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In Brussels, The Boghossian Foundation Focuses On The Reconstruction

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  • In Brussels, The Boghossian Foundation Focuses On The Reconstruction




    Fifteen experts from several countries have recently come together
    for a rich testimony and information day.

    "Rebuilding the memorial dialogue: Armenian-Turkish example" is
    the theme developed during international meetings at Villa Empain
    Brussels headquarters of the Boghossian Foundation. In the marble
    lobby of this sumptuous, jewel of Belgian Art Deco heritage, the
    day was full of information, interventions and evidence. The theme
    of the Turkish-Armenian dialogue was addressed by fifteen speakers,
    teachers, researchers, journalists, writers, artists, from Belgium,
    but also France, Switzerland, Turkey, Canada, and has declined on three
    pillars: the duality Turkey-Armenia, the construction of identities,
    art and memory.

    In opening the meeting day, Albert Boghossian, founder and treasurer
    of the foundation member, paid tribute to Edward Jakhian "Armenian
    Brussels" great Belgian humanist of Armenian origin who died last May.

    Mr. Boghossian said that the Armenian genocide of 1915 remained
    "an open wound because unrecognized" and launched the discussion by
    asking why the genocide was still disputed by Turkey.

    Evelyne de Mevius young doctoral student, whose memory philosophy
    "Ethics reconstructive the test of Armenian genocide" was published
    by Boghossian, addressed the issue of recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide through the prism of reconstructive ethics which involves
    reviewing in depth the story to "lift the destiny" of the tragic
    relationship between Turks and Armenians. She recalled, highlighted,
    that supported Jakhian Island: "The daughter or son of the victim
    remain the victim's daughter or son of the executioner is not the
    executioner"; Jakhian, who fought for the recognition of Armenian
    genocide, but not least trying to find the "right" of Turkey, these
    women and men who helped save Armenian lives during these dark days
    of history, and to honor them. "100 years have not helped alleviate
    bruised memory of the Armenian people and undermine the revisionist
    armor that prevents the Turkish people to recognize this dark chapter
    in its history, she said. Only the recognition of this drama could
    appease one side or the other, the conflicting report that these
    people have with their past and each other. "

    Duality Turkey-Armenia

    Duality Turkey-Armenia, moderated by the Belgian radio journalist Eddy
    Caekelberghs debate addressed the issue by the historical bias. This
    is Olivier Mongin, director of Esprit, who recalled the various stages
    of recognition of the Armenian Genocide through five steps, the first
    is in the middle of the sixties, with the first visible evocation
    of commemorative fiftieth anniversary of the genocide, and the last
    period 2009/2010, the Turkish initiative with a petition calling for
    the opening of a dialogue on the issue of the Armenian genocide.

    Michel Marian, a lecturer at the Institute of Political Studies in
    Paris and Ahmet Insel, a professor at Galatasaray University and
    lecturer at Paris I, have detailed "The Armenian taboo." For the
    former, Turkey suffered a genuine amnesia is on the Armenian issue,
    amnesia caused by both the small number of Armenians still living
    in Turkey, particularly in Anatolia (region where were deported and
    massacred 1.5 million Armenians), by cutting between the Turks claim
    that today's Turkey and the Ottoman Empire at the end of which was
    perpetrated genocide. Ahmet Insel for the past 20 years, things have
    changed and there is a "related factors of optimism," especially since
    the 2008 petition, signed by 30 000 to 40 000 people and marking the
    first act of apology Turkish citizens in their Armenian citizens "not
    on the genocide itself, but the forgetting, denial of the genocide
    and discriminatory actions that resulted." The issue of the return of
    Armenians in Turkey began to be addressed, says the researcher, and
    the Armenians are allowed to come "visit" the land of their ancestors,
    especially in the Anatolia region. However, the issue of property,
    including land belonging to many Armenians and looted remains taboo.

    "A circular prohibits access to land registers before 1924 in order to
    protect the security of the state. And no historical research can be
    done on this tradition of referral of real estate, "said Ahmet Insel.

    "Today, Turkish society is afraid of being expelled from Anatolia,
    these ill-gotten land. We are in the illusory idea of a homogeneous
    Turkish society. Without a fair memory, no memory subsided. The
    Armenian question must be part of the process of democratization of
    Turkish society. "And to emphasize:" The Armenian issue will return
    like a boomerang to the figure of Turkey as it has not done its job
    memory. The Turkish identity is built on the negation of the other,
    his disappearance. Recognize this genocide equivalent to deconstruct,
    to deny oneself ", hence the difficulty of recognition.

    Guillaume Perrier, Le Monde correspondent in Istanbul, is the co-author
    of a survey on "Turkey and the Armenian ghost", conducted since 2004,
    and the debate on the accession of Turkey to the European Union. "The
    attempt to erase the Armenian memory is failing. The Armenianness
    exists, the memory is transmitted by oral tradition. When we stop
    in the villages of Anatolia, memory emerges through the hidden
    memory, lies, even the denial of state. "And to tell the story of the
    presidential palace in Ankara, believed to have been purchased at an
    Armenian family, but in reality - documents attest - was robbed and
    offered to Ataturk in 1921. In other cities, a real work of memory
    refresh is in progress, said the journalist. "The question of" right ",
    which is a reality of any genocide, begins to emerge.Local politicians
    pay tribute to Turkish men who saved Armenian lives. This is a key
    that can be given to the Turks that they may go to this memory. "

    Hamit Bozarslan, research director at the EHESS (Ecole des Hautes
    Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and expert on the Middle East, wondered
    why the denial is maintained while information are increasingly more
    to prove its reality. "Because we are in the case of a founder crime,
    he said, a crime which has built the country. Executives who led the
    genocide were all in the leadership of the country into the sixties.

    The bureaucracy of genocide was entirely appointed by the Kemalist
    party, where the organic continuity of the State. And current
    challenges Taksim Square showed vivid currents today shake Turkey. ".

    Raymond Kevorkian, historian and director of the Journal of
    Contemporary Armenian history, noted a singularity on the issue of
    the Armenian genocide: the elite Young Turks and the Armenian elite
    were united by ties of friendship. "These are two national identities
    that were originally parts to build a common state. "This historical
    data and betrayal that ensued could partly explain the inability of
    the Turkish authorities to recognize the genocide.

    Art and memory ...

    After lunch, the discussions were focused on a more philosophical
    themes through the construction and reconstruction of identities axis.

    Jean-Marc Ferry, Chair of Philosophy of Europe at the University of
    Nantes, sought to answer two questions that summarize the difficulty
    of the debate: why is it so difficult to begin the process of
    reconstruction ? That means virtually rebuild a broken relationship?

    Valerie Rosoux, degree in philosophy and a doctorate in political
    science, has detailed the conditions that would meet for reconciliation
    to restore confidence, to restore the truth.

    The day ended with interventions around "Art and Memory." Moderated
    by Diane Hennebert, responsible for the direction of the Boghossian
    Foundation, this last part of the consolidated accounts of artists
    and journalists of Armenian origin, such Safarian Carolina, Belgian
    actress and writer, and Antoine Agoudjian, French photographer. Memory
    transmission, the themes with sensitivities and different approaches
    but equally rewarding. Mehmet Koksal, a Belgian journalist of Turkish
    origin, has made its contribution to the building by telling the
    investigations that led him to write many articles on the pressures
    of the Turkish denialist lobby in Belgium.

    The place and the work of associations have not been left out, since
    Sibel Asna Arsinee Khanjian and each have detailed the actions carried
    out by the Hrant Dink Foundation in Istanbul and Zorian Institute
    in Toronto. For the record, the Hrant Dink Foundation was created in
    2007 and named after the Turkish-Armenian journalist assassinated in
    January of that year.This structure argues through his actions for
    the freedom of expression, cultural dialogue and peace. The objective
    Zorian Institute for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights.

    In those days, the Boghossian Foundation, a center for dialogue
    between East and West cultures is not his first attempt. Last year at
    the same time, it is Plato and the Orient were the Platonic banquet
    program. The next appointment should be for the thematic trips
    (December 2013) and sacrifice (Spring 2014).

    All speakers stressed the importance of the year 2015, the year of
    the centennial commemoration of the genocide, noting that all options
    were open. Opening year or stiffening, the only time will tell.

    Thursday, October 17, 2013, Stephane ©

    From: A. Papazian