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BAKU: Will Armenia's Choosing Customs Union Change Europe's Attitude

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  • BAKU: Will Armenia's Choosing Customs Union Change Europe's Attitude


    APA, Azerbaijan
    Sept 4 2013

    [ 04 September 2013 16:06 ]

    If the West does not meet the expectations of Azerbaijan, it will
    lose its positions in the South Caucasus once and for all

    Baku. Vugar Masimoghlu - APA. Armenia has made a choice between Europe
    and Russia and officially turned back on Europe with its decision to
    join the Customs Union. Yerevan's "attempt" to play among the two
    power centers failed in the short run. With the decision announced
    yesterday Armenia once confirmed that it is not and will not be an
    independent player.

    Armenia has made official its strategic choice passing a decision to
    join the Customs Union. It is not surprising that a country, which
    is not independent from political, economic and military point of
    view and is an outpost of Russia in the South Caucasus, has selected
    Moscow instead of Brussels. It was surprising that earlier, Armenia
    intended to sign an association agreement with the European Union
    and Europe sincerely believed this intention. Europe is well aware of
    Russia's dominant position in the policy of Armenia and it was naive
    to think that it would draw Yerevan out of Moscow's influence with
    the association agreement. Europe is suffering from this superficial

    The membership of the Customs Union crossed out Armenia's Europe
    prospects and means the gradual loss of Europe's initiative to
    interfere in Russia's influence - the importance of the "Eastern
    Partnership" program. Europe is expected to face the same fate
    regarding Belarus after Armenia. Thus, the target countries of the
    "Eastern Partnership" program will be only GUAM member states.

    A question arises - Why Armenia, which was aware of Russia's plans on
    the Customs Union and its place in this project, was going to sign an
    association agreement with the European Union? It should be estimated
    as an indirect message of Armenia to Russia. The migration crisis and
    economic collapse in the country and the sharp decrease of financial
    means transferred to the budget of Armenia through Diaspora obliged
    Armenia to think.

    The world is facing a serious financial crisis, which has led to the
    decrease of Diaspora donations. On the other hand, the investments
    in Armenia's economy by the countries, where the Armenian Diaspora
    organizations are strong, have also decreased. Last year, direct
    foreign investment in Armenia's economy dropped 64%. Russia has
    invested a total of $38 million in Armenia's economy this year.

    Though Armenia, which is facing severe economic crisis due to
    the self-isolated policy relies on Russia, the support of Moscow
    is restricted to political and military support. In the recent
    presidential elections, some candidates accused Russia over the lack
    of economic support and some of them showed Europe as a way out of
    the situation. These views should be assessed as an approach of the
    Armenian society, not of separate political circles.

    Armenia's attempt to sign the association agreement with the European
    Union was a message to Russia. Threatening Russia with European
    integration plans shows that Armenia can't objectively evaluate its
    foreign influence capabilities and political maneuvering opportunities
    are so limited that it can be easily predicted ("It will be finally
    admitted to the Customs Union", "It will do what Russia says" and
    other evaluations).

    Russian President Vladimir Putin's policy towards Azerbaijan has also
    influenced Armenia's choice of the Customs Union. The statements issued
    in Baku and steady development of relations between Azerbaijan and
    Russia caused the fear in Yerevan that "Moscow may refuse the mission
    of guarantor of Armenia's security" and this fear objectively made the
    neighboring country hastily formalize its role as "Russia's mistress".

    The European Union's superficial assessment of the processes also
    played a key role in this process. Europe that doesn't seriously
    interfere in the process of settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    and tries only to ensure its economic interests in the region has
    jeopardized its long-term plans. Though, steps were taken to remove
    the South Caucasus region from the sphere of influence of Russia
    (the Eastern Partnership, energy projects, visa facilitation regime
    for the South Caucasus countries, financial aid, etc.), political
    basis has not been established. One can also see these mistakes in
    the West's relations with Georgia.

    The only way for the West, wishing to gain strength in the South
    Caucasus, is to appeal to Azerbaijan that has openly declared its
    policy of European integration and is pursuing a balanced policy.

    Unlike Armenia and Georgia, the West shouldn't repeat its mistakes
    regarding Azerbaijan. Baku has made its energy resources an important
    factor of the foreign policy and assumed an important role in ensuring
    energy security of Europe.

    Azerbaijan has expectations from Europe - unlike Europe, the official
    Baku wants to ensure political interests rather than economic
    interests and doesn't hide that the main objective of the energy
    policy is to obtain results in the settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. Following the recent step of Armenia, it would be another
    mistake for the West not to assess these expectations.

    The first statements of the EU officials on Sargsyan's decision to
    join the Customs Union bore initial signs of it. For example, German
    member of the European Parliament and chairman of its Foreign Affairs
    Committee Elmar Brok stated that the European Union not dealing with
    this issue up to now should be seriously interested in the solution of
    "frozen conflicts". It is not excluded that high-ranking officials
    would make similar statements soon.
