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Abkhazian Railway: New Challenges

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  • Abkhazian Railway: New Challenges


    The Messenger, Georgia
    Oct 29 2013

    BY: CGS GROUP Tuesday, October 29 On September 11, 2013, the Russian
    Duma adopted a package of decisions with regard to Syria, where the
    main resolution was to supply Iran with military weapons and ammunition
    in the event of a U.S. Military strike against Syria. With this
    gesture, Russia openly revealed its support for Assad's government,
    which receives much of its weapons from Iran.

    The question then becomes: how, and in which ways, does Russia plan
    to implement its decision? In particular, how will it supply Iran
    with weapons?

    Logically, the fastest, most cost-effective and economically viable
    way is through the Transcaucasian railway line, neglected since
    the Abkhazian war. In particular, its Ochamchire - Ingiri (Zugdidi)
    section requires rehabilitation.

    A few days prior to the Duma's resolution, on September 6, the Armenian
    News agency released a statement by Armenian National Security
    Council Secretary Arthur Baghdasaryan, who stated that "Armenia is
    actively negotiating with Abkhazia and Iran about the issue of the
    railway construction-rehabilitation process. Iran is ready to finance
    the costs of railway construction. There are active negotiations
    on this issue. Armenia has a strong interest in the opening of the
    railway line. Georgia and Russia are also parties having interests,
    and Abkhazia has agreed to open the railway line.

    Now we must continue the negotiation processes."

    Also on September 6, Georgia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued
    a response to the statement made by Baghdasaryan. Foreign Minister
    Maia Panjikidze stated that "The issue of this railway is a very
    interesting topic that may lie within our sphere of interest. However,
    when negotiations about this issue began, we made it plain that the
    Georgian government will do nothing against its own interests, and
    that future developments will guide us in how to act. Any information
    you may have heard indicating that a permit has been issued by us,
    or that any agreement has been reached, is false."

    Knowing that the Georgian government has denied the existence of
    any negotiations process in this regard, what could Baghdasaryan's
    statement mean, that outran the decision made by Duma? Is this a
    random coincidence? Or is there a more far-reaching and deliberate
    motive behind this?

    The issue of opening this railway line is not something new, but has
    been the subject of discussion since the close of the Abkhazian war.

    At the press conferenceon July 3, 2013, Georgian Prime Minister
    Bidzina Ivanishvili talked about the recovery of Abkhazian railway
    line. He made it clear that rail traffic will be restored, where the
    Russian position will be a major factor, and that the rehabilitation
    process should be gradual. In fact, he repeated what he had said on
    January 17, on the meeting with President Serzh Sargsyan during his
    visit to Armenia, where he had also described Russia's position as a
    key factor. This had at that time given rise to talk in opposition
    parties of "impending dangers." The Prime Minister's statement was
    also criticized by President Saakashvili, who claimed that this
    process wouldl slow the integration process and help accelerate
    Russian expansion in the Caucasus.

    But it must be said that comments of opposition and the President
    were politically motivated, since Saakashvili's government also
    engaged in active negotiation for the restoration of railway, and it
    can be said that these negotiations were conducted unsuccessfully,
    since Russia managed to establish full control over the railway,
    which facilitated the Kremlin's military presence in Abkhazia.

    Following Georgia's parliamentary elections in October 2012 and
    approval of a new cabinet, the issue of restoration of the railway
    line came to the forefront once again.

    In November 2012, the new Minister for Reintegration Paata
    Zakareishvili initiated the idea of restoration of the railway and road
    transit traffic, as presenting a step forward for conflict resolution.

    Zakareishvili's initiative was not new but an issue that had been
    raised by Aslan Abashidze during President Eduard Shevardnadze's
    government. At the time, the Kremlin considered Abashidze as
    Shevardnadze's successor, and Abashidze assumed the role of mediator
    as a way to raise his rating with support of IDPs from Abkhazia.

    Abashidze gave Russia the opportunity to defend its interests during
    the negotiation processes. The issue of restoration of the railway
    in Abkhazia as a topic for discussion was provided by Russian side.

    Restoration in this case meant the restoration of Leselidze -
    Ochamchire section, but not the whole traffic.

    This enabled Russia to transport military goods in Abkhazia, and
    this process was not related to the issue of restoration of transit
    with Armenia. In fact, restoration of the whole line was not in the
    Russia's interest, as in this case people of the disputed regions
    would be able to have contact with each other and this would be the
    serious step forward for conflict resolution.

    At that time the chairman of the Supreme Council was Tamaz
    Nadareishvili, who managed to neutralize Abashidze and remove him
    from the processes, lately the issue of restoration of the railway
    was closed. Significantly, pressure from the Armenian side has ceased.

    But soon after Saakashvili's arrival to power in 2004, as a result of
    Armenia's activity (and behind Armenia, there was Russia's interests)
    the issue of restoration of railway reawakened. The process was
    under UN Observer mission's control. Georgian-Abkhazian commission
    was created, restoration works defined, finances was guaranteed
    by Russian side and the process was officially registered on the
    basis of a special report. Russian railway troops began to move to
    Abkhazia but suddenly the process of negotiations was halted and only
    Leselidze-Ochamchire road was restored.

    It should be noted that Saakashvili's government was either unable
    or unwilling to accurately assess the situation. For all practical
    purposes, Russia reached its goal, strengthened its presence in
    Abkhazia, and restored the railway line that was acceptable for it.

    As a result, Georgia was automatically removed from the issue
    of restoration of railway and the topic has been left open, with
    Ochamchire-Ingiri (Zugdidi) line still in need of restoration to
    ensure transit to Armenia.

    Armenia has the greatest interest in this issue, as restoration of
    the railway is considered strategically important for Armenia, as
    the shortest and cheapest route to Russia. For Armenian business,
    transporting cargo to Russia currently costs 190 USD per ton, and
    would be much lower were use of the railway line restored. President
    Sargsyan has high hopes regarding this issue; he has had negotiations
    with Putin, who promised to consider this topic.

    However, Azerbaijan's interests also must be considered, as they do
    not share common satisfaction. Azerbaijani experts believe that this
    process may irritate Azerbaijan and this will have negative effect
    on the Azerbaijan-Georgia relationship. They think that restoration
    of this railway line will facilitate market movement in Armenia and
    as a result it becomes stronger, and this is the matter of concern
    for Azerbaijan.

    Azerbaijani experts believe Georgia would do well to remember that
    Azerbaijan is Georgia's strategic partner who always supports Georgia
    on International arena, and that economic relations are another
    important part of this relationship, as Georgia receives natural gas
    with special tariffs and receives investments from Azerbaijani side.

    Georgian politicians should make no decisions without consultations
    with the Azerbaijani side.

    However, it should also be remembered that in 1999 Azerbaijani
    government together with EU signed an agreement giving Georgia,
    Azerbaijan and Armenia responsibility to open the railway line. This
    means that Azerbaijan has signed the document according to which it
    has to facilitate restoration of railway line.

    In addition, the Azerbaijani Government must accept the fact that this
    issue is related to Georgian-Russian relations, in which Azerbaijan
    does not have the right to interfere. Moreover, Georgia has not taken
    an international obligation about withdrawal of restoration of railway
    line, nor has Georgia made any promises to Azerbaijan about this issue.

    Regardless, Georgia and Azerbaijan should remain strategic partners,
    and Azerbaijan should be interested in this, as Georgia is the only
    route for exporting oil and gas to Europe. In addition, Azerbaijani's
    private sector has made significant investments in Georgia which they
    want to protect.

    Russia, who has its military bases in Armenia, is also interested in
    this issue. It takes considerable resources for Russia to maintain
    these bases and provide logistical support. The issue of the rotation
    of military personal is another difficulty. Restoration of railway
    line will give Russia the opportunity to keep these bases and squadrons
    located near the Turkish border, with less expenditure.

    Russia has more far-reaching ambitions. Several years ago, the Russian
    Railway bought the Armenian railway line and gave it old Soviet name
    "Transcaucasia Railway" (General Director Viktor Rebets). Russian
    Railway also controls Abkhazian railway lines, and has hopes that its
    restoration of the aforementioned railway line would give it access
    to control the "Georgian Railway."

    In fact, Russia could not only control railway transit in the South
    Caucasus but also have direct access to Iran and Islamic Republics,
    who have their own interests regarding the railway line issue.

    There is an embargo imposed on Iran by the international community
    and in fact it is in isolation. With the restoration of this
    railway line, it would have access to its strategic partner Russia,
    with whom it actively cooperates in many fields including nuclear
    energy issues. At this stage, Russia is not able to supply Iran with
    radioactive substances, although there have been several attempts to
    do this by using Georgian territory. Restoration of the railway line
    would give Russia the potential to provide Iran such resources.

    Certainly the railway, specifically the Abkhazia-Ingiri (Zugdidi)
    line, has great economic importance in terms of regional policy. But
    first of all it is an important step for normalizing Georgia-Russian
    relations- one of the requests of the western alliance partners. In
    addition, Prime Minister Ivanishvili and the prevailing government
    have recognized the Regional Policy as a priority in foreign relations.

    When we speak of the issue of restoration of the railway line and
    its economic importance, we should bear in mind the risks that may
    accompany this process. However, these can be minimized or avoided if
    the existing government, unlike the previous one, is realistic about
    assessing the landscape and milieu including Russia as a key player.

    Areas of risk that should be singled out as needing particular scrutiny
    include, first of all, that Georgia must not gave up "Georgian railway"
    in favour of Russia. On the contrary, Georgia must try to incorporate
    the Abkhazian railway into the Georgian railway line. Secondly,
    as the Abkhazian side lacks specialists, it is important to employ
    Georgian Specialists along with Russians. Thirdly, Russia must
    fulfil its obligation, taken on as a condition of membership in the
    World Trade Organization, and let Georgian customs officers on River
    Psou. Fourthly, Georgia must be alert to the categories of Russia
    cargos, to avoid further military ammunitions and arms movement in
    Armenia that would contribute to instability in the region, and be
    the violation of OSCE's 1999 Istanbul decision. Finally and related,
    international organizations should monitor cargos to prevent delivery
    of uranium to Iran.

    CGS Group is an American research and consulting firm, which offers a
    variety of services to clients interested in establishing themselves
    in Georgia and the South Caucasus. Committed to the success of our
    clients and partners we offer experience and resources in the areas
    of ? Government Relations & Public Affairs ? Business Intelligence
    ? Due Diligence ? Political Risk Analysis ? Security & Preparedness ?

    Investigations & Forensics. Apart from research and consultancy
    activities, CGS Group publishes two weekly newsletters to report
    on business, economics and political news of Georgia. Find more at
