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Russian Former Ambassador To Armenia Is Indignant At Statement By An

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  • Russian Former Ambassador To Armenia Is Indignant At Statement By An


    by Marianna Lazarian
    Wednesday, October 9, 17:50

    The former ambassador of Russia to Armenia, Vyacheslav Kovalenko,
    comments on recent interview by political expert Richard Giragosian
    with Arminfo news agency. Here is the full text of his commentary,
    as he asked:

    "In his recent interview with Arminfo news agency, the head of the
    Centre for Regional Studies, Richard Giragosian, has again cast doubt
    upon Armenia's decision to join the Customs Union. He said nothing
    new. Nevertheless, I think it is important to draw attention on
    arguments, which supporters of orientation towards the EU (including
    Giragosian) use, saying that the way of further development chosen by
    Armenia is wrong. In this context, they separate not only the economic
    prospect but also the fact that Armenia lost confidence as a partner
    of the western countries. Giragosian regrets that almost four years
    of work for signing of the Association Agreement and DCFTA with the
    EU which had to be signed in Vilnius in November of the current year,
    were in vain. Coming forward from the position of Armenia's patriot,
    Giragosian regrets that from now on Brussels will start reducing
    its programmes that cost millions EUR, which were earlier foreseen
    for making reforms. In such an attitude I see, at least, two moments
    which do not enhance Mr Giragosian's "patriotic position". He seems
    to forget that not everything is sold in this world for money, that
    Armenia is sovereign state which does not accept diktat of the EU, and
    its conditions hidden under the pseudo-democratic principle "more for
    more". What the EU offered in the form of the association relations,
    is not so much good for the national interests of Armenia. Why did
    the EU refuse Yerevan's aspiration to preserve its foreign political
    course, saying about incompatibility of Armenia's participation in
    the European integration and Eurasian processes simultaneously? The
    Europeans put the question point-blank" "either-or". which in
    fact would mean changing of the political course and canceling of
    the allied relations with Russia. Today, Giragosian says quite the
    contrary, that just joining the Customs Union will "become a dramatic
    changing of Armenia's course". He seems not to be aware that Moscow
    but not Brussels accepted both directions (European and Eurasian),
    and thought that their simultaneous development is possible as they
    replenish each other. Giragosian says nothing about it, but insists
    that Russia forced Armenia to refuse the European development course
    in order to please its empire ambitions.

    Mr. Giragosian is not embarrassed to lie just to help the EU to save
    its face. He is not ashamed to call Armenia's position a shame, a
    strategic mistake, a lost opportunity. What he wants to say is that
    the EU is right in whatever it does, that its policy is a blessing
    for Armenia, while the Customs Union is nothing but a mistake for
    it. But by saying this he denies Armenia its right to choose.

    What has the EU done for Armenia after all? Several millions EUR given
    to the country so it could unify the requirements to the products
    it makes for export, annual grants of some 200 million EUR, soft
    loans the country will have to repay one day and endless promises of
    financial assistance and investments. It's not very much, is it?

    Kovalenko says that experts, like Mr.Giragosian, blame Russia for
    almost all difficulties and problems experienced by Armenia. "There
    is no secret in assessment of the trade, economic, and investment
    relations between the two countries. Russia is a major foreign trade
    partner of Armenia. Its annual investments total 3 bln USD (which is
    as much as the USA's investments throughout the period of Armenia's
    independence. The private transfers from Russia to Armenia total 3 bln
    USD per annum. Russia is the key foreign labor market for Armenia's
    citizens. Big Russian investments in energy and communications are
    expected in relation to Armenia's decision to join the Customs Union",
    he says.

    ovalenko thinks that Mr.Giragosian should not frighten Armenia by
    hopeless future or loss of opportunities. "European commissioners
    realize this and are trying to make adjustments to the work with
    Armenia. Giragosian speaks about it frankly, but at the same time,
    he editorializes it, stressing that the context of cooperation
    will change, new demands will be put forward to the Armenian
    Government and the focus will be shifted from the ruling party and
    the Government to the opposition. Apparently, this means that the EU
    will actively start preparing a "fifth column" inside the country to
    trigger anti-governmental sentiments in the civil society and hold
    protest actions. Briefly speaking, this will lead to destabilization
    of the situation. If it is so, I'd like to recall that almost 80%
    of Armenia's citizens consider that the country's accession to the
    Customs Union will strengthen the economy and the national security
    system of Armenia. This is an important remark and it should make the
    Armenian authorities take specific steps to formalize such sentiments
    of the overwhelming majority of the citizens and to switch them onto
    the track of public movement to support the Eurasian process. One
    shouldn't do such things half-way".
