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Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee - Western USA Names Aroutin H

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  • Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee - Western USA Names Aroutin H

    Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee - Western USA Names Aroutin
    Hartounian Executive Director

    By MassisPost
    Updated: October 18, 2013

    LOS ANGELES - The Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee - Western USA
    (AGCC-WUSA), composed of all major Armenian political, religious and
    civic organizations, unanimously voted to appoint Mr. Aroutin
    Hartounian to the position of the Committee's Executive Director.

    `We are excited to welcome Aroutin as the Executive Director of the
    Genocide Centennial Committee. While there are many challenges ahead,
    having a highly qualified person as Aroutin in such an important
    position will bolster our ongoing campaign for justice. The Committee
    can now move forward with full speed to implement its plans for the
    Centennial,' the three co-chairs of AGCC-WUSA, Mr. Garo Ghazarian, Mr.
    Harut Sassounian, and Ms. Talin Yacoubian indicated in a jointly
    issued statement.

    `I am honored and privileged to have been appointed to this position.
    For over a year, the members of the AGCC-WUSA have worked hard to lay
    the foundation for a successful centennial commemoration. We are
    committed to bringing justice for this crime against humanity
    committed by Turkey. We Armenians as a collective owe it to our
    forefathers who fell victim to the genocidal campaign of Ottoman
    Turkey. Despite persistent Turkish denials, numerous nations and
    international organizations have recognized the Armenian Genocide,
    have properly condemned Turkey and have lent their support to the
    Armenian people's just calls for recognition and restitution,'
    Hartounian stated.

    Aroutin Hartounian is an attorney and Chairman of the Unified Young Armenians.

    The Centennial Committee is composed of the following organizations:
    ·Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America
    ·Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church
    ·Armenian Catholic Church
    ·Armenian Evangelical Union of North America
    ·Armenian Revolutionary Federation
    ·Armenian Democratic Liberal Party
    ·Social Democrat Hunchakian Party
    ·Armenian General Benevolent Union, Western District
    ·Armenian Relief Society, Western USA
    ·Armenia Fund, Western Region US
    ·United Armenian Fund
    ·Armenian Assembly of America
    ·Armenian National Committee, Western Region
    ·Armenian Rights Council
    ·Armenian Council of America
    ·USC Institute of Armenian Studies
    ·Armenian Bar Association
    ·Unified Young Armenians

    The AGCC-WUSA was established on August 9, 2012 to steer and
    coordinate the multifaceted commemorative activities in the Western
    United States in preparation for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide on April 24, 2015.

    The AGCC-WUSA's mission, as adopted by its member organizations declares:

    The 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide signifies a global
    demand for justice by Armenians worldwide and all people of good will.

    The Centennial marks one of the 20th century's greatest crimes against
    humanity. In 1915, the Turkish Government began a premeditated and
    systematic campaign to uproot the Armenian population from its
    ancestral homeland and slaughter 1.5 million defenseless men, women
    and children.

    Turkey must finally acknowledge its responsibility for the Genocide
    and make appropriate moral, financial and territorial restitution, as
    mandated by the fundamental norms of international law and civilized

    Mr. Garo Ghazarian, Co-Chair
    Mr. Harut Sassounian, Co-Chair
    Ms. Talin Yacoubian, Co-Chair
    Ms. Tomik Alexanian, Treasurer
    Ms. Lena Bozoyan, Secretary

    Executive Committee
    Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee - Western USA
