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Washington - City Of Satirists

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  • Washington - City Of Satirists


    Only not so impressive people would fail to notice changes in
    Washington, when big problems occur, and details acquire a new
    importance, such as, for example, the state of asphalt in the central
    districts of Washington. Nevertheless, the paradigm of Washington
    humor is not in remarks of ex-government officials on dislocation of
    public toilets but in the fact that the problems of America are the
    problems of the world, and the international community rather than
    the Americans will need to resolve them.

    There is nothing in the cultural life of Washington, and the National
    Gallery is a banal exhibition, and even two paintings by Jackson
    Pollock cannot add intrigue to this dull exposition. Everything is
    more interesting outside Washington, at the riverhead of the Potomac
    and the foothills of Appalachia.

    In such non-presentable places take place the meetings of the
    right Conservative American elite to discuss the plans of fight
    against Barack Obama's regime hated by the American people. However,
    the Washington humor does not give up, evidence to which was the
    demonstrative dismissal of up to one million government officials that
    was the winning trick of the left Liberal administration of President
    Obama. They say the purpose was blackmail of opponents in and outside
    of the Congress, i.e. the entire American society.

    It seemed to be hard in such a comic situation to see the evaluations
    and reactions to events in Armenia which is invisible from Washington.

    In fact, things are not going well with regional policy but this is
    only the point of view of "objective experts", whereas the experienced
    Republicans, as well as most government administrators responsible
    for the U.S. policy in the regions, think the political catastrophe
    in Armenia on September 3 might be useful to activate the U.S. policy
    on the South Caucasus.

    The Russian topic is one of those few circumstances that brings
    together the current administration with the Republicans. The Armenian
    situation cannot be an important factor but it could act as a detonator
    to reanimate and upgrade several forgotten scenarios in Eastern Europe.

    No doubt there is an agreement between the United States, the EU
    and NATO on strong pressure, or rather parrying of Russia's efforts
    in the Eastern Partnership. The Armenian situation helped Americans
    (not every one of them, of course) to identify the weaknesses in their
    regional policy. In the American strategy the regions are prioritized,
    and the main factor determining the role and importance of the South
    Caucasus is its being part of the European space. In addition, the
    perception of the South Caucasus stops being adequate, and it is time
    to separate Georgia and Armenia into a separate region.

    Russia's hopes and plans that continue to rely on reduced activity of
    the United States in the Black Sea and Caucasian region are profanation
    and attempts to rush into a hypothetical uncertainty in this indefinite
    situation. The situation in Syria showed that after Russia's "victory"
    in the region it is not there and will never be.

    This happens when an uncertain and unprincipled elite is trying to
    get into a sphere where their country has no interests and sufficient
    political resources.

    In fact, Armenia may even benefit from this situation in case its
    government stops this meaningless and detrimental game and continues
    attempts to integrate with the Euro-Atlantic space. In addition, it
    would have been more effective to undertake new initiatives relating
    to NATO. After all, the European Union is always only a means of
    rapprochement with NATO, and the Atlantic establishment differs from
    the EU team in terms of organization and role.

    Apart from these, there is another circumstance - the opinion of
    Armenia on its being a sovereign state cannot be accepted fully. Most
    probably, there is a more substantial opinion. "If Russia considers
    Armenia to be its vassal, the United States also considers it as
    such." The United States cannot withdraw Armenia from this situation,
    only the Armenians can do it, and the Americans could include one
    interest of Armenia or another in their policy. The Americans will
    have such activities in the regions where Ukraine is at stake.

    However, Armenia is facing a crucial point when it may find itself
    amid the confrontation between the United States and Turkey, not the
    United States and Russia.

    The Armenian Americans, from hopelessly smart ones to fools, are
    devastated by the political catastrophe of September 3. However, wild
    messages continue to come from the homeland regarding unification
    of Karabakh with Russia. Despite all the documents establishing
    the sovereignty of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, the Hero of Artsakh,
    forgetting about the victims and hardships of war and ignoring the
    national dignity, announces that the Karabakh people have nothing
    else to do but to lick the boots of Russians.

    In addition, neither the president, nor parliament, and nobody and
    NKR stirred a finger against this outrageous action. And this is
    happening at the time of the greatest humiliation of the entire nation
    (or almost the entire nation).

    So, what is the meaning of the announced goal of independence of NKR?

    And what is the meaning of recognition of NKR, and annual assistance
    of the United States to the Karabakh Armenians? By the way, this opus
    could be found on the monitors of Russian-speaking American experts.

    Such banal meanness and betrayal acquire a specific international
    character, especially that someone is interested in using it as
    an argument.

    No doubt devastation of September 3 is not finished. Anything should
    be expected from the Armenians, and hardly anyone still has a wish
    to utter anything about this den.

    Hence, it is something outrageous in here, guys, but we could work
    it out. There is only one thing to do - begin with a blank page.

    Washington, September-October 2013 Igor Muradyan
    12:40 19/10/2013 Story from News:
