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Azerbaijani President Aliyev, One Of Israel's Best Friends And Arms

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  • Azerbaijani President Aliyev, One Of Israel's Best Friends And Arms


    International Business Times News
    October 10, 2013

    By Palash Ghosh

    on October 09 2013 2:30 PMShare this
    articleï~H~D0ï~H~B9ï~H~G0Ä~FpmoreIlham Aliyev, the pro-Western
    president of Azerbaijan, has been re-elected to a third straight term
    in his oil-rich Caucasus state that has become an important supplier
    of oil and gas to Western Europe as well as a key strategic regional
    opponent of Iran. He won 83 percent of the vote - but opponents have
    claimed fraud and ballot-stuffing by the president and his supporters.

    Aliyev was so confident of victory that he did not even bother to
    campaign, the BBC reported, while opposition figures and activists
    have long criticized the president for immense corruption, fraud,
    human rights violations and brutally stifling dissent in the nation
    of 9.3 million along the western shores of the Caspian Sea. Indeed,
    in 2009, Aliyev pushed through a constitutional referendum that lifted
    the two-term presidency limit, thereby allowing him to remain in power.

    Human Rights Watch, a New York-based activist organization, slammed
    Aliyev for his regime's intense crackdown on the opposition in the
    year leading up to the election. Reportedly, the Baku government has
    banned large public assemblies and doubled the number of political
    prisoners languishing in its jails.

    Aliyev, who "inherited" power from his father, KGB-trained Heydar
    Aliyev, who died 10 years ago, has nonetheless engineered an economic
    boom - as the country's oil and gas wealth has helped GDP to more than
    treble in only the past decade, creating unprecedented improvements
    in the people's living standards. "I voted for the president, because
    he is the person who secured stability in the republic during the
    past 10 years of his rule, and we saw clear results of his activity,"
    an Azeri voter named Iskander Kerimov told the BBC. "I think he will
    be working hard in the future as well for the sake of the country,
    for the sake of stability, peace and prosperity."

    Indeed, Western nations and oil companies - including BP plc (NYSE: BP)
    and ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM) -- have largely overlooked the corruption
    and brutality of Aliyev's state machinery because of its vast oil and
    natural gas reserves. For the past eight years, Azerbaijani crude
    oil has been pumped through Georgia and Turkey for eager markets
    in Western Europe (completely bypassing Russia and Iran), with the
    support and financial aid of the U.S.

    In addition, Aliyev provides a strong pro-Western geo-strategic
    bulwark against Iran, Azerbaijan's troublesome neighbor to the south.

    In connection with Baku's strained relations with Iran, Aliyev has
    fostered very close relations with Israel. Over the past few years,
    intelligence agencies from both Israel and Azerbaijan have reportedly
    prevented terror attacks on Jewish targets in Baku by Iranian entities
    and their affiliates, including the Lebanese Hezbollah. In 2012,
    for example, Iran allegedly plotted to blow up both the U.S. and
    Israeli embassies in Baku. In response, the Iranians have accused
    Azerbaijan of assisting Israel in the assassination of top Iranian
    nuclear scientists. Further, Iran became alarmed by reports (since
    denied by both Baku and Israel) that the Jewish state was planning
    to use an Azerbaijan military base to launch pre-emptive strikes on
    Iran to destroy its budding nuclear weapons program.

    In fact, Azerbaijan (a former Persian territory) and Iran share
    some strong similarities - both are overwhelmingly Shia Muslim and
    Iran has a significant Azeri community (indeed, Iran's Supreme
    Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is himself of Azeri descent). But
    that hasn't prevented Baku from entering into binding military,
    energy and security agreements with Iran's bitterest enemy, Israel
    (which opened an embassy in Baku as long ago as 1992, shortly after
    Azerbaijan became an independent state). In May of this year, Azeri
    Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov made a state visit to Israel (the
    first such journey by such a high-level Azeri minister), triggering
    more vitriol from Teheran.

    Last year, Azeri officials signed a $1.6 billion deal with
    state-controlled Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. under which Baku
    will receive unmanned aerial vehicles (i.e. drones), anti-aircraft
    and missile defense systems. UPI reported that this one transaction
    accounted for 43 percent of the Azeris' defense expenditures for the
    whole year. In 2011, an Israeli defense contractor named Aeronautics
    opened a factory in Azerbaijan to manufacture military UAVs.

    In exchange, Israel gains not only a much-needed Muslim friend in
    a very dangerous neighborhood, but also a huge portion (40 percent)
    of its annual oil requirements come from Azerbaijan. Bilateral trade
    between Azerbaijan and Israel now totals some $4 billion annually.

    Since 1997, a number of senior Israeli politicians, including Prime
    Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres, have visited
    Azerbaijan, solidifying their military and economic relationship.

    Israel's links to Baku intensified a few years ago when Jerusalem's
    once-strong diplomatic ties to Turkey collapsed after Israel commandos
    killed Turkish civilians on the Gaza flotilla that sought to send
    supplies to Palestinians in May 2010.

    "The partnership between Israel and Azerbaijan is complicated by
    political factors, but ultimately it is moving forward because
    it makes sense from an economical point of view," said Oded Eran,
    a former Israeli ambassador to the European Union and ex-director
    of Israel's Institute for National Security Studies, according to
    the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. "Azerbaijan is reliable enough as
    a supplier of oil for Israel, and Israel is a reliable supplier of
    high-tech and arms."

    But the Azeris can only go so far without antagonizing Iran too much -
    for one thing, Azerbaijan has not yet opened up an embassy in Israel;
    moreover, Baku even signed a "non-aggression" pact with Teheran
    in 2005. Quipping about the often-secretive nature of the Azeris'
    relations with Israel, Ilham Aliyev himself once famously likened it
    to an iceberg by stating: "Nine-tenths of it is below the surface."

    Intriguingly, Raphael Harpaz, Israel's ambassador to Azerbaijan, who
    has praised the Azeris for their "courageous stand against efforts to
    destabilize the region" (a direct snipe at Iran), also claimed that
    anti-Semitism is nonexistent in Azerbaijan. Indeed, some 42,000 Jews
    call Azerbaijan home.

    Moreover, Baku's relations with Teheran cannot be regarded as stable
    - a recent crackdown on Iran's Azeri minority sparked outrage
    in Azerbaijan, which, in turn, prompted the Iranians to verbally
    invoke old territorial claims on Azerbaijan. On a cultural front,
    Azerbaijan is a secular, Western-leaning society with some freedoms
    for its people, compared to a very repressive and rigid Iran.

    "Azerbaijan's economic success and relatively liberal attitudes form
    a contrast with Iran's restrictive policies and a viable alternative,
    which is probably making the mullah regime [of Iran] uncomfortable,"
    Avinoam Idan, a senior research fellow at John Hopkins University's
    Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, JTA reported.

    However, Idan added that Azerbaijan's cozy ties with Israel are
    designed not so much to rankle Iran, but rather another regional (and
    less prominent) enemy, Armenia. Azerbaijan and Armenia have waged
    at least two wars over the much-disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region -
    causing thousands of death and hundreds of thousands of refugees.

    Aliyev's continued aggressive designs on the disputed territory have
    made his Western allies unwilling to sell him weapons (this is where
    Israel came in handy, as a very eager arms-seller).

    Still, Aliyev has to walk a fine line by maintaining good relations
    with both Israel and Iran - as long as the oil keeps flowing through
    his pipes, he can likely keep up this fragile state of affairs.
