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Jilting EU, Armenia Ties Knot With Moscow

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  • Jilting EU, Armenia Ties Knot With Moscow


    Wall Street Journal, NY
    Sept 4 2013


    European diplomats were stunned this week by word that Armenia, which
    had been heading toward strengthening ties with the European Union,
    will instead join a customs union led by Russia-handing the Kremlin
    a victory in its tug of war with Brussels for influence in the region.

    The question now is whether Armenia's move foreshadows similar
    decisions by other former Soviet republics.

    Armenia's shift was announced Tuesday in a statement posted on the
    Kremlin website during a meeting between Russian President Vladimir
    Putin and his Armenian counterpart, Serzh Sargsyan.

    "This is a rational decision, it is a decision based on Armenia's
    national interests," President Sargsyan said afterward, according
    to a transcript on the Kremlin's website. "The decision is not a
    rejection of our dialogue with European institutions."

    The small country in the South Caucasus region had been expected to
    initial an "association agreement" with the EU at a summit in November,
    in Vilnius, Lithuania, strengthening trade relations while committing
    Armenia to democratic changes.

    But Mr. Putin has been turning up the pressure on the countries
    sandwiched between Russia and the EU to join forces with its own
    nascent customs union, which already includes Belarus and Kazakhstan.

    Russia is widely seen as the dominant partner.

    Countries in the Moscow-led customs union can't be integrated into
    the EU, European officials say, because they have effectively ceded
    sovereignty over trade issues to Russia.

    While Mr. Putin said Tuesday it was Armenia's decision to join the
    bloc, few in Brussels doubt that Armenia's abrupt policy change came
    because Moscow raised the costs of pursuing closer EU ties.

    Russia has powerful leverage because it's the country's natural-gas
    supplier and can determine the price of fuel. Thousands of Russian
    troops are based in Armenia and Moscow has formal security guarantees
    in place, which have bolstered Armenia in its bitter conflict with
    neighboring Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Even so, the intensity of what Europeans see as Russian pressure
    tactics and the speed of Armenia's U-turn have spooked EU officials.

    It was just six weeks ago-July 24-that the European Commission
    completed years of talks with Armenia on the association accord,
    and Armenian officials were assuring their Brussels counterparts that
    there would be no stepping back.

    "The pressures on Armenia were known, and in that sense it is not a
    surprise," said Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, a Polish member of the European
    Parliament's foreign-affairs committee. "But the fact that the pressure
    succeeded in getting Armenia, under force if you wish, to change its
    decision-that is a surprise, and we profoundly regret it."

    In terms of trade, Armenia is not a huge prize for either side. Its
    economy is relatively small, with a gross domestic product of [email protected]
    billion ($10 billion).

    But EU leaders had apparently seen the conclusion of the association
    deal as a diplomatic victory.

    Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt reflected the widespread
    frustration among European leaders in a tweet: "Armenia negotiated
    4 years to get Association Agreement with EU. Now President prefers
    Kremlin to Brussels."

    One Western diplomat with knowledge of the situation said Armenia
    had negotiated with the EU in good faith, but "they themselves did
    not expect this kind of pressure from Russia."

    He said that the EU will continue to work with Armenia on issues like
    easing visa procedures, and that Armenia could change direction yet
    again as it confronts Russia's dominance within the customs union.

    Moscow's customs union is supposed to evolve in 2015 into a more
    comprehensive Eurasian Economic Union, which Russian leaders foresee
    as a counterweight to the EU.

    Armenia's move illustrates the pressure on countries that find
    themselves pulled between East and West, and could mean trouble for
    others considering linking with the EU.

    Ukraine, for example, is expected to sign its own long-awaited EU
    association agreement at the November summit, and Moldova and Georgia
    are scheduled to tentatively initial such deals at the same time.

    "It is the general context which is so worrying," Mr. Saryusz-Wolski
    said. "This pressure concerns all the four countries (including
    Armenia) on the road to association. It's part of the wider picture,
    and the fear that it might provoke a domino effect."

    EU officials' surprise was evident Wednesday in their hesitant initial
    responses. "We are seeking further clarification from the Armenian
    side," said Maja Kocijancic, an EU foreign affairs spokeswoman. "Then
    we will be able to assess the implications."

    A European diplomat called Armenia's switch a "wake-up call" on
    Russia's intentions. But he said it doesn't necessarily follow that
    other countries will spurn the EU; Georgian leaders remain deeply
    angry over Russia's 2008 invasion of their country, while Ukraine
    and Moldova have made strong public commitments to Europe.

    The battle over the EU's Eastern Partnership-which includes Armenia,
    Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Belarus-is only one of the
    current flash points between Europe and Russia.

    Russia has complained about EU rules that force the splitting of
    giant energy utilities, with Mr. Putin repeatedly accusing Brussels of
    "confiscating" Russia's investment in some EU countries.

    The EU, for its part, became the first entity to take Russia to the
    World Trade Organization over special taxes Moscow imposes on vehicle
    imports. European officials also criticize Moscow for blocking efforts
    to isolate Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress