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Back-Up Scenario Will Be Used For Armenia

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  • Back-Up Scenario Will Be Used For Armenia

    Back-Up Scenario Will Be Used For Armenia

    One way or another, even despite the interests of some European
    circles, the domestic and economic problems of the United States
    allowed the EU to try to occupy the niche in foreign policy where if
    not vacuum but more or less favorable arena for initiatives and
    actions will form.

    However close and agreed the relations between the Americans and
    Europeans were, as currently the interests are maximum in line, the
    existence of two global geopolitical poles determines competition and
    divergent interests. However, neither competition, nor rivalry is
    concerned but the intentions of Europe to launch a new and more active
    policy on the international arena which is determined not only by
    political ambitions but also the dream to gain new foreign political
    possibilities, including in the security sphere.

    Lowered level of responsibility of the United States for several
    regions and its focus on Asia Pacific is a global project that has
    been fully agreed with the leading European states, which consists in
    a division of the areas of influence and is time bound. This is a
    historical period of global redistribution of influence, and this is
    primarily determined by the relations between the United States and
    China but not with other great powers.

    Understanding this perspective, Russia perceives it as not so
    favorable and is trying to make a lounge into some regions since the
    upcoming political blockade and isolation of Russia is quite obvious.
    The Western society will carry out this task as efficiently as the
    analogical plan on Turkey whose foreign policy model Russia has
    copied. It is not ruled out that the neo-Ottoman and neo-Eurasian
    doctrines have initiated from the same think-tank of
    pseudo-geopolitical plans.

    The absolutely meaningless and unacceptable turn - the announcement of
    the president of Armenia about the Customs Union - triggered
    mobilization of political resources in Europe and the United States
    because it was demonstrated how dangerous the policy of a collapsing
    but nuclear state is. The Europeans were given another chance to
    pretend that they did not understand that expanded influence on the
    South Caucasus supposes guarantees of security for the countries of
    the region, at least partial.

    An opportunity has opened up to use not only the `fresh topic' because
    the `Georgian topic' is outdated, especially that the `Armenian topic'
    is linked not only to Russia but also Turkey. The Europeans have
    overcome the shock and understood that Russia's concession questions
    the expectations of the European Union for sovereign geopolitics and
    demonstrates futility of a balanced dialogue with the United States.
    Besides, isolation will intensify within the European Union, and
    arguments for refraining from a confrontation with Russia will be
    used. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
    Security Policy Madam Ashton has taken care about starting to collect
    and process information on the Customs Union. Obviously, the EU will
    not be interested in the development of this weird entity.

    How about the U.S. policy on regional issues? The United States will
    `hand over' Central Asia but how and to whom? Over the past decade the
    term `Central Asia' is applied in the American and European political
    toponymy which has caused confusion of notions. Apparently, Central
    Asia will denote what used to be referred to as Middle Asia in the
    Soviet Union, not the South Caucasus.

    Post-Soviet Central Asia has been divided, and the South Caucasus is
    viewed as part of Europe. Is it naïve? Most probably, it is but in set
    terms. The United States will `hand over' Central Asia to China taking
    into consideration the fact but even in this situation there are
    agreements between the United States and China or at least
    understanding has been achieved that despite the existence of SCO and
    other empty talks China will not share responsibility for the region
    with Russia and will boost independence of these states from Russia.

    In fact, the Americans only confirmed China's intentions. Hence,
    within the framework of the policy of global containment of China
    Central Asia is viewed as an area of Chinese influence with some
    matching interests. The Americans have been thinking on a capacity for
    the SCO and came to the conclusion that nothing special should be
    undertaken because any framework would strengthen China and weaken
    Russia in Eurasia. It turns out that global containment first of all
    supposes a policy on Southeast Asia, the Pacific and the Far East, not
    Eurasia where China could act as a partner to the United States in
    reacting to threats.

    At present, the EU security policy cannot go without integration of
    the South Caucasus and NATO's strengthening in the Black Sea, Caucasus
    and Mediterranean region. Currently the fight for Ukraine is underway,
    and the West is ready for a lot of compromises and concessions to
    Ukraine, including different political parties and forces in this
    country but not Russia. Apart from the direct objectives, Ukraine is
    considered as a locomotive for other states of Eastern Europe towards
    EU integration. In addition, the sad experience of GUAM is taken into

    The Euro-Atlantic community made a mistake and did not use two
    `independent mechanisms' - NATO and the EU - in parallel. These two
    structures should act together. Attempts will be made for the
    integration of Eastern European states in an alliance without
    reviewing constitutional provisions and adopting new policies. In the
    language of concrete military circles, in this real political
    situation the armed forces of the Eastern European countries could be
    included in NATO without affiliation of these countries with NATO.

    No doubt, having exercised its dirty dictate towards Armenia, Russia
    will not be better off than before, and the policy of geopolitical
    blockade of Russia will intensify, leading the country to another
    round of international misery. The upcoming developments in the Near
    and Middle East will illustrate this reality.
    Igor Muradyan
    16:36 19/10/2013
    Story from News:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress