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Azerbaijan Criticises European Parliament's Backtracking Over Recent

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  • Azerbaijan Criticises European Parliament's Backtracking Over Recent


    Sacramento Bee, CA
    Oct 24 2013

    By Azerbaijan Monitor

    BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 24, 2013 -- /PRNewswire/ --

    Azerbaijan has suspended its activities in the EuroNest Parliamentary
    Assembly after the European Parliament (EP) defied the findings of
    its own observer mission to the recent Presidential elections in
    Azerbaijan to pass a resolution critical of the poll.

    Observer missions from both the EP and the Council of Europe found
    the poll, which re-elected President Ilham Aliyev on October 9th,
    to be "free, fair and transparent". But in the past week the EP has
    passed a motion, which contradicts the findings of its own people on
    the ground in Azerbaijan.

    It has now determined that the election was held in "non-conformity
    with the OSCE standards and non-fulfilment of OSCE requirements",
    a reversal, which has sparked a furious reaction from the Head of
    the Azerbaijan delegation to Euronest PA, Elkhan Suleymanov.

    He has questioned how the EP could base a ruling on "the partial
    resolution of the OSCE ODIHR monitoring mission" despite the fact that
    "three out of four international institutions monitoring the elections
    - European Parliament, PA of Council of Europe and OSCE Parliamentary
    Assembly - have provided their positive evaluation."

    He added that this is not the first such inconsistency on the part
    of the EP. In July it declared it didn't need to send a monitoring
    mission to Azerbaijan at all, before announcing a dramatic about
    face on the eve of the election, which, Suleymanov says, amounted to
    "political sabotage."

    The election was monitored by almost 50,000 election monitors from
    around the world and was won by Aliyev in a landslide. The emphatic
    outcome was consistent with exit polling conducted by respected
    American polling firm Arthur J. Finkelstein, based on 60,000 interviews
    conducted at 835 polling stations.

    Suleymanov also decried a contradiction by the European Parliament
    over the Armenian occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh. Despite the fact
    that the European Parliament - like the United Nations, OSCE and
    the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - has passed
    resolutions condemning Armenia's occupation, its President, Martin
    Schulz, now says "Azerbaijan and Armenia themselves should solve this
    complex issue."

    "This is absurd," Suleymanov said in response. He pointed out that
    Schultz's comments totally contradict the approach of the Minsk group,
    which is dedicated to finding a political solution to the occupation
    involving regional and international involvement.

    Armenia continues to occupy 20 percent of Azerbaijan territory
    following a conflict two decades ago that displaced one million

    From: A. Papazian