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EBRD Helps Armenians Gain Better Access To Financial Services

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  • EBRD Helps Armenians Gain Better Access To Financial Services


    17:45 10.10.2013

    The flow of remittances in Armenia has been dramatically rising in
    recent years, mostly due to a large diaspora, with approximately 11
    million Armenians living abroad. In 2012 remittances were estimated
    at US$ 1.9 million - about 20 per cent of the country's GDP, and
    twice as high as foreign direct investment (FDI).

    However the flow of savings to the formal financial sector remains
    low. Remittances are sent via money transfer systems, and are
    collected at local bank branches by family members who often do not
    have an account and are unaware of the benefits they can receive from
    usual banking products. Among the recipients of remittances are also
    citizens living in rural areas. According to the World Bank's Global
    Index 2012, only 17 per cent of people over the age of 15 in Armenia
    have an account at a financial institution, while only one per cent
    of the population keep their savings in a bank.

    To address this issue, and to help Armenians and the economy
    fully benefit from these financial flows, the European Bank for
    Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has launched a new initiative
    - Financial Literacy to Remittance Recipients programme in Armenia -
    which is funded through the EBRD's multi-donor Early Transition Country
    (ETC) Fund. The innovative financial education project aims to boost
    financial inclusion in Armenia, by developing personal finance skills
    and increasing the confidence of remittance recipients in opening
    bank accounts.

    Under the scheme, over the past year more than 24,000 people across
    the country have been trained on how to better manage their finances,
    with over 10,000 of them opening accounts, which attracted more than
    US$ 4 million in deposits over nine months.

    Five Armenian banks joined the initiative, and specially trained
    financial advisors were engaged in bank branches that handle large
    numbers of remittance transactions, inviting customers for free
    one-on-one consultations to help them manage their finances and,
    if appropriate, to open a bank account.

    Mark Davis, Head of the EBRD's Resident Office in Yerevan, believes
    making better use of local banks is crucial for leveraging the impact
    of remittance flows. By developing and encouraging more formal routes
    for money transfers, the EBRD is able to help integrate these funds
    in the wider economy.

    Said Davis: "It is a question of banks using the opportunity to
    attract new customers and offer specifically tailored products, while
    educating people to use local banks and to open accounts. Encouraging
    beneficiaries to use local banks will help to further strengthen the
    banking sector, and expand credit availability and new products. It
    is a win-win situation. Banks and the economy will benefit, and new
    customers can benefit from products they were never aware existed,
    such as interest on savings, or leveraging money for mortgages or
    loans to start a small business."

    Armenak Darbinyan, Board Member of the Central Bank of Armenia, said:
    "The project proved that financial education is an effective instrument
    to help people change their financial behaviour and thus improve their
    financial well-being. Another important aspect is that the project
    is a success story and a good example for all banks to initiate or
    get engaged in financial education activities."

    The ETC Fund's financial literacy project, implemented by the
    Developing Markets Associates Limited consultancy from October 2012
    to September 2013, is part of a larger programme that has been carried
    out in several early transition countries, including Georgia, Moldova,
    Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic and, most recently, Armenia,
    to strengthen the financial inclusion of remittance recipients.

    Already 145,000 people have been provided with consultations, 23,000
    new accounts have been opened, and a total of US$ 26 million has been
    deposited in these accounts.
