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The Historic Price Of Individualism

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  • The Historic Price Of Individualism


    By Edmond Y. Azadian

    Why do Armenians gravitate away from their native land and live in
    far-away countries, overwhelmed with the nostalgia of the ancestral
    homeland? We seldom pose the question to ourselves and when we do,
    we always have cop-outs: we blame our neighbors, curse our conquerors
    and decry our enemies.

    It is true, history has treated the Armenian people very harshly,
    for a number of reasons. As we try to enumerate or analyze those
    reasons, it never occurs to us to assess our own responsibility in
    shaping our destiny as one of the oldest nations on the planet. If
    one day we decide to delve into our own responsibility, perhaps we
    will begin to soberly plan our future.

    The reason Armenian have not been able to become a dominant nation
    - except during Tigranes II reign in the first century BC - is our
    individualism. Individualism denotes self-reliance, self definition,
    independence and all the other positive attributes. But when contrasted
    with the collective will, catastrophe ensues.

    Because of various depravations, victimizations and constant foreign
    domination, Armenians have developed a very strong individualist
    trait, which has always been in conflict with collective discipline,
    nation-building and focus on a common future. That is how they have
    survived through all the adversities of history.

    During the dark ages, individualism was suppressed especially through
    religion, where eyes and hopes were diverted away from the individual
    to the sublime and to heaven, which religious leaders conveniently
    used to consolidate their hegemony over their subjects. It is no
    wonder that kings and rulers claimed divine lineage to legitimize
    their power over the masses.

    The lay rulers and the clergy used and abused their absolute power
    over people, suppressing any expression of individual ideas.

    The Inquisition in Europe punished any deviation from the church
    doctrine harshly. People were denied independent thinking, facing
    torture and burning at the stake. The famous victims of such
    intolerance were Galileo and Giordano Bruno.

    With the emergence of the Renaissance, society's focus shifted towards
    the individual. And later, fueled by the Industrial Revolution,
    the individual came to control his or her destiny and enjoy life's
    blessings without inhibitions.

    Europe eventually came to balance individualism versus collective will,
    thus developing empires to control the peoples and resources of other
    continents. As individuals negotiated the limits of their freedoms
    with the imperatives of national consensus, powerful governments were
    formed, without compromising individual liberties.

    Nationalism became the glue to hold together the individuals. The
    French philosopher Voltaire became the proponent of individual freedoms
    within the parameters of collective will. He encapsulated that concept
    succinctly when he said, "Your freedom ends where my nose begins."

    Armenians pride themselves that the Renaissance dawned in Armenia
    before Europe. Gregory of Narek's poetry is considered a watershed
    in that development. Indeed, the poet, in his supplications to the
    Supreme Power, dwells on the frailties of the individual, imploring
    divine forgiveness or help. In the Book of Lamentations, Gregory of
    Narek outlines human desires and forbidden urges within the confines
    of his prayers, with a poetic craft unsurpassed for many centuries.

    This individualism in Armenia always developed within the context
    of foreign domination, which made the survival of the individual
    questionable most of the time. Every Armenian developed his
    individualism at the expense of his fellow Armenians, always losing
    the collective perspective.

    The contrast was stark during the Ottoman years. As the majority of the
    Armenians suffered in the provinces, Amiras and the privileged class
    of Armenians lived in affluence in Constantinople and other urban
    centers. They served the Sultan, who sometimes used them to exploit
    fellow Armenians in the provinces by assigning them tasks such as tax
    collection, which was performed most of the time with a whip crashing
    on the back of the Armenian peasant, to please the Sublime Porte.

    The class of Armenian Amiras were completely detached from the
    aspirations of the Armenian masses living in the hinterlands. Today
    the Armenian Amiras are remembered in Istanbul because they were able
    to secure some favors from the Sultan to build churches and schools
    in Istanbul.

    Individualism among the Armenians sometimes is expressed in the form
    of factionalism. Indeed, with a very primitive concept of patriotism,
    Armenian volunteers in the Russian army refused to fight under
    General Antranik, as the Russian army relinquished its conquests,
    heading home and leaving the fortress of Kars defenseless towards the
    end of World War I. Food, ammunitions and clothing were abandoned,
    but the Armenian volunteers refused to defend the fortress of Kars,
    stating that Kars was not part of their homeland and our national
    hero left the front, despondent.

    After World War I, as Ataturk was able to hold together a defeated
    country through diplomacy bordering on hypocrisy, Armenians
    jeopardized their first republic, created after six centuries of
    foreign domination. Granted, perhaps Armenia's fate was doomed as
    Ataturk and Lenin were trying to outmatch each other, but our perpetual
    infighting also contributed to the demise of the First Republic. As a
    result of the February uprising, tens of thousands of young Armenians
    killed each other on top of the 1.5 million victims at the hands of
    the Turks.

    The Soviet era proved to be one of the darkest chapters of human
    history. It was as if the Catholic Inquisition had returned with a
    vengeance, with an atheistic twist. On top of the loss of the entire
    leadership and intellectual class of Western Armenians, a new crop
    of literary talents fell victim to Stalin's atrocities.

    The Soviet Union was a huge prison. Personality and individualism
    were sacrificed for the collective. The new philosophy called for
    the creation of the new man, the Soviet citizen.

    Despite all adversities and casualties, the Soviet system proved to
    be a blessing in disguise for the Armenians. Travel bans contributed
    to the development of the demographics in Armenia with immigration
    from the Balkans and the Middle East. If only forced attachment to
    land could keep Armenians in the native homeland. That stability in
    turn contributed to the tremendous development of science, literature
    and music, beginning a new golden age in Armenian history.

    Today, all that was created during the Soviet era is being blown to
    four winds and Armenians are leaving their country at a rapid pace.

    Azeris are waiting at the gate and they have already concocted a
    history that Armenians are sitting on Azeri land.

    If this time around we lose the second republic, that will be the
    historic price we pay for Armenian individualism.

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