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ANCA-ER Banquet Celebrates Growing Armenian-American Civic Activism

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  • ANCA-ER Banquet Celebrates Growing Armenian-American Civic Activism

    By Contributor // October 22, 2013

    PHILADELPHIA, Pa.-Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, Congressman
    Patrick Meehan (R-Pa.), Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank
    Pallone (D-N.J.), and Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach (D-17)
    joined with Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) supporters
    from the Eastern seaboard, southern states, and the Midwest for
    an evening of celebration, recognition, and reflection at the ANCA
    Eastern Region 7th Annual Banquet on Oct. 12. The evening featured
    the bestowal of the organization's highest honors on longtime activist
    Zohrab Tazian and best-selling author Chris Bohjalian.

    Expanding the voice of the community

    Elected officials and community leaders alike focused on the growing
    voice of Armenian Americans in the civic arena, and the key role that
    the ANCA and its grassroots network plays in representing the views
    on core community concerns, ranging from justice for the Armenian
    Genocide to a strong, prosperous, democratic Armenia, an independent
    Artsakh, and support for Armenians in war-torn Syria.

    ANCA Freedom Award recipient Chris Bohjalian and ANCA Vahan Cardashian
    Award recipient Zohrab Tazian together during the evening's silent
    auction on Oct. 12

    "The ANCA receives broad based support from Armenians of all types-and
    this is one of the ANCA's greatest strengths," said the evening's
    master of ceremonies, Antranig Garibian, a prominent Philadelphia
    lawyer and member of the Diocesan Council of the Eastern Diocese of
    the Armenian Church. "Here tonight, we are quite the mix. We are of
    different ages and hail from different countries. We are of varying
    political and economic backgrounds and we range from students, to
    doctors, to lawyers, to clergymen, political leaders, and business
    professionals. Although we may not always agree with each other,
    we are unified in our dedication to strengthening the voice of the
    Armenian people in the United States of America."

    Former Governor Ed Rendell, who has also served as chairman of the
    Democratic National Committee, cited the need for continued vigilance
    against genocide denial, particularly by communities that have faced
    this horror. "We, as Jews and as Armenians, have an obligation-when
    we hear about things like Darfur-to be heard because the slaughter
    of people because of their ethnicity is wrong wherever it occurs on
    the globe. The ANCA does a great job-a great job for the cause that
    you believe in, and a great job for freedom and human rights all over
    the world. So thanks for what you do, and keep on doing it."

    Referring to his leadership in advancing annual Armenian Genocide
    legislation in the Pennsylvania state legislature, State Senator Daylin
    Leach explained, "I am proud of this because while international
    relationships and strategic interests are fine, to me historical
    accuracy has to be paramount. That has to trump everything else. As
    a Jewish American, I would never accept the idea that we should
    soft-pedal recognition of the Holocaust because we have relationships
    in Germany, or bases in Germany. And that is a point I try to make
    in Harrisburg every time I discuss this issue."

    ANCA-ER Chairwoman Nora Kzirian, Congressman Patrick Meehan (R-Pa.-7),
    ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian, Former Governor Ed Rendell, and ANC-PA
    Chairman Ara Chalian at the 7th annual ANCA-ER Banquet in Philadelphia.

    Congressman Meehan expressed his concern about the crisis facing
    the Armenian community in Aleppo, Syria. "I was meeting with the
    Catholic archbishop just a few weeks ago and we were talking about
    Christian communities that have been caught-in Africa, in Syria, in
    other places in the Middle East-in the middle of civil wars and this
    these types of activity. And often times, these become excuses for the
    further destruction of those communities. So [the Armenian Genocide]
    is not just an issue of the past. It's an issue of the present and
    the future, and you are the voices frequently that allow their voices
    and cries to be heard."

    Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Frank Pallone summed up the
    spirit of the evening, noting, "It's more important than ever for
    organizations like the ANCA to be out there educating members [of
    Congress] about Armenia and Armenian issues. And, of course, that's
    what our Caucus is all about and that's why we started the Armenian
    Issues Caucus. But without the support of the Armenian National
    Committee of America, we would not be able to do much because you
    are the grassroots organization that gets members to co-sponsor the
    Armenian Genocide resolution, to get funding for Armenia and Karabagh,
    and trying to find a solution so that Karabagh can be recognized as an
    independent country and to remain Armenian forever. So by being here
    tonight, supporting the ANCA and doing what you do, nothing could be
    more important in terms of moving a pro-Armenian agenda in Congress,"
    concluded Rep. Pallone.

    Honoree Zohrab Tazian: 'Hai Tahd' pioneer

    Dr. Ara Chalian, chair of the ANC of Pennsylvania and an active
    member of the community in Philadelphia, reminisced about the key
    role ANCA-ER Vahan Cardashian Award recipient Zohrab Tazian played as
    "the face of Hai Tahd" in his home state of Indiana, where he grew up.

    "Tonight we honor Mr. Zohrab Tazian, Unger Zohrab Tazian, my Uncle
    Zohrab Tazian, a man who has been an activist and a voice for the
    Armenian Cause locally and in the region," said Chalian. "Let us each
    celebrate and feel the power that his voice has had, the commitment
    that he has shown, and really feel the power that our voices can have
    locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally."

    Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach (D-17, center) with (L-R)
    his wife, Jennifer Mirak, Gloria Hachikian, Nora Sarajian, and ANCA
    National Board member Richard Sarajian

    A humble and deeply moved Tazian began his remarks, noting, "A simple
    thank you, even when it comes from the deepest part of my heart,
    would not adequately express my gratitude. ... I cannot accept this
    award just for Zohrab Tazian. He is not the one who earned it alone. I
    accept this award tonight for the whole family of Tazian name, starting
    with my grandfather, my father, my mother, my wife of 54 years,
    and my four children-Tina, Sona, Ara, Hera-and our grandson Nick."

    Tazian is a pioneer of Armenian activism in the United States,
    having worked with elected officials for more than 40 years to advance
    Armenian community concerns. He served on Vice President Dan Quayle's
    finance committee during his first run for Congress in 1976. In 1984,
    Tazian was an Indiana delegate to the Republican National Convention
    in Dallas, where he introduced his friend Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian
    to politics by offering him his seat at the convention for a session.

    Honoree Chris Bohjalian: Voice of a generation seeking justice

    Dr. Levon Avdoyan, the Armenian and Georgian specialist at the Library
    of Congress, offered a moving introduction of ANCA Eastern Region
    Freedom Award recipient Chris Bohjalian and the unprecedented impact
    of his book The Sandcastle Girls in raising awareness of the Armenian
    Genocide in U.S. popular culture.

    Congressman Frank Pallone (D-N.J.-6) speaking with Archbishop Oshagan
    Choloyan, Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic
    Church of America, at the ANCA Eastern Region Banquet on Oct. 12.

    Citing his own family's trauma in the aftermath of the Armenian
    Genocide, Avdoyan noted the relative absence of the genocide as a topic
    in American popular literature, "until the publication in 2013 of the
    great, and I do mean great, American novelist Chris Bohjalian of his
    'Sandcastle Girls.' Until it finally, horrifically, and elegantly told
    the story through...Laura Petrossian, Armen, and Elizabeth, with rich
    prose, intriguing plot, without pandering, without preaching. Armen
    and Elizabeth, and the genocide-induced immigration of Armenians to
    America, are now part of the American literary canon," said Avdoyan,
    "accessible to the American public at large while honoring the
    ancestors of all American Armenians."

    Bohjalian came to the podium to a standing ovation, like Tazian,
    and warmly greeted those in attendance. His speech was marked by
    enthusiasm and eloquence, emphasizing key Armenian role models in his
    life as well as his journey as an author. "I am grateful beyond words
    to the Armenian National Committee of America and to this region in
    particular for embracing 'The Sandcastle Girls' so passionately and so
    powerfully from day one," began Bohjalian. "And while I accept this
    award with all of my heart, I can tell you something I know from all
    of my soul. There are thousands of Armenian Americans who are far more
    worthy than I. That is not false humility. That is simple reality."

    Bohjalian went on to state, "In the last year, I've had the
    indescribable privilege of visiting Armenia twice, as well as
    meeting the Armenian communities in Beirut, again twice, Istanbul,
    and Diyarbekir. I've been with three generations of Syrian refugees in
    Antelias, where I was particularly moved by the resiliency of refugee
    teenagers. They gave me hope. And I met with legislators on Capitol
    Hill, some who will support us and our just and reasonable goals with
    passion. ... But I also met with representatives who would sacrifice
    us with nary a second thought over the pyres of real politik. But
    somehow, day after day, despite the odds, ANCA warriors across this
    country are championing House Resolution 227, giving voice to all of
    our outrage over the threats and rhetoric that seem to spew daily from
    the thugs that pose as legislators in Baku, reminding the world of
    the Armenian community in Syria, combating anti-Armenian propaganda,
    securing foreign aid to Armenia, and ensuring the independence of

    Bohjalian is the critically acclaimed author of 16 books, including
    9 New York Times best-sellers. His work has been translated into
    more than 25 languages and 3 times were made into movies. His epic
    novel of the Armenian Genocide, The Sandcastle Girls, was published
    in paperback in April. His books have been chosen as Best Books of
    the Year by the Washington Post, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the
    Hartford Courant, Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews,
    Bookpage, and Salon.

    Leaders spotlight power of grassroots advocacy

    A consistent theme in remarks offered throughout the evening was an
    expansion of the ANCA's dedicated network of grassroots supporters
    throughout the Eastern United States. ANCA National Board member
    Richard Sarajian explained that during the Armenian Republic of
    1918-20, Vahan Cardashian was the lone voice of freedom in the United
    States, fighting for the rights of the Armenian nation. "Many years
    later, a new independent republic was formed," said Sarajian. "That
    independent republic doesn't have to rely upon one man. It has hundreds
    of thousands of people to follow in Vahan Cardashian's footsteps. And
    that is what we are trying to do here at the ANCA."

    Sarajian continued, paraphrasing a quote attributed to President
    Abraham Lincoln: "There is an expression which basically says, 'If
    you want to get something done, you will get it done. If you don't
    want to get something done, you will find an excuse.' We can't find
    excuses, we have to be doers. We have to make the phone calls. We
    have to make the contacts. We have to be the grassroots. Ten million,
    twenty million dollars spent by our opponents. We don't have that
    money. But we have heart. We have our story. We have our dedication
    to our ancestors and to our Homeland and to our current people in
    Armenia and the current people in Syria. We can't find excuses."

    ANCA Eastern Region Chairwoman Nora Kzirian, in her remarks, stressed,
    "As we approach the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
    I have a simple message. To be more vocal, to be more demanding. As
    constituents in this great American democracy, because we really do
    have the power to make the change, and through our activism, there
    is greater likelihood to keep our Causes moving forward and getting
    the recognition and justice we and our ancestors so deserve. And so
    today, as we fight for justice, we seek nothing more than what is ours,
    what has been taken, and what we are owed."

    Master of ceremonies Antranig Garibian navigated the evening with
    skill and eloquence. Ayla Brown, a national recording artist and
    the daughter of former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, kicked off
    the evening with the American national anthem, followed by Karinne
    Andonian, who sang the Armenian national anthem. Archbishop Oshagan
    Choloyan, Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic
    Church of America, followed suit by providing a moving invocation.

    Rev. Fr. Hakob Gevorgyan, the pastor of Holy Trinity Armenian Church
    of Philadelphia, later offered the evening's benediction.

    Attendees were given a break in the formal program with a moving
    recitation of "I Shall Endure," a poem by Avik Derentz Deirmenjian,
    a well-respected author and poet in both the United States and Armenia.

    Among the dignitaries in attendance were V. Rev. Fr. Sahag Yemishian,
    pastor of Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church of Worcester, Mass.;
    Archpriest Fr. Nerses Manoogian, pastor of St. Gregory Armenian
    Apostolic Church of Philadelphia; Sister Emma Moussayan and Sister
    Nelly Isin of the Armenian Sisters Academy of Radnor, Pa.; ANCA
    Chairman Ken Hachikian; ARF Eastern USA Central Committee members Aram
    Hovagimian, Dr. Antranig Kasbarian, Ari Killian, and Angele Manoogian;
    Prelacy Executive Council Vice Chair Noubar Megerian; AYF Eastern
    Region Central Executive member Yervant Kachichian; Hairenik Weekly
    Editor Zaven Torigian; and Armenian Weekly Editor Khatchig Mouradian.

    Attendees were also treated to a 10-minute photo slideshow of ANCA
    Eastern Region highlights from the past year, which was played during
    the evening's intermission. The night began with an elegant cocktail
    reception and silent auction at 6:30 p.m. With more than 40 auction
    items, attendees were able to bid on a variety of gifts, from cruise
    tickets to autographed sports gear to Armenian paintings.

    The ANCA-ER Banquet was organized by Lorig Baronian, James Kzirian,
    Aram Hovagimian, Nora Kzirian, Anny Deirmenjian Deese, Tamar Chalian,
    Raffi Hovagimian, Sosi Hovagimian, Dori Keshgegian, Susan Pogharian,
    Stephanie Sudjian, Stephanie Tashjian, Linda Vosbikian, Erika Torosian,
    Nanor Arabatlian, Angela Deese, and Tania Dakko.

    Many banquet guests and ANCA activists enjoyed a casual evening of
    celebration on Oct. 11 at "Hip Philly" in Philadelphia.

    Pictures from the ANCA Eastern Region Banquet, taken by Diran Jebejian
    of Jebejian Images, are available on the ANCA Facebook page. Video
    from the ANCA-ER Banquet, taken by Justin Kaladjian, will be posted
    to the ANCA YouTube page at
