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NKR Ombudsman On Disinformation Spread By Azerbaijani Ombudsman Inst

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  • NKR Ombudsman On Disinformation Spread By Azerbaijani Ombudsman Inst


    14:28 11/10/2013 " INTERVIEWS

    Exclusive interview of with the Ombudsman of NKR Yuri

    - Mr. Hayrapetyan, please tell us about your participation at a
    conference in Austria, devoted to the 25th anniversary of the European
    Ombudsman Institute.

    - In 19-22, September as a member of the European Ombudsman Institute,
    I attended the event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the
    Institute and the regular general meeting of the EOI. One of the main
    events was the conference of the ombudsmen titled "Independence of the
    Ombudsman in Europe", which took place on September 20. Deputy European
    Commissioner for Human Rights Lowry Sivonen, the representative of the
    European Ombudsman Gerhard Grill, scientists from Italy and Japan,
    representative of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
    Jorg Gebhard and others read reports at the conference.

    I also made a report at the conference. I raised the issue of necessity
    of paying the official European bodies' precise attention, involved
    in the protection of human rights, at the national institute of the
    ombudsman of the de facto independent states. Informing about the
    history and formation of the Human Rights Defender Institute of the
    NKR, I noted that we regard it as an important part of democratic
    processes taking place in our country.

    I emphasized that our institution is deprived of the assistance which
    was provided by the European structures to the official national
    ombudsman institutions of post-Soviet states, and thus is forced to
    evolve, using the international experience that can be found in the
    Internet and other resources. In this regard, the general meeting of
    members and other events organized by EOI are, perhaps, the only means
    to communicate with my colleagues and learn from their experience. I
    also noted that I am informed about the EU Commissioner for Human
    Rights N. Muzhnieks' monitoring conducted in the area of situation
    of the human rights in various countries, and that I regretted for
    his absence at the conference and asked his Deputy - Lauri Sivonen
    to pass him my request on discussing the possibility of his visit to
    NKR for the same purpose.

    - Azerbaijani media spread disinformation about you allegedly being
    "removed from the conference" at the request of the Azerbaijani side.

    Please, tell us what happened there in reality?

    - After my speech the representative of Azerbaijani ombudsman Z.

    Aliyev asked a word. He made a traditional anti-Armenian statement
    stating that my participation in the conference is a violation of
    international law. In response to this statement the rather rigid
    comment of the Secretary General EOI Zh. Zigele followed. He rightly
    drew attention of the speaker to the inadmissibility of political
    statements made by him from the conference tribune as well as
    the legitimacy of my participation. Mr. L. Sivonen, thanked me
    for my offer and noted that it was right, the administration of EU
    Commissioner was not engaged in providing technical assistance to the
    Institute of Ombudsman of the de facto independent states, and kindly
    agreed to convey to Mr. N. Muzhnieks my invitation to visit Nagorno
    Karabakh in order to monitor the human rights situation there. The
    next day, on 21 September, a general meeting of members of the EOI
    was held. The reports of the President and other senior officials of
    EOI were presented. It was followed by the election of the president,
    members of the board and auditors of the organization in which I also
    participated as a full member of the EOI.

    A detailed report about my stay in Innsbruck can be found on the
    website of the Ombudsman of the NKR ( and the Facebook
    page (Ombudsman Office of the NKR). As for the information posted on
    the website of the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan stating
    that at the request of Z. Aliyev, the employee of the Azerbaijani
    Ombudsman Office, I was allegedly "removed" from the international
    conference, it is a blatant lie. Perhaps, this disinformation has been
    prepared for internal use only and was not intended to deliver it out
    of the Azerbaijani borders, in order not to be caught in lie. However,
    the Ombudsman is available at just the Azerbaijani language (without
    translation into English). However, some Azerbaijani agencies caught
    this "canard" and quickly spread it in Russian.

    In addition, he also made a mistake, the European Institute of
    the Ombudsman marked not the 15th (as stated in its information),
    but the 25th anniversary of its establishment. The representative of
    Azerbaijan misinforms also the government, saying that "in his speech,
    he has presented in detail the activities of the Ombudsman Office of
    Azerbaijan." In fact, he addressed to Mr. L. Sivonen with a strange
    question concerning the possibility of the European Commissioner for
    Human Rights to influence on Strasburg court. This caused bewilderment
    among the present. In response an Ombudsman from one of the regions
    taught a little lesson to Z. Aliyev on the judicial independence topic,
    and Mr. L. Sivonen developed this topic bringing the example of the
    European Court of Human Rights.

    - What are you planning to do next?

    I turned to the community of the ombudsmen to Europe with a call
    to condemn the behavior of the representative of Azerbaijan. In
    the current situation, I, as a member of the European community
    of ombudsmen, am more concerned with the future of the Institute
    of ombudsman in general, which by such behavior of some members
    endangers itself of becoming a political body, and thus to step away
    from the famous Parisian principles. Regarding the political, not just
    incorrect, but also false, and sometimes bellicose statements of the
    Azerbaijani Ombudsman, this institution has already undergone such
    transformation in the neighboring state. Therefore, I considered it
    my duty to bring this to the attention of all EOI members. I would
    like to hope that it will help them be more critical towards the
    Azerbaijani Ombudsman's anti-Armenian statements which have already
    become traditional.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress