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Russian, Armenian Presidents To Take Bilateral Ties To New Level

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  • Russian, Armenian Presidents To Take Bilateral Ties To New Level


    September 3, 2013 - 18:03 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Moscow hosted a meeting between the Presidents of
    Armenia Russia, Serzh Sargsyan and Vladimir Putin, with the latter
    welcoming the active development of bilateral ties, Kremlin press
    service said.

    At the meeting, the Russian leader specifically stressed the economic
    cooperation, with the trade turnover between the countries topping
    23%. "Russia is Armenia's key trade and economy partner, with the
    tendency remaining unchanged," Putin added.

    As the Armenian President, in turn, noted, a number of pending issues
    need to be discussed to strengthen bilateral ties and promote positive
    development. The President expressed hope for the age-long friendly
    and fraternal relations between Armenia and Russia to continue in
    accordance with the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual

    "Relations with Russia are an absolute priority for Armenia and we'll
    take every effort to see them develop. However, there are also some
    issues that need to be resolved to take our ties to a new level,"
    President Sargsyan said.

    Earlier, Russian President's aide said that the prospects of the
    Armenia-Russia cooperation within Customs Union and Unified Economic
    Space will be discussed during the September 3 Moscow-hosted meeting
    between both countries' leaders.

    "Development of international processes in the CIS, multilateral
    cooperation within the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)
    will be discussed, as well as provision of stability in Transcaucasia,
    including the Karabakh conflict settlement efforts," Yuri Ushakov said.

    Prior to the meeting, Armenian as well as foreign experts were tying to
    forecast the agenda of a meeting between Serzh Sargsyan and Vladimir
    Putin. Some believed that the Armenian leader was expected to pick
    between the Customs Union and EU Associated Membership, choosing
    between Russia and Europe.

    Thus, Sargsyan will have to persuade Putin that the economic element
    of the Association Agreement won't lead to changes in the military
    and political sector of cooperation.

    Other experts believe the Karabakh conflict settlement in the light
    of the oncoming presidential election in Azerbaijan to become the
    key issue of the meeting agenda. _to_new_level
