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NATO Says China-Made Defense Systems In Turkey 'Virus' For Alliance

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  • NATO Says China-Made Defense Systems In Turkey 'Virus' For Alliance


    October 15, 2013 - 10:31 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Defense officials from NATO member states have
    described any potential Turkish effort to integrate China-made
    long-range air and anti-missile defense system into NATO's overall
    air defense architecture as a "virus" within the allied system and a
    "possibly most futile effort," Hurriyet Daily News reports.

    "NATO's own command and control system that 'mashes' input from allied
    networks is far more important than a Chinese air defense system in
    Turkey," said one defense attaché from a leading NATO member state.

    "There is no place for China within this critical system. We would
    not wish to see a virus in a complex system."

    A NATO ambassador in Ankara said Turkey was disillusioned with the idea
    of making the Chinese-built air defense architecture NATO-operable. "I
    have no idea why the Turks do not see the simple fact that the
    alliance's security threat perception in the next 20 years is based
    on China. Air and missile defense will be the top defense issue in
    the foreseeable future, with China being under the magnifier."

    According to Western defense officials and analysts, the central
    problem will be the difficulty to connect the proposed Chinese air
    defense assets to NATO's critical Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) system
    that operates on "Mode 5," a code that enables allied radar systems
    and aircraft to recognize whether an unknown aircraft is friendly or
    an enemy.

    "Turkey has its own efforts to build the transponder part of the
    entire IFF system, but a fully functioning system would require the
    interrogator part too. To make the Chinese system NATO-operable, the
    Turks would require Mode 5 codes and I see no reason why the [U.S.]
    National Security Agency should give a nod to this crazy idea,"
    said one U.S. defense official.

    Top Turkish officials said the controversial air and missile defense
    system Turkey intends to buy from a Chinese manufacturer would be
    automatically integrated with NATO assets stationed in Turkey.

    When asked about possible NATO objection to the idea of any such
    integration, Turkish Defense Minister İsmet Yilmaz said "he sees no
    problem with this."

    Murad Bayar, head of the Undersecretariat for Defense Procurement,
    said full integration with NATO assets was an explicit condition in
    the contract for the planned air defense system.

    "As part of this program, a Turkish defense company will be tasked
    with integrating the air defense system into a network operated by
    the Turkish Air Force. That integration will mean integration with
    NATO assets, too, since the Turkish system is fully integrated with
    the NATO system," Bayar said, according to the HDN.

    The much-debated Chinese bid from China Precision Machinery
    Export-Import Corp. (CPMIEC), which won the tender Sept 26, came in at
    $3.44 billion; the initial contract price was estimated at $4 billion.

    The Chinese contender defeated a U.S. partnership of Raytheon and
    Lockheed Martin, offering thePatriot air defense system; Russia's
    Rosoboronexport, marketing the S-300; and the Italian-French consortium
    Eurosam, maker of the SAMP/T Aster 30.

    Under the program, dubbed T-LORAMIDS, Turkey will start contract
    negotiations with CPMIEC, the front-runner of the competition. If
    these talked fail, contract negotiations with the Eurosam consortium,
    the second best offer according to a grading of bids, will begin,
    according to Bayar. The U.S. Patriot system was ranked third. Bayar
    said the Russian option had been eliminated entirely.
