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Azerbaijan's President Set For Easy Re-Election

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  • Azerbaijan's President Set For Easy Re-Election


    The Associated Press
    October 8, 2013 Tuesday 12:50 PM GMT


    Oil-rich Azerbaijan is booming and the wealth is trickling down to
    its poorest people. It all means that its president doesn't even need
    to clamp down too hard to ensure he extends a decades-long dynastic
    rule in elections this week.

    Ilham Aliyev appears to be so certain of his popularity that
    his government has magnanimously eased tight restrictions on the
    opposition and allowed it to freely convene for rallies in the
    center of the capital only to see the events draw tepid crowds of
    a few thousand. Aliyev hasn't even really bothered to campaign for
    Wednesday's election, confident that the cult of personality that
    has sprung up around him is sincere.

    Aliyev looks and sounds like a Western statesman sporting immaculately
    tailored suits and speaking fluent English but he has in the past
    shown little tolerance for dissent and extended his rule through
    elections criticized by Western observers. At the same time, he has
    firmly allied the Shia Muslim nation with the West, helping secure
    its energy and security interests and offset Russia's influence in
    the strategic Caspian region.

    That strategy has translated into fabulous wealth.

    Under Aliyev, the nation of 9 million has basked in oil riches that
    have more than tripled its gross domestic product and transformed the
    once-gritty capital, Baku, into a shining modern city. The State Oil
    Fund that accumulates oil revenues held $34 billion as of the start
    of the year.

    With his political foes weakened by years of relentless government
    pressure and bitter infighting, Aliyev is all but certain to roll
    over the main opposition challenger and eight fringe candidates
    on Wednesday.

    Ali Ahmadov, the executive secretary of the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan
    party, said the president doesn't need to campaign because his frequent
    trips across the country have brought him close to the people. "There
    is no need for the head of state to engage in propaganda during the
    election campaign," Ahmadov said.

    Aliyev's glamorous wife Mehriban, who is a lawmaker and heads a
    charity, has helped his popularity. "She has drawn the sympathy of
    many, including some of those who are in opposition," said Elkhan
    Shahinoglu, an independent political analyst.

    Aliyev inherited the presidency from his father, Geidar Aliyev, who
    had ruled Azerbaijan first as the Communist Party boss and then as
    a post-Soviet president for the greater part of three decades. The
    son has presented himself as a guarantor of stability, an image that
    appeals to many in Azerbaijan, where painful memories are still fresh
    of the turmoil that accompanied the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union.

    Soon after the elder Aliyev lost his job in a shakeup of the Communist
    elite launched by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, Azerbaijan
    plunged into an armed conflict with neighboring Armenia over the
    disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. The six-year war left ethnic
    Armenian forces in control of Nagorno-Karabakh and neighboring areas
    in Azerbaijan and turned 1 million Azerbaijanis into refugees.

    Amid public anger over military defeats, Azerbaijan's first president,
    Ayaz Mutalibov, stepped down and fled the country in 1992. His
    successor, Abulfaz Elchibey, was ousted the following year in a
    rebellion that paved way for Geidar Aliyev's triumphant return
    to power.

    Aliyev senior fully dominated the political scene, and just a few
    months before his death secured his son's victory in an October 2003
    presidential election that drew Western observer criticism over massive
    violations and triggered violent clashes between protesters and police.

    Initially dismissed by foes as a pale shadow of his powerful father,
    Ilham Aliyev quickly consolidated his power and stifled dissent. He
    was re-elected by a landslide in a 2008 vote boycotted by major
    opposition parties and again criticized by Western observers. He then
    rammed through a constitutional referendum that scrapped presidential
    term limits.

    International rights groups have accused him of pressuring and
    harassing government critics. Human Rights Watch said in a report
    last month that the clampdown on freedom of expression and assembly
    had intensified in the months preceding the vote. The government,
    however, loosened the reins ahead of the ballot, withdrawing its
    long-held ban on rallies in the center of the capital.

    While leaving little breathing space for his domestic foes, Aliyev
    has expanded energy and security ties with the West, becoming an
    indispensable regional partner for the United States and the European

    BP, ExxonMobil and other Western oil giants have invested billions
    of dollars to tap Azerbaijan's oil riches. An oil pipeline backed
    by the U.S. and the European Union to pump Azerbaijani crude via
    Georgia to Turkey, bypassing Russia, went into operation in 2005,
    a pivotal element in a Western strategy to reduce Europe's dependence
    on Russian energy resources.

    In the future, Azerbaijan would be a necessary conduit for any
    prospective pipelines under the Caspian to carry energy resources
    from Central Asian nations to Western markets.

    Azerbaijan has further strengthened its relations with the West by
    contributing troops to the U.S.-led missions in Afghanistan and Iraq
    and serving as a key supply route for U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

    Azerbaijan's ties with neighboring Iran, which has a sizable ethnic
    Azeri community, have grown strained in recent years as Tehran
    has become vexed by Azerbaijan's growing security cooperation with
    the United States and Israel. Last year, the Azerbaijani security
    agency arrested dozens of people allegedly hired by Iran to carry out
    terrorist attacks against the U.S. and Israeli embassies as well as
    Western-linked groups and companies.

    While Aliyev's foes have compared him to autocratic rulers ousted
    by the Arab Spring uprisings and warned that he could face a similar
    fate, experts see few parallels between the former Soviet Union and
    the developments in the Middle East.

    "These are different societies at different levels of development,"
    said Irina Zvyagelskaya, a leading expert with Moscow's Institute of
    Oriental Studies. "What happened in the Arab world can't serve as a
    model for the ex-Soviet lands."

    The opposition's hopes of challenging Aliyev suffered a humiliating
    setback when election officials refused to register its original
    candidate on the grounds that he had dual Russian and Azerbaijani
    citizenship, something explicitly banned by the constitution.

    As windfall oil revenues have filtered down to Azerbaijan's poorest,
    the opposition has found it hard to assail the government's economic
    policies, and the main opposition candidate, historian Jamil Hasanli,
    focused on government corruption and social inequality.

    Gyulnara Samedova, a 47-year-old housewife who watched the debates,
    said nobody in her family was impressed by any of the challengers.

    "All we heard were mutual accusations and insults, nothing like
    a program for the country's development," she said. "We will vote
    for stability."

    Isachenkov reported from Moscow.

    From: Baghdasarian