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Erdogan Urges Cabinet To Hide News On Ties With Israel

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  • Erdogan Urges Cabinet To Hide News On Ties With Israel


    FARS News Agency, Iran
    October 8, 2013 Tuesday

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called
    on the senior political and security members of his cabinet to keep
    secret any news about Ankara's relations and cooperation with Tel
    Aviv on different issues, including Syria, sources said.

    "Erdogan had a very important meeting with his cabinet members,
    including Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Interior Minister
    Muammar Guler, National Defense Minister Ismat Yilmaz, Security
    Chief Hakan Fydan, Head of the IHH (Turkish Islamic charity known
    as the Freedom Flotilla) Fahmy Bulent Ildirim and a number of his
    advisors on September 21," one of the aides present at the meeting
    told FNA on Tuesday. The source who asked to remain anonymous due
    to the sensitivity of his information added that during the meeting,
    "Erdogan voiced extreme displeasure with the leak of information about
    different aspects of Turkey's relations with Israel, and called on all
    the relevant governmental bodies to keep such news secret and punish
    those who disobey the order even if they are close people to Erdogan".

    Other officials attending the meeting also raised the issues which
    are being pursued by the Turkish and Israeli officials, to be
    further discussed, the source said, adding that the issues included
    "cooperation between Israel and Turkey on the outlawed Kurdish Workers'
    Party (PKK), the Syrian issue, peace talks between the Palestinians
    and Israel and foiling Armenian lobby's attempts in the US against
    Turkey as well as consultations between Tel Aviv and Ankara to
    persuade Washington to wage military attack on Syria". Syria has
    been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by
    well-armed gangs and foreign-backed terrorist groups against not just
    the Syrian police, border guard and army troops, but also people being
    reported across the country. Tens of thousands of people, including
    members of the security forces, have been killed since some protest
    rallies turned into armed clashes. The government blames outlaws,
    saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups for the deaths, stressing that
    the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad. In October 2011, calm
    was almost restored in the Arab state after President Assad started a
    reform initiative in the country, but Israel, the US, its Arab allies
    and Turkey sought hard to bring the country into chaos through any
    possible means. Tel Aviv, Washington, Ankara and some Arab capitals
    have been staging various plots to topple President Bashar al-Assad,
    who is well known in the world for his anti-Israeli stances.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress