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NATO rep. talks Karabakh settlement, Russia-Armenia ties, democracy

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  • NATO rep. talks Karabakh settlement, Russia-Armenia ties, democracy

    NATO rep. talks Karabakh settlement, Russia-Armenia ties, democracy

    October 18, 2013 - 18:26 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - NATO hopes for rapid settlement of the Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict, NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for
    the Caucasus and Central Asia said.

    As James Appathurai told a news conference in Armenia, though
    uninvolved in the Karabakh conflict settlement NATO, supports
    mediatory efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group. He reiterated NATO stance,
    supporting peaceful settlement of the conflict through negotiations
    and mutual concessions. He also noted that the settlement of the issue
    will bring political as well as economic benefits to all the countries
    in the region.

    `With a meeting between Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents planned in
    Minsk, we hope for rapid settlement of the conflict through the
    mediation of the OSCE MG co-chairs,' Armenia Today quoted Appathurai
    as saying.

    Appathurai specifically noted Armenia's active participation in
    provision of international security as a part of peacekeeping

    `NATO cooperates with Armenia in forming a new defense system and well
    as improvement of military education,' he said.

    According to Appathurai, NATO believes Armenia's developing strategic
    partnership with Russia to be the country's sovereign choice. However,
    he said, cooperation with Russia does not prevent Armenia's
    partnership with NATO with the country always adhering to a balanced
    policy line.

    As Appathurai noted, NATO never intended to establish presence in
    post-Soviet states, however, the Organization, true to its principles,
    was always open for democratic countries.

    From: Baghdasarian