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Crisis Group On The Karabakh Conflict

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  • Crisis Group On The Karabakh Conflict


    New Eastern Europe
    Oct 15 2013

    Author: Michael Kambeck .

    Syria and Iran currently dominate our agenda, but the nearby
    developments between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the conflict area
    of Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) have become increasingly worrying. This
    so-called frozen conflict shows clear signs of unfreezing and
    has the potential to unleash a much larger scale of warfare,
    including geo-political tectonic shifts and human suffering. Now,
    the International Crisis Group (ICG), a key NGO flagging conflict
    warnings worldwide, has published a new report on this conflict in
    the South Caucasus. "Terms like 'Blitzkrieg', 'pre-emptive strike'
    and 'total war' have gained currency with both sides' planners," the
    report's authors say, although war scenarios are much more dominant
    in the Azerbaijani public than in Armenia.

    Misusing conflict to distract from internal problems

    The report is very timely, and considers potential unrest in both
    countries. Azerbaijan's presidential elections which have just passed,
    although most observers expected a staged renewal of the Aliyev
    family's autocratic rule, may inspire uprisings. Armenia's decision
    to join the Russian-dominated Customs Union may also provoke internal
    unrest, the ICG assume, and both countries may be tempted to use
    the NK conflict to distract from their internal problems. Previous
    elections in Azerbaijan have produced heightened military tensions
    on the border with Armenia and NK. Yet Armenia's internal situation
    with the next elections due in 2017 seems incomparable and large-scale
    unrest unlikely. Russia's reinforced strategic partnership with Armenia
    could even prevent a possible war. These ICG conclusions, therefore,
    try too hard to see parallels where actually the situations differ.

    They call upon the international community to work with the sides to
    maintain a "quiet period during which both sides dial down rhetoric",
    to avoid accidental war. The report recommends re-establishing a
    "crisis hotline" in order to lessen chances of a military escalation
    and an efficient arms embargo regime for the conflict zone. These
    positive suggestions have been put forward by the expert community
    from time to time, including the book Europe's next avoidable war -
    Nagorno-Karabakh (Palgrave, 2013).

    No confidence, no peace?

    The report's weakness is the attempt to balance out the unbalanced.

    For example, the authors criticise Azerbaijan for being the driving
    force in the arms race, for their regular hate speeches, including
    those by President Ilham Aliyev, and for the extradition of the axe
    murderer Ramil Safarov from Hungary and his immediate pardon and
    public glorification in Baku as an anti-Armenian hero. The ICG report
    additionally notes the NK authorities' intention to re-launch civilian
    flights between their Stepanakert Airport and Yerevan, a project which
    would reduce transportation times, but not change anything else with
    respect to current road transport. It would have been better to point
    out this imbalance: both sides in the conflict clearly could do more
    for peace, but currently mainly one side publicly works against it.

    However, the report is a comprehensive resource for all the key facts,
    even providing its own original sources, and admits that "since
    mediation efforts have stalled, Baku has increasingly emphasised a
    military solution, publicly and privately."

    The authors analyse that "time is neither side's ally"; and this
    is correct. For Azerbaijan, the arms race is based on the country's
    massive oil and gas revenues, which analysts say have already peaked.

    For Armenia and NK, the economic costs of the isolation orchestrated
    by Turkey and Azerbaijan make it difficult to keep up in this arms
    race. While these points explain the urgency for action, they do
    not provide for an artificial balance: Armenia has no incentive to
    start any military adventure, while Azerbaijan is even creating such
    incentives for itself, in particular by impeding the OSCE's Minsk
    Group mediations. During the years, these mediations have produced a
    road map for peace already agreed by both sides' foreign ministers,
    for the summit in Kazan (in 2011), as well as a list of confidence
    building measures (CBMs). However, President Aliyev renounced the road
    map negotiated by his foreign minister in Kazan, effectively stalling
    the deal, and Baku still refuses all proposed CBMs, demanding that
    NK first withdraw from the buffer zone, which is actually one point
    contained in the road map Aliyev rejected. In this way, Baku torpedoes
    the Minsk Group process and then complains about its ineffectiveness -
    all the while accelerating its arms acquisitions and declaring that
    even Armenia's capital, Yerevan, is allegedly positioned on "ancient
    Azeri soil".

    A question of leverage

    The urgency of CBMs cannot be underlined enough. The ICG mentions NK's
    recent call for cooperation regarding the Sarsang water reservoir,
    which Baku again turned down. This reservoir could be misused by
    either side to cause a military escalation, for example through acts
    of sabotage. Re-establishing the hotline connection and denouncing
    the propaganda of hate are also vital components to allow for a
    breakthrough in the peace process. The question will be how the
    international community, especially the European Union, can exercise
    leverage on the side that so far blocks these CBMs, i.e. Azerbaijan.

    Waiting for a change of government in Baku may take too long.

    Azerbaijani lobbyists are currently re-floating an idea in Brussels
    to condition the EU's Association Agreements (AA) to progress in the
    NK conflict resolution, knowing that Azerbaijan does not seek an AA
    and that Baku would thus receive a veto over Armenia's relations
    with the EU. However, reformulated, this idea could work. First,
    it must include all sorts of agreements that the EU negotiates
    with both sides, including the energy partnership that Azerbaijan
    currently seeks with the EU. Secondly, the country in question needs
    to be able to fulfil the conditions alone, without depending on the
    other conflict party in its relationship with the EU. For example,
    the EU could help establish the Minsk Group's proposed investigation
    mechanism for shooting incidents, even deploy observers. This CBM,
    accomplishable by each conflict party alone, could be a condition
    for contractual agreements with the EU.

    Michael Kambeck is co-founder of European Friends of Armenia and
    its Secretary General. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the
    University of Bonn and an MA in European Studies from the University
    of Leeds.
