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BAKU: Azeri Senior Official Hits At US, OSCE Position On Presidentia

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  • BAKU: Azeri Senior Official Hits At US, OSCE Position On Presidentia


    APA, Azerbaijan\
    Oct 15 2013

    [Translated from Azeri]

    Head of Azerbaijani Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehdiyev has
    criticised the positions of the US Department of State and the OSCE
    Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights on the 9 October
    presidential election. In an interview with several Azerbaijani
    news agencies Mehdiyev described their positions as "disgraceful,
    biased and unworthy". He said that the US would endorse the outcome
    if Azerbaijan agreed to give the opposition 25 per cent of the votes.

    Mehdiyev also said that the opposition's has itself to blame
    for the election outcome and that voters were not supportive of
    their "unrealistic and absurd promises". On the opening of the
    Armenian-Turkish border, he said that unless linked with progress in
    settling the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict Azerbaijan will oppose this.

    The following is an excerpt from Ramiz Mehdiyev's interview by
    Azerbaijani news agency APA on 15 October.

    15 October, Baku: The head of the Azerbaijani Presidential
    Administration, Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev gave an interview to the
    Azartac, APA, and Trend news agencies. APA presents this

    [Azartac state-owned agency] On 9 October Azerbaijani voters through
    a general vote made their choice for the country's future. How do
    you assess the outcome of the presidential election?

    [Mehdiyev] The world politics is distinguished by a high level of
    uncertainty. Often major powers take unexpected moves that surprise
    people. Therefore, one should not become emotional and be misled by
    their "friendship". I have this opinion because the world politics
    is ruled by double standards and "naughty ones are punished". Now to
    the gist of your question.

    Before anything else I must note that the presidential election was
    marked by the high level of citizenship and electoral activity. That
    the turnout was over 72 per cent is indisputable evidence. Practically
    everywhere a high voter turnout was registered.

    While voting in polling stations people understood that the country's
    future, further course of social and economic reforms and finally the
    fate of stability and development achieved thanks to the Azerbaijani
    authorities' titanic efforts against the background of realities
    causing concerns in the world depends primarily on themselves.

    With full responsibility I can say that the 2013 presidential
    election was a big step forward on the path to building democracy
    and constructing in Azerbaijan a true free society and rule of law.

    Anybody who monitored the election or voted had the opportunity
    to see that the national political and democratic institutions,
    the Central Electoral Commission [CEC] and civil society bodies
    implemented all measures they could to bring the election in line with
    the highest standards. Today we can note with pride that transparency
    and observance of fundamental principles of democracy have created
    all conditions for voters to freely express their will.

    The irreconcilable opposition has not presented even a single forged
    bulletin to the public with regard to the outcome of the election.

    This fact alone shows that the election was transparent and fair.

    The election outcome vividly shows the sentiments of the majority
    of the electorate and what the Azerbaijani people want. The voter
    turnout and election results showed that the vast majority of citizens
    completely support the line of sustainable development offered by the
    ruling New Azerbaijan Party's candidate, Ilham Aliyev. The fundamental
    social and economic achievements of our country in the past decade
    are inseparably tied with his name.

    It is heart-warming that there is civil, public and political activity
    in Azerbaijan and people are thoughtfully supporting the new changes
    by making the optimal choice. I would like to especially note that
    the majority of those who voted for Ilham Aliyev are those of our
    compatriots who believe that steady strengthening of our national
    statehood is a vital issue.

    This means that they correctly assess the Azerbaijani authorities'
    efforts to implement the grandiose renewal programme. This plan is
    being turned into reality in a planned fashion and peoples' living
    standards are clearly improving.

    [Passage omitted: Overwhelming popular support for President Ilham
    Aliyev stems from solid economic growth in the past decade]

    "Disgraceful, biased and unworthy"

    [Trend] On the whole international organizations said that the
    national leadership is interested in holding a transparent and
    democratic election. However, the OSCE ODIHR [Office for Democratic
    Institutions and Human Rights] and the US Department of State appraised
    the election differently. How do you assess such an ambiguous appraisal
    of the election?

    [Mehdiyev] First I would like to emphasize that positive opinions and
    appraisals by international observers are much more numerous than
    negative opinions and appraisals. The overall number of observers
    and experts from authoritative international organization stood at
    1,295 and they came from 100 countries. Practically all of them highly
    praised the level of transparency of the election and observance of
    the principles of free expression of will by voters.

    [Passage omitted: Hundreds of international observers and experts
    monitored the election]

    Regrettably, I have to say that there were cases of bias as well.

    Despite the conditions of full transparency and openness, some
    European officials and the US foreign policy body created what they
    call a dissonance.

    We definitely do not accept the appraisal given by the US State
    Department and the OSCE ODIHR and regard this as extremely disgraceful,
    biased and unworthy fact by these two official institutions.

    The OSCE ODIHR has never issued such a negative assessment of the
    Azerbaijani elections. The facts included in the preliminary report
    of this organization are the result of assumptions and lies actively
    spread by members of the National Council. Since the National Council
    knew that there was no chance their candidate could be elected from
    the outset they began to sabotage the election in this fashion. Let
    me give an example. On the election day members of the OSCE ODIHR
    observation mission visited polling station No 84 in Baku's Suraxani
    district 156 times. They fully monitored the filling and calculation of
    bulletins and final protocols. They had no objections to the electoral
    process in the three polling stations in this district.

    Despite this, the National Council's candidate said that there were
    mass falsifications and violations here.

    I admit that I can see some strange but explainable synchronization
    in the appraisal of the election and how these two sides classified
    the conduct and results of the election. This creates the impression
    that both centres closely coordinated their activities with one goal -
    to put pressure on Azerbaijan, although there are no grounds, reasons
    or incentives for this.

    The Azerbaijani government bodies said from the beginning and now
    confirm that holding a fair and transparent election is first of all
    in line with our own interests. Where is the sense for us in going
    against our priorities when we are interested in democratization
    through providing rights and freedoms, do not obstruct the activities
    of political organizations, conduct a transparent work to develop
    civil society, ensure the right for self-expression and coordinate
    our efforts with the relevant institutions of European organizations,
    Venice Commission and other centres?!

    I say this frankly that not only do I disagree with the appraisals
    of the two sides you named, I am even angered by their positions
    because their views do not reflect the real situation. There is no
    way to understand the objectives of the OSCE ODIHR and the US foreign
    policy body - why do they deliberately distort the clear and accurate
    picture and thus damage bilateral relations?!

    In recent years Azerbaijan has always demonstrated transparency and
    never shirked from dialogue and cooperation in the area of conducting
    democratic reforms. On this front Azerbaijan made amazing progress.

    Incidentally, facts of positive changes in electoral technologies
    which form an important part of the democratic rebuilding prove how
    important and appropriate is this dialogue for us.

    It is very strange that criticizing our practice has turned into a
    major goal for some centres. Otherwise, there would be no meaning
    in questioning the hard work that is fully up to exacting standards
    and is in line with the international practice that does not elicit
    criticism from impartial experts from the world's leading countries.

    If we compare the Azerbaijani presidential election with the February
    election in Armenia this year, we will encounter contrasts. As
    opposed to Azerbaijan's realities, the election period in Armenia was
    uncertain and even dangerous. Government bodies threatened candidates
    and persecuted them in a crude and strict fashion. The situation even
    reached the point of an attempt on life when presidential candidate
    Paruyr Hayrikyan was fired at.

    [Passage omitted: Double standards in observing the Armenian and
    Azerbaijani elections]

    The American establishment as a rule always harbours a pro-Armenian
    position in the context of settling the Karabakh conflict, assisting
    Armenia and Nagornyy Karabakh through non-government channels and
    exposition of human rights issues, while conducting a damaging policy
    with regard to revoking Freedom Support Act Section 907 that hurts
    Azerbaijan's national interests.

    There is no doubt that the reason for such one-sided and fruitless
    policy is the boundless activity of the pro-Armenian lobby of the USA.

    This lobby has recently begun to assert real influence on important
    political decisions made by Washington. It is surprising that while
    claiming the world title of the "legislator of political fashion",
    the USA has turned into a puppet of the Armenian lobby. The fiasco of
    the diplomatic mission of US ambassador to Azerbaijan Matthew Bryza in
    2011 is a case in point for this situation. This seasoned diplomat was
    well-versed in the South Caucasus realities and the Karabakh problem
    and was an expert in the energy policy in the Caspian and Black sea
    basins, while also possessing intimate knowledge of the details of
    Eurasian geopolitics. For these reasons he could have contributed much
    to resolving conflicted and disputed issues of the region. However, the
    lobbyists of Armenian interests in the US Senate thwarted the career
    of this diplomat, and only because the Armenian National Committee
    of America whizzes believed that Matthew Bryza was a pro-Azerbaijani
    and pro-Turkish politician and prevented his endorsement as the US
    ambassador to Azerbaijan. As a result, US interests were damaged. If
    Matthew Bryza became the US envoy to the region then serious changes
    in the field of conflict issues could occur.

    The US political circles have made a tradition out of "not seeing"
    anti-American and some other moves. This liberalism can even be seen
    when the Armenian authorities openly trample on the rights of their
    citizens, disrespect international law, unashamedly make territorial
    claims to neighbouring countries and threaten them.

    During his speech in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
    Europe on 2 October Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan was so rampant
    that he indirectly admitted the fact that his country perpetrated an
    aggression against Azerbaijan. But this is not the main aspect.

    Sargsyan announced that his country intends to expand the occupied
    territory from 20 per cent [of Azerbaijan's territory] to 30 per cent
    and even beyond.

    The strangest aspect is that a blind eye is turned to such abhorrent
    plans and threats to peace and security, that the Western circles who
    go on and on about freedoms are tacitly supporting the aggressor and
    fail to see the "pranks" of this brazen country. A normal person's
    conscience does not accept this.

    It is surprising that the US State Department and the OSCE ODIHR not
    even once took a critical position with regard to this fact, as if
    everything in the Armenian leadership's political ethics is in line
    with the universally accepted standards.

    Against the background of alarming realities in Armenia, the situation
    in Azerbaijan is in line with all requirements of the existing
    national legislation and not outside the framework of international
    practice. Yet, some pedantic analysts derive pleasure from issuing
    a negative verdict on the election in Azerbaijan.

    There can be no absolute truth in such attitude to the matter and
    the appraisals that they have given. About the assessment of the
    OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights [ODIHR]
    I have to say that according to our information the draft law of
    the report that contained no positive fragment about the election
    was prepared beforehand in the Warsaw office of the organization. It
    should be noted here that the objective of such detestable moves is
    to further exacerbate the situation and encourage negative processes
    in Azerbaijani society.

    >From the above we can draw the conclusion that some observers prepared
    in advance to issue a negative opinion on the election. We can only
    presume what is the real objective behind their open enmity to us.

    There is no doubt that these forces are undermining their credibility.

    If they truly wish to cooperate with Azerbaijan then they must first
    take a look at the reality instead of distorting the real picture by
    creating dubious preferences and meaningless rankings.

    Let me note that traditionally the problem of election legitimacy
    has been a mechanism of geopolitical pressure in the international
    practice. It seems that some centres have become so accustomed to
    this that they fail to see changes unfolding in the countries that
    are genuinely interested in democratization of society and applying
    positive standards in the lives of their peoples.

    I cannot fail to mention one aspect in this context. This pressure
    mechanism is still being used against countries that conduct an
    independent policy and observe the principle of loyalty to national
    interests. If these countries also happen to have a promising amount of
    resources, then they will definitely incur the ire of the institutions
    that punish through "democracy".

    This position can only be described as wrong and fruitless, as well
    as dangerous.

    USA recommends rigging results

    APA: Then this creates the impression that the standards always
    extolled by international representatives and politicians of some
    countries actually amount to an unstable collection of values that
    these functionaries manipulate at will?

    [Passage omitted: Observers do not monitor elections in Western

    [Mehdiyev] As for rigging the election results, the whole world is
    aware of such scandals. Instead of ensuring that they themselves have
    democratic elections these countries take upon themselves the right to
    assess the electoral processes in other countries. What is more, as a
    rule this is done in a biased way and on political directives. There
    are plenty of examples when the electoral processes were thwarted and
    falsified in the USA, UK, Germany, France and other Western countries.

    The whole world knows the level of falsifications in the US
    presidential election and how scandals always mar the election
    processes in this country. Yet, they are trying to teach us how to
    conduct the election.

    Incidentally, US officials recommended that we give 25 per cent of
    votes to the National Council's candidate and keep the remaining 74
    per cent - 75 per cent to ourselves. That is, if this was the ratio of
    votes then the opinion of the US Department of State would have been
    balanced. Logically speaking, if we do not follow this recommendation,
    then in all other cases they will issue a negative opinion. The result
    is known. As you can see, this was a serious warning, not just a
    friendly advice.

    This means that we had to conduct a rigged election, not a transparent
    and fair one and in accordance with the wish of our partners we had
    to add forged percentages to the votes for certain candidates. Is this
    not an insult to the dignity of Azerbaijani voters and their national
    sentiments? Because they decide themselves for which political platform
    they will vote without anybody's intervention.

    [Passage omitted: France, Denmark have shorter election campaign

    OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Ms. Tana de
    Zulueta, who came to Baku as the head of the observer mission of the
    OSCE ODIHR had no basic notion about Azerbaijan. Prior to her visit
    she met our ambassador in Italy. She was interested in Azerbaijan's
    geography and history, its people and relations with neighbouring
    countries, the causes for the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagornyy Karabakh
    conflict, Azerbaijan's economic situation and a number of other
    issues. This fact alone shows that Ms. Zulueta was sent to a country
    while she did not about the real situation there. This creates the
    impression that she was selected to implement the specific mission
    of bringing the election into disrepute. This idea is based on the
    fact that several days before the 9 October election we already knew
    the text of the report published on 10 October.

    We know that after the OSCE ODIHR made its announcement the European
    Union member countries' ambassadors in Baku met several members
    of the observation missions from European organizations. At their
    joint consultation they said that they were concerned and infuriated
    by the shameless distortion of facts and the biased preparation of
    the document. The heads of some diplomatic missions accredited in
    Azerbaijan spoke sternly about this report and described it as an act
    of sabotage designed to worsen the European Union's relations with
    Azerbaijan in the lead-up to the European Union's summit in Vilnius.

    It is obvious that there are no ideal elections in principle. There is
    always some discontent, violations and shortcomings. If such cases are
    episodic and remain an exception with regard to the general situation,
    then to what extent is it justified to exaggerate details taken out
    of the general context and generalize by describing them as the final
    result? Such a position on this matter a priori cannot be fair. This
    approach is directed towards realizing unsavoury objectives.

    Another example. The West always focuses on media freedom issues
    and teaches us how to work with media bodies. We do not have such
    a problem. The Azerbaijani media is free and there are no problems
    with distributing information, public ownership of the existing news
    resources and their freedom to release sensational materials without
    regard for their ownership. Yet, we are sometimes forced to feel
    the pressure from Western circles, although in this area as well our
    partners would do well to examine the situation with the freedom of
    their own media organizations.

    [Passage omitted: Criticism of human rights violations and media
    restrictions in the USA]

    Abuse of trust

    [] What is Baku's reaction to the manifestations of double
    standards? In addition, sometimes not only international organizations,
    but also official agencies of some countries engage in this...

    [Mehdiyev] The assessments, recommendations and actions of
    international organizations, missions of other countries and our
    partners are always very important for us, provided, of course,
    that they are objective and constructive.

    [Passage omitted: Criticism acceptable if correct]

    In recent years the political moral in our country has visibly
    strengthened and this is a crucial aspect of our reality. Pay attention
    to how important the Azerbaijani president regards creating transparent
    conditions in public, social and economic spheres! This transparency
    is vital for changing the format of relations between people and
    official bodies and ensuring trust in relations.

    In the practice of international relations trust is as important
    as it is in relations between people. Therefore, problems that
    complicate partnership emerge when some sides seek to abuse trust
    and unnecessarily test relations that formed during many years.

    For example, relations between Azerbaijan and the USA are not just
    friendly; they are also strategic relations that passed the test of
    times. We are strategic partners and in accordance with this the US
    assessment of the presidential election is very important for Baku.

    Unfortunately, we have to note that for reasons that remain unclear
    for us the US Department of State voiced an opinion that was definitely
    wide of the mark.

    I regard such moves in our partnership by US official bodies as an
    attempt in an insincere and authoritarian fashion to criticize us
    for not living in accordance with the scenario they chose. There is
    no reason to assume that there are no grounds for contemplating the
    reasons for such a biased appraisal of the US foreign policy body to
    the election held in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan took into consideration
    all aspects, the smallest minutiae and even force-majeure to rule out
    misunderstandings or discontent of voters. Abnormal situation always
    emerge in the course of election campaigns, dissatisfied people emerge
    and incidents occur. In spite of this, there was no incident in the
    last election that could lead to spoiling the overall picture or give
    grounds for condemning the entire process.

    Fortunately, the vast majority of foreign observers highly praised
    the efforts that allowed the conduct of this process at the necessary
    level, the ground work and the entire composition.

    I would like to emphasize an important detail for you: the chairman of
    the Central Electoral Commission, Mazahir Panahov, unexpectedly held
    a briefing at 1500 [1000 gmt] on the election day. During the briefing
    he announced several legal violations that took place in some polling
    stations. In a polling station in Samkir District a representative
    of an opposition newspaper intruded into the station and sought to
    derail the election process. The matter there was investigated on
    the spot and the incident was dealt with.

    Before the CEC chairman managed to complete his prompt report, a
    representative of a Western media outlet began to ask him questions
    about the details of the incident. It became immediately clear
    to everybody, including the CEC chairman himself, that the female
    journalist was aware of the prepared sabotage because unwarily she
    talked about such details of the incident that could not be known to
    a person 300 km away from the area.

    Another example. On 9 October through social networks and YouTube
    opposition groups unleashed a campaign of discrediting the election
    through videos that depicted stuffing of election bulletins and
    carousel voting. However, the organizers of this campaign forgot
    technical details and these details unmasked the falsifiers. The
    videos were posted on the YouTube video channel on 8 October, that
    is one day before the election. Strange, is not it?

    I also wish to clarify the matter of mobile devices where the election
    results were posted in advance. The law-enforcement bodies together
    with the CEC are currently investigating this seditious move and the
    culprits will be brought to responsibility in accordance with law.

    On the election day members of the irreconcilable opposition committed
    numerous unlawful and inflammatory moves in a number of polling
    stations. Commission members included all such cases in protocols
    and sent them for investigation to the Central Electoral Commission.

    The means and methods for propaganda and anti-propaganda of black PR
    and other sabotage technologies are known to everybody. There is no
    need to marvel at this arsenal. In the course of vote and political
    struggle people support what they believe in or hope for. Perhaps this
    should be considered a normal phenomenon. However, upon seeing a biased
    attack that employs a tactic suitable for old-time naval battles on the
    positions of the CEC that was cautious and took all possible measures
    to keep the process fully in line with the existing legislation, one
    wants to ask why and for what purpose did they confuse the colours
    and create a biased negative opinion?

    I wish to bring to your attention one important fact. We know that
    the OSCE ODIHR is not an independent organization that functions
    independently. It moves while keeping one eye on the USA. Since we
    know that in its previous unobjective and biased assessments of the
    Azerbaijani elections this organization too was guided by the specific
    instructions received from the USA, we were far from inviting them to
    observe this presidential election. However, at the US recommendation
    Azerbaijani invited the OSCE ODIHR. It later transpired that the
    reports of the US State Department and OSCE ODIHR are identical. This
    is an express abuse of trust.

    The OSCE ODIHR has repeatedly demonstrated that its position is
    dictated from outside. This fact gives us grounds to cease cooperation
    with this organization.

    Relations with opposition

    [APA] The election is over. What is your forecast for the development
    of relations between the government and opposition in the post-election

    [Mehdiyev] The election campaign must bring together political forces
    in order for national interests to prevail. In a healthy society
    it is considered normal and natural to put the issue this way. The
    competition between the sides does not mean building walls between
    themselves, antagonism or especially enmity.

    Unfortunately, in our situation we have to witness the opposition
    that is the worst of the worst. For over 20 years now the radical
    opposition refuses to engage in dialogue. As before, they seek for
    the root of evil not in themselves, in their aggressive struggle
    for power, but in the strong government that is capable of working,
    ensuring stability and development in Azerbaijan and strengthening
    its international positions.

    The government has repeatedly called on its opponents to sit at a
    table and begin a dialogue. This is a move worthy of the strong and
    the government shows this. But always incomprehensible arguments
    and unfounded complaints are made and inadequate rhetoric is voiced
    in response.

    Again it is the baseless ambitions of our opponents that thwart the
    dialogue. If the radical opposition lacks the electoral support,
    then why should it blame the government for this? During the previous
    years the social base of this camp visibly eroded because the esteemed
    radicals for decades engaged in unnecessary efforts. They could not
    determine the ideological aspect of their programme of activity and
    did not work out the concept of an alternative constructive activity
    to the programme of reforms. Given such uncertain conditions, how
    were they going to woo their supporters?

    The electorate cast votes for real ideological objectives, for ways
    and means of achieving them, for projects of reforms in various
    spheres. The government both announce and implement them.

    The irreplaceable leaders of the irreconcilable opposition deny
    our country's successes and results of the reform programmes, but
    offer nothing in their place. While none of them has experience or
    potential of administration and they lack the electorate's support,
    they only wish to have power. What voter can vote for a candidate
    who gives unrealistic and absurd promises?

    The televised debates on the Public TV in Azerbaijan showed that
    this opposition is still not ready for civil struggle. They were
    unable to put forward an election platform because they only engage in
    demagoguery, while the proxies of the favoured candidate explained in
    clear and understandable terms what and how this candidate plans to do.

    It seems that history and their sad experience have taught nothing
    to the irreconcilable opposition. They would not be repeating the
    old mistakes otherwise.

    Pay attention to the election results: Ilham Aliyev gathered 84.55
    per cent, while the National Council's candidate only mustered 5.77
    per cent of votes. What does this show? This shows that the number of
    supporters of the irreconcilable opposition in Azerbaijan is somewhat
    higher than 150,000. This is a very interesting piece of information
    for those who are forced to calculate their losses.

    The unchangeable leaders of the radical opposition must draw
    conclusions from this and realize that radicalism and aggression will
    lead them nowhere. This is a dead end. This opposition will lose
    even the few supporters they have. It is high time to realize that
    both responsible government and competitive opposition are vital
    components for a democratic society. However, competition must not
    lead to an increase in illegal technologies, disruption of public
    order and aggressive moves.

    It is impossible for Azerbaijan's political system to develop and
    reach political stability based on the balance of political powers
    that reflect interests of various social groups in the absence
    of a normally functioning institute of opposition. However, the
    opposition must be ready both in ideological and practical terms for
    this responsible role.

    Only the constructive opposition has the mission of building. Only
    they can participate in state building, forming national society and
    civil society.

    The moves by the functionaries from the irreconcilable opposition's
    camp show that this force has exhausted its resources. The majority
    of its leaders are people who were in power in the beginning of the
    1990s. After losing power they gathered "the discontented" around
    them and began to lead parties. Their faulty world outlook, corrupt
    moral values and inability to embrace change in accordance with the
    new tasks facing our people after establishing independence make this
    camp unable to pin hopes on the stream of "new forces".

    This camp is unable to pin hopes on the stream of new forces because
    the opposition forces either cannot work with their voters, explain
    to them their positions, views and priorities, or do not wish to do so.

    I cannot fail to point out one inherent characteristic of the
    discontented. They can never get rid of the obsession that only
    they can be true democrats and nobody else. For many years these
    people call themselves representatives of the democratic wing of the
    political spectrum, although characteristics and peculiarities that
    are in stark contradiction with democracy always emerge in their
    positions. The time has come to objectively appraise them so that
    the notion of a "democrat" is not cheapened. Looking at the moves of
    the Azerbaijani opposition through the prism of universally accepted
    norms and standards, there are all grounds for talking not about the
    triumph of democracy, but about its social ills.

    At first glance the struggle between the government and opposition is
    always about competition for authority, opportunities, resources and,
    finally, power. However, this struggle must be waged in a prudent
    and civil way, and most importantly with responsibility. Because the
    noble objective of supremacy of national interests can always be seen
    looking from the prism of interests of healthy forces.

    Foreign policy after election

    [Trend] Since you began talking of national interests, it is necessary
    to clarify one point: can changes be expected in the foreign policy
    after president-elect Ilham Aliyev is sworn in and begins to execute
    his duties?

    [Mehdiyev] In recent years Azerbaijan has built extremely constructive
    relations with our neighbours, Western countries and the Muslim world.

    The principle of mutual understanding rules in dialogues with our
    partners. This is very important for future foreign relations. The
    constructive nature of mutual activities promises our country
    ample advantages, opportunities for trade and increased integration
    potential, expanded area of cooperation.

    With the exception of Armenia, Azerbaijan has no problems in relations
    with neighbouring countries. The strengthening of international
    positions creates conditions for reinforcing the diplomatic front,
    which is crucial in terms of settling the Karabakh conflict.

    Increasingly more and more countries come to realize the gist of our
    territorial problem.

    Pay attention that on the international arena Azerbaijan continuously
    prevails over the aggressor state. This happens because the ranks
    of our friends and strategic partners are expanding by the year. At
    the international summits, in the lobbies and high-profile meeting
    of the UN and other authoritative international organization they
    display their readiness to support Baku's position.

    The trend toward mutually beneficial cooperation with continental and
    European Union countries, major support for NATO's Eastern Partnership
    and Partnership for Peace programmes and developing relations with
    the countries represented in the Non-Aligned Movement will certainly
    be carried on.

    There is still a large untapped potential of mutual strategic
    cooperation with the Muslim world countries. Here too the bounds of
    possible and constructive events will be expanded.

    The need for increased activity on the international stage has to do
    with the increase in major positive opportunities brought about by
    the clear and accurate foreign policy of the Azerbaijani state and
    closer ties with our old and new partners. We have values to offer to
    the international community. Accordingly, there are also many values
    that we consider essential to take from them. Therefore, our movement
    toward out partners and sincere friends will dynamically increase.

    Armenian-Turkish rapprochement

    [Azartac] For well-known reasons while building the vectors of its
    foreign policy Azerbaijan has to be guided by the Karabakh issue. It
    is possible that some countries still intend to organize a surprise
    with Armenian-Turkish rapprochement. At least such reports are leaked
    to the international media. What will be Baku's response in this case?

    [Mehdiyev] The subject of your question is very topical. Some Western
    circles indeed do not stop trying to exaggerate this issue. They
    wish to bring back to the international agenda Armenian-Turkish
    rapprochement issues in the format of concessions on our side.

    According to information that we have, in order to implement this
    intention some countries exert pressure on the Turkish political
    leadership. This is about reanimating the Zurich protocols. Azerbaijan
    closely monitors this process. If the opening of the Turkish-Armenian
    border is suggested without being linked with settlement of the
    Karabakh conflict, then Azerbaijan's response will be extremely
    negative and adequate measures will be taken. We will do whatever
    is possible to prevent Armenian-Turkish rapprochement from being
    unilateral. We have plenty of levers of influence. In order to prevent
    Armenia from escaping its isolation, we are capable of influencing
    the balance of regional powers.

    It is our natural right to demand from the international community and
    partner countries that they comply with the provisions of international
    law. Armenia is an aggressor state that has kept Azerbaijani
    territories under illegal occupation for more than 20 years, that
    poses threat to regional security, violates international order
    and generates new risks and problems. Therefore, if it is given the
    advantage of escaping its isolated position, then this will definitely
    lead to major problems and threats to neighbouring countries.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said recently that Ankara
    will not change the commitments it made to Baku and will not improve
    relations with Yerevan unless the occupied territories of Azerbaijan
    are freed. This is an objective position in line with international
    legal requirements, our expectations and our faith in the immutability
    of Turkey's just position. Regrettably, some Western countries do not
    wish to tolerate this, support the aggressor and play with Armenia's
    whims displaying infuriating inadequacy and hypocrisy.

    The international community and Yerevan's donors must not encourage
    the aggressor and must uphold the positions of international law. Only
    in this way can the rampant and aggressive-minded Armenia be forced
    to respect the right of its neighbours to live in calm, peace and
    security, and to free the occupied territories.

    It is completely clear that Armenia takes advantage of the favourable
    disposition of its foreign sponsors and wishes to achieve a turnaround
    in the diplomatic struggle with Azerbaijan. Since the Armenian
    leadership see this opportunity, they thwart the political process
    and engage in obstructionism. If it did not have the hypothetical
    rescue options, then perhaps there would be more headway made in the
    negotiations process.

    As before Azerbaijan is determined to achieve a peaceful solution to
    this issue. This path envisages that Azerbaijan's territorial integrity
    be ensured within the borders agreed upon by the international
    community. Undoubtedly, guided by the supremacy of international
    law principles, efforts must be concentrated around real mutual

    Our country has repeatedly demonstrated that it is loyal to the spirit
    of constructive approach and expects an adequate position from the
    Armenian side as well. Opportunities for peaceful settlement of the
    conflict have not been exhausted yet and they must be used. However,
    the patience of the people is not limitless.

    It is essential that all countries that are interested in the South
    Caucasus issues, including the Western countries, understand this

    [Translated from Azeri]

    From: Baghdasarian