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The Huffington Post: New Entrepreneurial Initiative Brings Tiny Arme

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  • The Huffington Post: New Entrepreneurial Initiative Brings Tiny Arme


    09:28 ~U 15.10.13

    ONEArmenia and its latest venture, the Shift::Tech initiative bring
    tectonic change to Armenia, one project at a time.

    Ad executive and entrepreneur Patrick Sarkissian founded ONEArmenia
    in 2012 in order to take advantage of that country's remarkable brain
    power and cultural strength and to help to save a young generation
    of Armenians from the corruption and negativity prevalent in all
    post-Soviet Republics. Armenians, who have been around for some three
    thousand years, are wont to go on about their sometimes glorious
    past and the many great entrepreneurs and artists that they have
    produced over the centuries. But the collapse of the USSR, a war with
    Azerbaijian, a frightening Earthquake and blockade by Turkey have left
    many in the Republic of Armenia morose. Emigration has surpassed one
    million (out of four million) souls. Corruption is rampant.

    "Enough looking backwards!" might be an apt motto for Sarkissian and
    his colleagues at ONEArmenia. In a remarkably short period of time,
    Sarkissian has brought together like-minded entrepreneurs and cultural
    workers including hospitality entrepreneur James Tufenkian who produces
    gorgeous oriental carpets and has opened a chain of top-rated hotels
    across the country. The idea behind

    ONEArmenia is to use crowd sourcing and crowdfunding--modern
    fundraising tools--in order to raise money for much-needed projects
    in the humanitarian, environmental and tech fields. Each project
    donation is completely vetted to produce zero percent corruption--a
    most attractive feature to potential investors, young and old.

    Of the organization's many projects, its Shift:: Culture has been
    particularly enticing. The project received submissions from all over
    the globe, both within Armeniua and from its far-flung diaspora. The
    winner, the Epsidon Theater Group, took an old Armenian story by
    the great writer Nar-Dos called "He and I" and transformed it into
    a vibrant, contemporary rock opera. The project was so successful
    and the enthusiasm for it so great that Sarkissian then launched
    ONEArmenia's current undertaking SHIFT:: Tech. As the "shift" in both
    titles suggest, the idea is to shift traditional ways of thinking both
    in and outside Armenia about the Republic and the possibilities it
    affords. "Armenia is a country with 99% literacy and 36% unemployment,"
    Sarkissian explains: "I wanted to bring attention to Armenia's highly
    successful IT sector which has already produced hundreds of millions
    of exits (export dollars)."

    Shift:: Tech is an open call to develop a mobile app in Armenia
    for the world market. Armenia is already considered a high-tech hub
    for the former CIS countries and the Caucasus. In fact the world's
    premiere, full-featured mobile photo editor, Picsart, Inc., for
    example, was founded there and already has over 77 million users. It
    was developed and produced in one of the many small offices which
    now dot the country's capital Yerevan, which are reminiscent of
    Silicon Valley's early days when people put together giants like
    Apple inside small crowded garages and the like. Armenia's booming
    IT sector, considered to be virtually corruption-free, accounts
    for no less than 20% of the country's annual GDP. Not surprisingly,
    start-ups are popping up all over the country. Says David Bequette,
    OneArmenia's in-country director: Armenia's potential is not up for doesn't need to look any farther than the Internet for
    an environment where the talents of its young engineers, programmers,
    designers and software developers can truly take flight."

    SHIFT:: Tech's winning entry will be voted on by a peer review
    committee that includes some industry powerhouses, including Alexis
    Ohanian, Co-Founder of Reddit and Hipmunk, Matthew Brimer, co-founder
    of General Assembly and Yoav Kutner, the Co-Founder of Magento and
    Oro CRM. "SHIFT:: Tech offers enough support for the winning team of
    developers to focus their time and efforts exclusively on an app idea
    and make it a reality by building a functioning, viable product for
    a big global marketplace", said Nigel Sharp, founder of LionSharp
    Solutions--a leading creative technology start-up: "Awareness of
    the technology possibilities will improve and hopefully inspire
    more people to utilize Armenia's impressive engineering and mobile
    development capabilities."

    The First Place winner will be given the opportunity to work with
    Social Objects, a leading mobile app development start-up in Yerevan,
    in order to turn their abstract idea into a unique and important
    contribution to the software sphere and to society as a whole. In
    addition to having a world-class development team build their app,
    part of the $25,000 in-kind grant will go to marketing and taking
    the app to market. Following official OneArmenia policy, a portion
    of profits from the project will be reinvested to help fund another
    key OneArmenia sector --namely its community projects. It's a win-win
    proposition, no matter which way you look at it.

    From: Baghdasarian