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Azerbaijan: Crackdown On Civil Society

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  • Azerbaijan: Crackdown On Civil Society


    11:44 05.09.13

    The Azerbaijani government is engaged in a deliberate, abusive strategy
    to limit dissent. The strategy is designed to curtail opposition
    political activity, limit public criticism of the government, and
    exercise greater control over nongovernmental organizations, The
    Human Rights Watchreports.

    The clampdown on freedom of expression, assembly, and association
    have accelerated in the months preceding the presidential elections,
    scheduled for October 9, 2013.

    The 100-page report, "Tightening the Screws: Azerbaijan's Crackdown
    on Civil Society and Dissent," documents the dramatic deterioration
    of the government's record on freedom of expression, assembly, and
    association in the past 18 months. The authorities have arrested
    dozens of political activists on bogus charges, imprisoned critical
    journalists, broken up peaceful public demonstrations, and adopted
    legislation imposing new restrictions on fundamental freedoms. Human
    Rights Watch documented the arrest and imprisonment of several
    high-ranking members of opposition political parties, government
    critics with large followings on social media, and people who have
    frequently been involved in political protests.

    "A vibrant public debate through the media and freedom to participate
    in peaceful public demonstrations are part and parcel of free and
    fair elections," said Giorgi Gogia, senior South Caucasus researcher
    at Human Rights Watch and author of the report. "It will hardly be
    a free and fair vote if so many people who criticize the authorities
    and report the news in the country are in jail or otherwise harassed
    into silence."

    The government should ensure that all those in detention on
    unsubstantiated, politically motivated charges including political
    activists, journalists, human rights defenders, and other civil society
    activists, are released. The government should stop pursuing spurious
    charges against its critics, Human Rights Watch said.

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