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Ethnic Tensions In Moscow Spook The City's Migrants

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  • Ethnic Tensions In Moscow Spook The City's Migrants


    MOSCOW, October 16 (Howard Amos, RIA Novosti) - Public prayers to
    mark the beginning of the Islamic feast of Eid al-Adha were not as
    crowded as usual this year in Moscow.

    A violent nationalist rampage over the weekend has left the city's
    migrant laborers, many of them from mainly Muslim former Soviet
    nations, feeling uneasy.

    Speaking outside the Cathedral Mosque in downtown Moscow, Maksu
    Magdisyan, a crane operator from Armenia, said he knew of several
    fellow Muslims who had decided against attending prayers because they
    were scared.

    "The imam warned us that there could be provocations," Magdisyan said.

    Moscow police estimated Tuesday that about 103,000 people had
    gathered in the morning sunshine for ritual prayers on the first day
    of festivities for Eid al-Adha, known in Russia by its Turkic name
    of Kurban Bairam. That's nearly one-third less than braved the rain
    last year.

    Ethnic Violence in Moscow

    Nerves have been frayed among the city's migrant population since an
    unsanctioned protest over the killing of 25-year old Yegor Shcherbakov
    last week in the southern Moscow neighborhood of Biryulyovo spiraled
    out of control. The suspected killer, identified as Orkhan Zeinalov,
    from Azerbaijan, was apprehended Tuesday by police special forces in
    a town 120 kilometers outside Moscow.

    On Sunday evening, nationalist protesters clashed with riot police
    and attacked Biryulyovo's Pokrovsky vegetable warehouse, where many
    migrant laborers work.

    Video footage shows mobs of young men shouting "Go Russia" as they
    smash windows.

    Researchers writing for Russian news website said in an article
    this week that the number of Azerbaijanis living in Biryulyovo has
    earned the district the nickname "little Baku" - a reference to the
    former Soviet nation's capital.

    Long-standing Tension

    According to federal migration officials, 11.3 million foreigners
    entered Russia in the first six months of this year, including 3
    million who work illegally. But the term "migrant" is often used to
    refer to Russian citizens from the North Caucasus region who have
    non-Slavic ethnic roots and cultural backgrounds.

    Frustration at demographic trends seen as threatening the native
    Russian population has sparked high-profile episodes of violence in
    recent years. A major undercurrent of the interethnic tensions lies
    in the widespread perception that the police and justice system are
    unable, or unwilling, to ensure law and order.

    The most significant recent wave of xenophobic unrest was in 2010,
    when thousands of football fans demonstrated outside the walls of the
    Kremlin and attacked people of non-Slavic appearance in the street
    after the murder of a Muscovite football fan. The ostensible trigger
    for the unrest was the detention and surprisingly quick release of
    a suspect in the killing, who hailed from the North Caucasus.

    Biryulyovo Fallout

    The authorities have focused much of their attention in Biryulyovo
    since Sunday's violence by targeting workers at the Biryulyovo
    vegetable warehouse, an apparent attempt to soothe local tensions.

    About 1,200 people were rounded up in a police raid Monday at the
    site in what was described as a preventative check for "involvement
    in criminal activity." Senior health officials and investigators say
    it is likely the warehouse will be shut down permanently.

    Migrants across Moscow fear that the rigorous police checks could be
    stepped up after Biryulyovo. Anecdotal accounts of police extorting
    bribes, even from those carrying correct papers, are already

    One group of Tajiks and Uzbeks who live and work on the eastern
    outskirts of Moscow have taken extra precautions during this year's
    Eid al-Adha holiday.

    While their employer had originally given the green light for about
    100 people to gather in a basement and hold an informal prayer meeting,
    permission was suddenly revoked Monday afternoon, the group's foreman
    told RIA Novosti, in light of heightened scrutiny from the authorities

    "So we broke up into groups and ... read prayers in four or five rooms"
    in the dormitories and apartments where they live, said the foreman,
    who asked that his name not be printed out of fear for himself and
    the workers he oversees.

    "One wrong word and I'll get deported that very day, that very minute,
    even though all my papers are in order," he said.

    Mobs: Unaware of Nuance

    If the past few days show anything, it is that crowds propelled by
    nationalist rage make no particular distinctions among the targets
    of their violence.

    An Uzbek migrant who makes his living trading scrap metal and asked
    that his name not be printed out of concern for job security, said
    Central Asian migrants were suffering despite having no apparent link
    to the Biryulyovo events.

    "An Azeri kills a Russian, and for some reason we're the ones who
    get blamed," he said.
