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Georgia set to replace president peacefully

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  • Georgia set to replace president peacefully

    Georgia set to replace president peacefully

    Ex-Soviet state gears up for its first "boring" vote, but some
    analysts are concerned about pressure from the PM.

    Tamila Varshalomidze Last Modified: 25 Oct 2013 13:59

    Mikheil Saakashvili is leaving the presidential office after
    exhausting his two terms [AP]

    For post-Soviet Georgia this is the first experience of its kind -
    there are presidential elections just a few days away, but there are
    no angry crowds marching for democracy and no president seeking to
    cling to power.

    After exhausting his two terms in office since sweeping to power by
    unseating his former "political father" Eduard Shevardnadze in 2003,
    once-powerful President Mikheil Saakashvili will give up his post
    peacefully to one of the 23 registered presidential hopefuls on
    October 27.

    An Election Observation Mission from the Organisation for Security and
    Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) described the pre-election environment
    as "calm" and "transparent".

    But the word mostly used by ordinary Georgians, who ousted two
    presidents by violent revolutions, is "boring".

    "Peaceful elections are boring, that's a fact, sorry," wrote Shota
    Kinchagashvili, a Georgian blogger, on his twitter account.

    More than 100 former officials are charged, while over 10,000 UNM
    activists have been questioned.

    Davit Bakradze, presidential candidate

    Political analyst Davit Phurtskhvanidze told Al Jazeera that he senses
    public nihilism towards voting for a new president who will lose most
    of his executive powers as soon as he is sworn in due to
    constitutional amendments passed in 2010 and 2013.

    Presidential powers will shift to the prime minister and the
    parliament, turning the country into a parliamentary republic 22 years
    after gaining its independence from the Soviet Union.

    The candidate of the ruling Georgian Dream coalition, Giorgi
    Margvelashvili, is expected to become the fourth president of the

    Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili, who brought Margvelashvili into
    politics less than a year ago as a minister of education, expects his
    protege to win at least 60 percent of the popular vote.

    Ivanishvili told reporters on October 17 that if Margvelashvili gets
    anything less, he should bow out of the second round, prompting
    critics to accuse him of pressuring the electorate.

    Under Georgia's election law, a runoff is necessary only if none of
    the candidates secure more than 50 percent of the vote in the first

    However, if his candidate doesn't get at least 60 percent, Ivanishvili
    said he would see that his "tireless work" was unappreciated and he
    would "pack up and leave".

    Opposition candidates

    The main opposition candidates, Davit Bakradze and Nino Burjanadze
    would welcome such a development, as they battle for the second spot,
    that will guarantee a political niche for their parties in the
    parliamentary elections in three years time.

    Phurtskhvanidze told Al Jazeera "if Bakradze [candidate of
    Saakashvili's United National Movement] comes second, let alone wins
    the election, it will cause a massive unrest and people will attack
    the new government of the Georgian Dream coalition [for letting the
    former government maintain power]."

    Meanwhile, Bakradze, whose main promise is to continue Euro-Atlantic
    integration, has accused the ruling party of pressure during the
    pre-election campaign.

    "More than 100 former officials are charged, while over 10,000 UNM
    activists have been questioned (some more than 20 or even 30 times),"
    he told"Many campaign events are disrupted by either
    Georgian Dream activists, who appear there holding party symbols and
    try to intervene, or violent attacks of the government's satellite
    groups. The fact that violent offenders in all cases got away with
    merely symbolic fines is a serious problem."

    I will finish this ugly cohabitation as soon as I become the
    president, and I will finish the festivities of the United National
    Movement in Georgia.

    - Nino Burjanadze, presidential candidate

    The third main presidential hopeful, Nino Burjanadze, has been
    campaigning for attracting the anti-UNM audience who rebel against
    Georgian Dream's "soft touch".

    "I will finish this ugly cohabitation as soon as I become the
    president, and I will finish the festivities of the United National
    Movement in Georgia," Burjanadze told Reuters news agency, referring
    to the uneasy relationship between outgoing President Saakashvili and
    PM Ivanishvili who led the campaign last year that crushed UNM's
    dominance in parliament.

    Leader of the Democratic Movement-United Georgia was once
    Saakashvili's ally, co-fighter of the 2003 Rose Revolution that
    brought Saakashvili to power, but Burjanadze was sidelined several
    years later, prompting her to go into opposition.

    "I'm sure that all activity of Mr Saakashvili should be investigated,
    including August 2008 [war], tortures in the jails, pressure and
    intimidation concerning political opponents," she said referring to
    pre-election allegations last year of prison torture.

    Russian connection

    A veteran politician, Burjanadze attempted to come back to power
    several times with violent protests, but the public didn't seem to
    support her due to her open pro-Russian position that is also expected
    to diminish her chances of winning Sunday's election.

    Burjanadze, who met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2010,
    said "I don't care who will call me pro-Russian. My main goal is to
    fulfil the interests of my country."

    The topic of Georgian-Russian relationship has been used by each of
    the presidential candidates during their campaigns, as it is a major
    challenge facing Saakashvili's successor.

    Continuing to improve ties with Russia, severed by war between the
    countries in 2008, is a policy introduced by Ivanishvili first after
    his party came to power in 2012.

    About 3.5 million eligible voters will decide in a few days who they
    will trust with the future of Georgia and its position in the region.

    Critics of the voting process worry that regardless of who wins the
    election, the country will be run by figures acting from behind the

    There are concerns that Ivanishvili, who has promised to resign after
    the inauguration of his candidate, will pull the strings of
    Margvelashvili if he enters the presidential office.

    The main opposition candidates, Bakradze and Burjanadze, are expected
    to be influenced by Saakashvili and Russia's president Vladimir Putin

    Follow Tamila Varshalomidze on Twitter: @tamila87v
