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Alexey Kolomiets: Armenia-EU Association Agreement May Share The Fat

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  • Alexey Kolomiets: Armenia-EU Association Agreement May Share The Fat


    ArmInfo's Interview with Alexey Kolomiets, President of the Center for
    European and Transatlantic Studies in Kyiv

    by David Stepanyan

    Wednesday, September 4, 23:08

    Armenia is still going to initial the Association Agreement and DCFTA
    at the Vilnius Summit in November. This circumstance has caused serious
    discrepancies between Yerevan and Moscow though at the recent meeting
    with Russian President Vladimir Putin Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
    has announced the country's intention to join the Customs Union. What
    should we expect from this meeting in the future?

    I am confident that in this matter everything will depend on the
    political will of the Armenian president and the stance of the Armenian
    society or its key groups. I think only Putin has understood the
    "significance" of the agreements with the EU for Kyiv, when he has
    recently said that "Ukraine does not sing an agreement to join any
    association". It looks incredible, but behind the wild chatter on the
    matter in Ukraine, only Putin voiced the most correct words about the
    core of what Europe offers. There is no doubt that during the visit of
    President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan to Moscow, Vladimir Putin imposed
    strong pressure upon Sargsyan. However, Putin himself is in a very
    hard geo-political situation. He needed success in the talks with
    Armenia. But what can he offer Armenia? This is a cardinal question.

    All the same, everything will be resolved in the territory of Armenia,
    in Yerevan.

    What are the prospects of initialing/signing of the Association
    Agreement by Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia during the summit in
    Vilnius? Do you think Russia will hinder the signing of the Agreement
    between Ukraine and the EU in every possible way?

    There is a little prospect for Ukraine to sign the Association
    Agreement with the EU during the summit in Vilnius. Yanukovich's
    regime in Ukraine has started a primitive, blackmailing game since the
    EU-Ukraine February summit. In the EU they do not understand this game,
    and that is bad. The so-called opposition forces in the Parliament of
    Ukraine seem to have joined this game which is shortfall and chiefly
    based on their own political calculations. Against such a background,
    perhaps, initialing of the agreements is more possible, but it is
    not clear how the situation will develop. It is not clear either how
    to combine processes with these association agreements with those
    within the EU and its member-states. Just this synchronization is
    the key task and requires a great amount of work. Of course, Russia
    will interfere in this process in different formats and at different
    levels. However, I do not think that what is happening in the trade
    relations between Ukraine and Russia is "a trade war". It seems to be
    a well-planned general operation. The most interesting and important
    thing may begin after possible signing of the agreements with Europe.

    There is an opinion saying that there will be nothing following the
    initialing of the Association Agreement due to the discrepancies
    between these Agreements and the national security of Armenia,
    particularly, the Karabakh peace process. Some experts think that
    the Armenia-EU Association Agreement may share the fate of the
    Armenian-Turkish Protocols. Do you think this scenario possible?

    Such a scenario is quite realistic. I cannot say whether it will be
    good or bad for Armenia. The Armenia-EU Association Agreement may
    share the fate of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols especially given
    that the EU is almost becoming a full strategic impotent against the
    background of the Syrian problem. The national interests of Armenia
    should be inviolable.

    Having criticized the Kremlin's stance, Ukrainian President Viktor
    Yanukovich pointed out the need to hold a referendum in order to
    choose between Eurasian and European integration processes. What was
    the President of Ukraine guided by and is the referendum a way out
    of the situation?

    I think Yanukovich's statement is absolutely destabilizing and
    primitive. Actually, Yanukovich has always been guided by personal
    gain and deception. Even if we suppose that Ukraine will become a
    member of the European Union some day, it will happen in twenty years
    or so. Ukraine may hold a referendum on the Customs Union but it will
    fall into chaos and desperation shortly after the referendum.

    Some experts think that due to integration into the Customs Union,
    Ukraine will lose a part of its sovereignty. What risks does the
    European integration contain for Kyiv?

    This is an important issue for the country. Ukraine does not speak
    about it but it will have to sooner or later. At the moment, the
    country does not consider transferring its sovereignty to the Customs
    Union. Actually, Ukraine's chances to join that structure are almost
    equal to zero. As regards the EU, things are much more dramatic
    and much more serious here. To all appearances, Ukraine will have
    to divide its sovereignty. Moreover, no one knows what the European
    Union will be like in 2015. The first parameters of the new European
    Union will most likely be visible following its summit in December.

    Kyiv and Moscow are already conducting "trade wars" in relation to the
    forthcoming signing of the Association Agreement with Europe. What
    is the biggest threat for Ukraine? Are the benefits from European
    integration able to compensate for it?

    I am inclined to think that there have been no "trade wars". But if
    they really start, everything will develop very seriously. The biggest
    threat is the huge banking sector of Russia in Ukraine. However,
    the current regime that has almost led Ukraine to default is even a
    bigger threat.
