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Media Professional Sees Dangers Of Restrictions On Press Freedom In

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  • Media Professional Sees Dangers Of Restrictions On Press Freedom In

    SOCIETY | 18.10.13 | 11:24


    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Head of the Yerevan Press Club Boris Navasardyan fears that
    restrictions on freedom of speech will become a "more and more serious
    challenge" in Armenia in the time to come.

    Navasardyan, who is also the national coordinator of the Eastern
    Partnership Civil Platform, links these concerns to the "lowered
    interest" of Armenia in deepening relations with the West, in
    particular with the European Union.

    Now we have found ourselves in a little bit different situation [he
    refers to the choice of the Russian-led Customs Union over European
    integration] and it can be predicted that maybe not that fast, not in a
    very active and cruel manner, but restrictions on freedom of expression
    will grow to become a more and more serious challenge in Armenia and
    in that case the unwillingness of individual journalists to work in
    that situation, under such conditions will be understandable to me,"
    said Navasardyan.

    The Yerevan Press Club's president says the information field went
    through great disappointment after the elections.

    "In fact, our well-known concern that the fairly high quality of
    election coverage was not so much a reflection of the freedom of
    speech as a matter of clear instructions from the government has been
    justified. Though, it is not bad either, but the instruction to be
    free should be for as long a period as possible, so that it becomes
    a customary thing for the media. Unfortunately, this period was too
    short for the tradition of being free to stay with some of our media
    representatives," says Navasardyan.

    International observers who monitored the most recent elections in
    Armenia positively evaluated the election campaign coverage, stressing
    that all the candidates and political parties had an equal chance of
    being covered.

    Navasardyan emphasizes that only in the election period when Armenia
    was in the center of attention of the international community and,
    in fact, only due to the influence of external factors, the country
    managed to have a more or less positive period in terms of press

    Editor-in-chief of Edik Baghdasaryan, known for his
    journalistic investigations, recently raised the issue of the
    distortion of the media environment and authorities' taking media
    under their immediate control. He expressed the opinion that "Armenia's
    authorities have managed to destroy the media field where journalists
    no longer are able to find their place and find themselves in an
    extremely hopeless condition, as the entire media field, and the
    journalistic profession, are distorted."

    "The media have become the most controlled field in Armenia. Control
    over materials, subjects, organization of their publication have
    become precise. The problem is that traditional sources of information
    no longer work. There is no longer a need to conduct journalistic
    investigations (and it often takes months), to find your own sources
    of information to present one issue or another comprehensively. Now
    sources of information have their own media and are able to spread
    the information at once framing it the way that suits them most. Now
    every official and department have their media," Baghdasaryan said

    Meanwhile, government representatives in Armenia have stressed on
    various occasions that freedom of the press and expression has not
    been subjected to pressure during Serzh Sargsyan's presidency. And
    Sargsyan himself several times in his public speeches described it
    as one of the greatest achievements of his leadership.

    From: Baghdasarian