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Western Prelacy News - 10/18/2013

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  • Western Prelacy News - 10/18/2013

    October 18, 2013
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    On Sunday, October 20, 2013, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, will preside over Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at St.
    Sarkis Church in Pasadena.


    October is traditionally designated Armenian Culture Month, a time
    when we celebrate the enduring legacy of our Holy Translators, Catholicos
    Sahag, St. Mesrob Mashdots, King Vramshabouh, Movses Khorenatsi, Yeghishe,
    St. Gregory of Nareg, St. Nerses the Gracious, and many others who brought
    about a cultural awakening and enlightenment and gave Armenia its national
    Each year on the occasion of the Feast of the Holy Translators and
    Armenian Culture Month, Forty Martyrs Church and Ari Guiragos Minassian
    School of Orange County host a book fair to honor our translator
    This year's book fair was held on Sunday, October 13.
    The day began with Divine Liturgy celebrated by H.E. Archbishop
    Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, who also delivered the sermon. Parish
    Pastor Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian assisted at the altar. A.G. Minassian
    School students attended Divine Liturgy.
    In his message on the legacy of our holy translators, the Prelate
    noted that the fifth century is described as the Golden Age in our nation's
    history essentially because of the invention of the Armenian alphabet and
    the translation of the Bible and other important works into Armenian. The
    work of the translators began in the fifth century but was continued for
    centuries by their students and others they inspired, and their
    contributions went beyond the realm of Armenian literature and culture.
    They contributed to the overall enrichment of our language with the creation
    of new words, and they translated important scholarly works of which the
    originals are lost and only the Armenian versions remain today. Thus,
    stated the Prelate, the work of our translators was of great value not only
    for the Armenian people, but for civilization as a whole.
    Referring to the parable of the poor widow's offering in the day's
    Gospel reading from Mark, the Prelate noted that just as the poor widow put
    all that she had in the temple's treasury, so too did our translators put
    all that they had in our nation's treasury. Their extensive endeavors
    required a tremendous amount of dedication and sacrifices. They gave their
    all, heart and soul, to their work, for which we owe them an enormous debt
    of gratitude, said His Eminence.
    In conclusion, the Prelate commended the Pastor, Board of Trustees,
    and AG Minassian School administration and PTO for keeping the tradition of
    the book fair alive, through which the priceless contributions of our holy
    translators are honored and celebrated centuries later.
    Following the service, His Eminence headed to "Gugasian" Hall in a
    procession to conduct the opening of the book fair.
    In her welcoming remarks, AG Minassian School Principal Mrs. Kohar
    Zaher highlighted the value of Armenian culture in the hearts and minds of
    Armenian youth, and reaffirmed the faithfulness of AG Minassian School
    towards the Armenian book and literature. She then invited the Prelate for
    the official opening of the fair.
    His Eminence once again commended the organizers and stressed the
    great importance of preserving our religious and national heritage and
    passing them down to coming generations.
    The cultural program featured songs and recitations performed by AG
    Minassian School students in homage to the legacy of our translators, as
    well as performances by Greg Hosharian and Kevork Rosdomian on traditional
    Armenian instruments.

    On Friday, October 11, the Feast of the Holy Translators was also
    celebrated at St. Garabed Church in Hollywood with evening service
    (nakhadonag). The Prelate presided over the service, in which Prelacy
    clergy members and deacons participated. Executive Council members Dr.
    Navasart Kazazian and Dr. Misak Barsamian were among the faithful in
    In his message, the Prelate exalted the priceless contributions of
    our holy translators and the responsibility each of us bears in preserving
    and promoting the Armenian language, literature, traditions, and culture
    they bequeathed to the Armenian people centuries ago. Highlighting
    specifically the role of St. Mesrob Mashdots, the Prelate pointed out that
    in addition to inventing the Armenian alphabet and his translating
    endeavors, Mesrob Mashdots also continued the mission of St. Gregory the
    Illuminator by preaching to the people. In fact, he was so revered and
    admired that he was welcomed by the Armenian people in the same manner that
    Moses by welcomed by the Jewish people when he descended from Mt. Sinai with
    the tablets bearing the Ten Commandments.
    A reception organized by the parish Ladies Guild followed at
    "Karapetian" Hall. Following the invocation by the Prelate, Parish Pastor
    Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian announced that this was the first time that
    the Feast of the Holy Translators was being celebrated at St. Garabed
    Church, and on this special occasion, ARS Los Angeles "Mayr" Chapter member
    Mrs. Hasmig Kelejian had made a memento for the Prelate, a reproduction of
    the Prelacy headquarters, which she and Chapter members presented to His
    The Prelate thanked Mrs. Kelejian for the beautiful gift and
    conveyed his blessings to the ARS "Mayr" Chapter members and the Ladies
    Guild for the warm reception.


    Prelacy Sunday School directors and teachers were invited to the
    annual Sunday School seminar, which was held on Saturday, October 12, 2013,
    from 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm, at the "Dikran and Zarouhi Der Ghazarian" Hall at
    the Western Prelacy. The conference was held under the auspices of H.E.
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and with the participation of
    clergy and over 35 Sunday School teachers.
    The main theme of the meeting was "How to conquer challenges Sunday
    School students face in the 21st century". The day began with lunch. The
    seminar convened with the invocation by the Prelate, followed by the Sunday
    School Anthem and opening remarks by Sunday School Board Co-Chair Mr. Raffi
    The first speaker was Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian, who spoke on "The
    Holy Bible and the Armenian Church within the Sunday School". He stated, "It
    is important in this day and age especially to feature the Bible and the
    Church in the upbringing of our youth". The second speaker was Mrs. Maral
    Bedevian, who is the Director of the Sunday School at the North Hollywood
    Church. She spoke about innovative ways in which teachers can teach,
    focusing on the necessity of using the Power Point program. The final
    speaker was Deacon Khatchig Shannakian, who spoke about "Christian ethics
    and the challenges the youth face in the 21st century". He noted,
    "Christian ethics does not resemble various other types of ethics, due to
    the fact that Christian ethics is based on the Bible and the teachings of
    Jesus Christ". He also noted that Sunday School teachers are at the
    forefront for teaching Christian ethics to the students and becoming second
    parents to the students.
    The lectures were followed by hymnal teachings which were conducted
    by Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian.
    Thereafter, Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian spoke to the teachers about
    the nature of their mission in the Church as Sunday School teachers. He also
    spoke about the seminar, stating; "As Sunday School teachers, today was a
    full day of self reflection, in which we came together to review our faith,
    with regards to the faith of the 5th century Holy Translators". He then
    invited the Prelate to deliver his message.
    The Prelate began his remarks by commending the speakers and the
    teachers for their participating in the seminar. He stated, "Let us close
    the seminar by keeping in mind that today is the Feast of the Holy
    Translators and if we understand the lyrics of the hymn "Vork Zartaretsin",
    we will realize that the Holy Translators made great sacrifices in keeping
    the Christian faith and traditions alive". His Eminence concluded by stating
    that the Holy Translators brought life to the teachings of God through the
    translation of the Holy Bible, and that we must live our lives as God wants
    us to live and steer clear of the many influences around us which can stray
    us away from the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Prelate then presented each
    teacher with a gifts of educational and literary values, Mr. Garo
    Bedrosian's three latest books, Feasts of the Armenian Church and National
    Traditions (Armenian and English versions), and Journey to the Armenian
    The seminar concluded with the benediction by the Prelate and the
    Cilician anthem, after which the participants attended a spiritually
    uplifting evening service held at the "St. Dertad and St. Ashkhen" Chapel.


    On Wednesday, October 16, 2013, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, welcomed members of the Hamazkayin Sos Sargsyan State
    Theater Company from Armenia, led by Vartan Lazarian and accompanied by
    Hamazkayin Western U.S. Regional Executive members. The troupe was invited
    to Los Angeles by the Hamakzayin Western Region Executive for a five day
    festival of Armenian theater in celebration of the 85th anniversary of
    Hamazkayin Educational and Cultural Society. Archpriest Fr. Nareg
    Pehlivanian joined the Prelate in the meeting.
    The Prelate welcomed the guests to Los Angeles, first expressing
    condolences on the recent passing of their famed artistic director and State
    Theater Company founder Sos Sargsyan. His Eminence also wished them success
    in their performances over the five-day festival and for the influence and
    legacy of Sos Sargsyan to endure forevermore.
    The guests gave an overview on the founding of the State Theater
    Company and its successes since, stating that in the 1991, while Armenia was
    in turbulent state, Sos Sargsyan founded the theater company with the main
    purpose of contributing to the rebuilding of Armenia through the arts. The
    troupe, which is composed mainly of youth, continued to grow under the
    leadership and guidance of its founder, and was reorganized in the year
    2000. The guests also elaborated on the four pieces they will perform at
    the festival, discussed theater life in Armenia and challenges they have
    faced and overcome, and the continued advancement of the State Theater
    Company, which since 2003 has been under the auspices of the government.
    They also reported that two years ago the government allotted the group land
    where they will build a new theater.
    The Prelate wished them success in all their performances, commended
    the Hamazkayin Western Region for this initiative, and wished them continued
    successes in years to come.
    In conclusion, the Prelate recited a requiem prayer for the soul of
    Sos Sargsyan, and noted that during his recent trip to Armenia to
    participate in the Bishops' Synod, he had the opportunity to pay his
    respects at the viewing of Sos Sarsgyan and express condolences to his


    On Monday, October 14, the 13th annual Gerald and Mark Golf Classic
    hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Hank and Rita Khachaturian was held at The Peninsula
    Golf and Country Club in San Mateo.
    This annual event held in memory of the Khachaturian's sons, Gerald
    and Mark, benefits the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Foundation for Cardiac
    Research, and other charities.
    The Prelate attended the Awards Dinner and delivered the invocation.
    His Eminence thanked the Khachaturian family for their efforts in organizing
    this event year after year in memory of their beloved sons Gerald and Mark,
    and for their ongoing and generous support of life-changing charities. The
    Prelate offered a prayer to the Lord for the souls of Gerald and Mark to
    rest in peace in His heavenly sanctuary, and for God to bless the
    Khachaturian family with health, happiness, and prosperity, and reward them
    according to His holy will for their goodwill and benevolence to society.
