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Political imprudence

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  • Political imprudence

    Political imprudence

    October 25 2013

    Wage increase of the highest state bureaucracy on the background of
    eliminating 18 thousand drams unemployment benefits is really a
    bizarre step. The government could not explain why it wants to take
    away that albeit minor contribution from unemployed. Perhaps there are
    reasons that are not loud about it. For example, there is a secret
    plan to provide a `boom' of jobs in the upcoming months. Connecting
    such reckless and irrational move of the Government and the National
    Assembly with raising of own salary talks about the lack of elementary
    political smell (or, maybe, about real cynicism). While the issue of
    raising wages really exists, and if do not pursue the goal to please
    the majority of our citizens and to deserve stormy applauses, then I
    suggest to think. When Saakashvili came to power and got the full
    support of the Americans, of course, the question arose how to do that
    the senior officials steal less. Americans said to Saakashvili `never
    mind, make your young people work, we will give money'. Regardless of
    what happened after, it gave its positive result in the first round.
    It is not possible other than that: to pay 240 thousand drams to the
    minister and tell to rule the sector, where billions of dollars are
    circulating, it is illogical. You will say even if he received a
    million, it's all the same, he will steal. Yes, it is possible. But,
    for these 240 thousand drams, he is forced to do it. There are people
    in the Government and the National Assembly, who have no business, do
    not `stand a roof' in anywhere, do not take bribes, do not collect
    illegal `taxes'. How is their issue solved? In addition to `white'
    salaries, they are likely to get an envelope with `black' salary. In
    addition to lazybones and pillagers, the government, sometimes, in
    exceptional cases, needs for specialists, professionals, such as
    people like Vache Gabrielyan. Such people are also available in much
    lower spheres. How to stir the interest of such specialists to work
    for the state? Perhaps, we should quit with them and hire people with
    low wages, knowing a priori that they will take a bribe, or (which is
    almost the same) will intrude into the business. In short, the issue
    principally is put correctly. Simply, in the country with widespread
    poverty, it is absolutely not perceived and will not be perceived that
    the well-fed MPs, the majority of which are businessmen and absolutely
    do not rely on wages, raise their, as well as their `fellow worker'
    executive's salaries. Accordingly, if I were a deputy, I would propose
    the following: to pass a law, but for the next government, for the
    next session of the National Assembly, for the next president.

    Read more at:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress