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ANKARA: Let's Meet At The Pecheneq Monument On September 8th

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  • ANKARA: Let's Meet At The Pecheneq Monument On September 8th


    Radikal, Turkey
    Sept 1 2013

    Baskin Oran

    [Traslated from Turkish by Nurhan Becidyan]

    Remember the Van Akhtamar Church which was going to be demolished in
    1951 and which later in 2007 was restored? I used to think that it
    was an Armenian church, yet it turns out to be a Turkish church. The
    State has lied to us. Now they will have to account for this. Soon
    our public prosecutors can start three very important court cases:
    1) Against the Turkish Armed Forces for attempting to demolish a
    thousand plus year old Turkish monument on June 25, 1951; 2) Against
    Prime Minister Erdogan's government for declaring it as an "Armenian
    Church" and restoring it as such in 2007; 3) Against all the past
    Turkish Republic governments for allowing this Turkish monument to
    almost collapse due to neglect. Of course all three cases will have to
    be opened under the Turkish Criminal Code Article 301/1 which covers
    "publicly insulting Turkishness."

    I had heard firsthand about these destructions years ago, but this
    fact has nothing to do with our present subject matter. In the spring
    of 1999 I had visited the Cappadocia region. Our guide had told us:
    "I was with a commando unit during my military service. One day,
    our commanding officer told us to gather a large amount of explosives
    and to blow up the ruins of two Armenian churches nearby. We flattened
    both of them." But of course those were completely different from this
    one. Let us listen to what Goksel Gulbey, the president of ASIMDER
    (The Association Against International Unfounded Armenian Allegations)
    has to say:

    "The church that the Armenians are alleging as theirs belongs
    toPecheneq Turks, Christian Turks. (...) Unfortunately the Armenians
    have fabricated a myth, claiming the church to be theirs."

    The President points also to a very important matter as follows:
    "This is where in 1915, during the Van massacres, Moslem women from
    Van had thrown themselves into Lake Van, in order to escape rape, ,
    thus saving their honor." No wonder, MHP (Nationalist Movement Party)
    deputy Prof. Yusuf Halacoglu (former president of the official Turkish
    Historical Society) had mentioned this on April 29th in Salihli
    and had even given the exact number of women involved by saying:
    "For the 50 Van women for whom we have not even been able to erect
    a monument of chastity." Incidentally we heard that MHP has a law
    proposal for such a monument.

    I had heard this "saving their honor" in the past in relation to
    1915, but from a totally different perspective which I cannot remember
    now. Anyway, President Gulbey ends his statement by saying: "As Turks,
    we will be present here for the September 8 religious service.

    With a three bus-full crowd, we will participate in these services
    and tell our side of the story."

    An Armenian cannot have slanted eyes

    The proofs given by Gulbey are rock solid: "There is a relief on the
    top side of the Akdamar [sic] Church depicting a horseman shooting
    arrows backwards. All historians agree that only Turks shoot arrows
    backwards while riding horses and there is no Armenian with slanted
    eyes. The horse on the relief also has a crescent above its hoof and
    on its rump. The use of the crescent as symbol by Turks even before
    Islam is an accepted fact by all historians."

    I looked at those pictures from books that I found, and on the East
    facade of the church there is a relief of a hunting scene where the
    eyes of the rider who is shooting the arrow is looking backwards. Of
    course the Armenian propaganda machine can misrepresent this saying:
    "If the archer is not cross eyed, his eyes would naturally slant
    towards the back because that is where he is looking. Also the Armenian
    artist might have shown Central Asian people in a hunt scene."

    Armenians might also point to the relief on the right and might even
    say: "The relief of the archer on the left depicts the Central Asian
    people who are still in the hunter-gatherer phase. Whereas the grapes,
    lamb and human shown on the right depicts the Armenians which have
    achieved the settled agricultural phase of civilization."

    We must be alert

    In addition to this misrepresentation, I want to warn my ASIMDER
    friends to the possibility that the Armenian lobby, which is as
    malignant as the interest rate lobby, might say: "Pecheneq Turks did
    not live on the southern shores of the Black Sea but on its north. .

    Furthermore if this is a Turkish church, why are all the inscriptions
    in the Armenian alphabet? Didn't the Pecheneqs use a Runic alphabet
    i.e. the Gokturk alphabet?"

    The shortest answer to this would be: "There is no such thing as
    an Armenian alphabet. Like the Kurds, Armenians are also Turks;
    therefore their alphabet is a copy of the Gokturk alphabet." But if,
    for some reason or other this does not sound convincing we can make
    the following claim: "The original inscriptions were written in the
    Runic alphabet, but in 1915 the so-called Armenians came, they erased
    the originals, and replaced them with their own writings."

    This latter claim might be even more appropriate because when the
    recent issue of the demolishment of ancient Armenian houses in Mush
    had come to the fore, Irfan Ermis from ASIMDER had said: "There is a
    monument in the Kurtulus (Independence) Park. (...) We know how they
    changed the inscriptions on that monument (...) If you look now only
    the names of the 120 martyred children is written" (The Son Nokta
    Newspaper, Elazig, August 24, 2013)

    If the lobby still insists saying "On the Akhtamar church not only
    has the Armenian alphabet been used but the architectural style of
    the church is also Armenian." Based on the principle that you should
    imitate the smell as the sound(*) we can say: "Just as the Armenian
    alphabet has been copied from the Gokturk alphabet, the Armenian
    architectural style has been copied from Seljuk architecture. The
    dome of the Akhtamar Church is exactly like the dome of the Mevlana
    Shrine in Konya. As a matter of fact, the Turks also brought their
    own architects with them on the way from Central Asia." Of course
    the construction dates of those two monuments (921 AD and 1358 AD,
    respectively) might cause some controversy, but I am sure that our
    friends from ASIMDER will think of a scientific answer to that problem.

    We are facing hardships

    The whole world is now scared that Turks are becoming too strong,
    and this has a bearing down on us. 2015 is also getting close. Our
    own state is collaborating with the Azerbaijanis against the Armenians.

    The Turks should erect a Chastity Monument on the Akhtamar Island on
    which ASIMDER is planning to show up on September 8, so that we can
    proudly prove to the World that we did not commit genocide against
    the Armenians.

    However, as it is difficult to refute all arguments one by one, I
    propose an all-encompassing strategy. We should firmly stand behind
    the fact that sometime in the past the Armenians came down from Space
    and then returned back to Space in 1915.

    (*) Translator's Note: This "principle" comes from a Nasreddin Hodja
    joke which goes as follows:

    Nasreddin Hodja, a well-known anonymous figure of Anatolian wisdom,
    invited somebody to dinner, who, while having dinner, accidentally
    farted, and then made the wooden floor creak to imitate the sound.

    Upon which the Hodja couldn't help saying: "Now that you have
    successfully imitated the sound, I wonder how you will imitate
    the smell?"

    Original article in Turkish:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress