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Kaspersky Lab CEO Warns Of Growing Number Of Cyber Threats

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  • Kaspersky Lab CEO Warns Of Growing Number Of Cyber Threats


    October 18, 2013 - 17:20 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Yerevan is hosting a Week of Friendship with
    Kaspersky Lab October 14 through 19, on the occasion of the 80th
    anniversary of the State Engineering University.

    Eugene Kaspersky, Chairman and CEO of Kaspersky Lab, who arrived
    in Yerevan to participate in the events, attended the opening
    of Kaspersky Lab Training and Certification Center at the State
    Engineering University.

    The Center will help bridge the gap between theoretical and practical
    education. It also provides future IT security professionals with
    the necessary knowledge of contemporary technologies, enabling them
    to gain Kaspersky Lab certification while studying at the university.

    At the event, Kaspersky welcomed the choice of Kaspersky Lab as
    the main IT security provider and urged students to work harder
    since they'll have to face rigid exams to receive the Kaspersky Lab
    education certificate.

    Also, Kaspersky received an honorary doctorate from the State
    Engineering University for his outstanding services to science.

    Kaspersky and the company's top IT security experts met representatives
    of the education and the business community, as well as students from
    local technical universities. They spoke about current cyber threats
    in Armenia and the wider world and discussed ways to combat them.

    "The number of cyber threats is constantly growing, so it is especially
    important to train more experts who can combat them. The world's
    next generation of specialists needs more than just good knowledge
    of the IT security field and strong practical skills - they also
    need to be able to think one step ahead and come up with something
    really new. I am glad to see that today's students in Armenia are
    interested in cyber security and are willing to improve and develop
    in this area. And I'll be doubly happy if Kaspersky Lab can help them
    do that," said Eugene Kaspersky.

    Kaspersky Lab is the world's largest privately held vendor of endpoint
    protection solutions. The company is ranked among the world's top
    four vendors of security solutions for endpoint users. Throughout its
    more than 16-year history Kaspersky Lab has remained an innovator
    in IT security and provides effective digital security solutions
    for large enterprises, SMBs and consumers. Kaspersky Lab, with its
    holding company registered in the United Kingdom, currently operates
    in almost 200 countries and territories across the globe, providing
    protection for over 300 million users worldwide.
