital, Damascus,
    and destroyed parts of it, before Syrian security forces arrived to
    repel them."

    As of press time Wednesday, Mr. Alex Kalognomos of AFFMA declined to
    grant my email request to present the readers of USA Armenian Life
    with a brief response on his behalf as the manager of the festival.

    In an email to fellow activists, attorney Angela Barseghian wrote:
    "Let me tell you how disappointed I am, and ashamed to discover that
    ARPA has NO MORAL DISCRETION to honor, the plea of our countrymen,
    who are seeking PEACE in Syria, and a peaceful resolution to the
    internal Syrian political issues. Your film glorifies violence and
    war and justifies all the barbaric tactics to achieve a political
    purpose. All countries have similar or other political issues,
    however, it is normal course of business to forbid foreign forces,
    paid mercenaries to venture into other people's countries, destroy
    everything in sight, including but not limited to massacre masses
    who have lived peacefully and struggled for their rights through
    democratic means. This film glorifies barbaric means which is not
    a respectable course for any human; ARPA should not glorify trashy,
    propaganda films you find worthy of people's discretion. I will not
    be surprised to see a film ARPA glorify, where the a denialist of
    Armenian Genocide is presented with awards, where the film depicts
    total fallacy and fraud regarding my history....You have done just
    that, which is garbage , called a documentary, regarding Syria. Now,
    your organization has disclosed the true low class, no morals, no
    ethics, no ideals, no vision for what the purpose of your organization
    stands for. The people will react to your garbage with rejection. I
    reject your organization. I reject what you have demonstrated as
    insensitive, degrading, defamatory and deplorable propaganda. If
    the truth of the matter you glorify is NOT important to ARPA, I was
    hoping that at least, such ideals for ARPA to reject propaganda for
    war would be rejected. I am exercising my freedom of speech, unlike
    ARPA, to discredit war mongering frauds, and discredit ARPA."

    As a beneficiary of a functioning democracy in these great United
    States, I am in favor of encouraging all the countries of the world to
    consider adopting democracy. However, we should let each country decide
    its destiny. I would not want my government - and for that matter any
    government, to interfere militarily in the affairs of other sovereign
    states and instigate armed rebellion along with injecting tens of
    thousands of Muslim extremist terrorists coming from over 80 countries,
    triggering all kinds of atrocities and war crimes including usage of
    internationally-banned chemical weapons - all in the name of democracy!

    Worst yet- Why destroy a somewhat functioning secular - albeit
    undemocratic government in Syria and facilitate its replacement with
    a puppet regime that can be subservient to the western oil interests
    under the veil of an even more dictatorial extremist Islamic government
    similar to the now-dethroned Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt?

    To be fair to Arpa For Films Music and Arts (AFFMA), it has done so
    many wonderful things in service of the film industry and Armenian
    American artists as a whole. Years ago, when I was invited to join
    AFFMA as a board member I accepted wholeheartedly. I passionately
    believed in its stated mission "to cultivate cultural understanding
    and global empathy, creating a dynamic forum for international cinema
    with a special focus on the work of filmmakers who explore the issues
    of Diaspora, exile and multi-culturalism. A strong emphasis is placed
    on ideals of independent thought, artistic vision, cultural diversity
    and social understanding."

    Year after year, like many others, I presented the organization with my
    modest share of support. However, when the showing of the scandalous
    documentary film "Not Anymore: A story of a Revolution" occurred I
    could no longer see myself as being a part of such an organization
    that has chosen to deviate from its original mission. By showing the
    highly biased film, Arpa inseminated the opposite of what it was set
    out to accomplish. Instead of "cultivating cultural understanding and
    global empathy," it disseminated so much hatred and misunderstanding
    among the diverse Los Angeles communities.

    I am appreciative that ARPA showed "Orphans of the Genocide,"
    documentary. However, I decline to remain silent on the showing of
    a grossly unfair and misleading documentary; and on presenting its
    biased filmmaker with an award.

    Because of the fact that AFFMA has deviated from its original mission,
    and as long as it continues to do so, I cannot continue to associate
    myself with the organization. The concerns expressed in this article
    serve as ample justification for me to hereby present my resignation
    from the Board of Arpa For Films Music and Arts (AFFMA).

    Warmongering can be deadly to our global community of nations.
