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Hrach Jabrayan. About The Interview Given By Falletta Spouse

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  • Hrach Jabrayan. About The Interview Given By Falletta Spouse


    September 5 2013

    "Hrach Jabrayan, Director General of "Dundee Precious Metals Kapan"
    CJSC (formerly "Dino Gold Mining Company") considered the statements
    in the interview of General Director of "Dino Gold Mining Company"
    Robert Falletta arriving in Armenia two and a half years ago and his
    wife Farid Falletta ridiculous. As informed by Hrach Jabrayan, the
    latter did not mention in their interview that they have applied to
    the Court, including the Court of Appeal and the Court of Cassation,
    but were not successful. "I have never met a person who has said a
    good thing about Farida Falletta. I have not communicated with this
    woman, I have once interrogated on January 25, 2011, and an hour after
    the interrogation, I concluded that this woman is a devil. In the
    interview, they forgot to mention that Hrach has found 56 thousand
    dollars cash money in Farida's company. When interrogated, she said
    that she had sold her sister's house in Russia, it is money from the
    sale, and when I asked why the money is in the company, naturally,
    she could not answer. I can continue revealing where the money is
    collected from, from whom and how she has collected.... They have
    forgotten that they have fired many innocent citizens from work, I
    have rehired 6 out of all fired, one of them has a very high position
    in this company," - said Mr. Jabrayan, who said that the employee was
    dismissed because he had noticed the violation of Farida Falletta in
    the company. As for the statement made by Falletta spouse that upon
    leaving the company they did not allow themselves to take anything
    with them, Mr. Jabrayan clarifies that in Canada and America it is
    quite normal that when the employee is fired the company takes all the
    goods belonging to the company, documents, computer, and so on. "It
    was ridiculous for me. Probably, they get some bad instructions from an
    attorney or a lawyer. When you say when do you want to leave? We will
    take you to Yerevan, you buy a ticket for her. But two years later,
    she is presenting it that they have scared her, that they made her
    leave the city, they have brought her to Yerevan, forced to leave the
    country, we have taken them to the hotel, have bought ticket for them,
    they could not go to the airport after all, they could stay in Armenia
    for 3 months, who forced them to leave. I do not have nothing bad to
    say about Mr. Falletta, he was a professional manager, I interrogated
    him, as a director he had made mistakes, of course, but I'm sure that
    I'm also doing wrong things, or Mr. Garkov also does wrong things as
    a General Director."- said Mr. Jabrayan. Mari SOGHOMONYAN

    Read more at:

    From: Baghdasarian