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EU Neighbourhood Policy Thrown Off Course By Russia

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  • EU Neighbourhood Policy Thrown Off Course By Russia


    European Voice
    Sept 5 2013

    By Andrew Gardner

    Armenia chooses Russian-led Eurasian Customs Union over pending
    free-trade agreement with the EU

    The European Union's policy towards its eastern neighbours has been
    thrown into disarray by a decision by Armenia to abandon a pending
    free-trade agreement with the EU.

    Armenia is instead joining the Russian-led Eurasian Customs Union. The
    change of heart comes as a blow to the EU's Eastern Partnership
    programme, formed in 2009 in an attempt to encourage ex-Soviet states
    to move towards the EU.

    Russia has launched a diplomatic counter-offensive against the EU,
    aimed at preventing the EU from gaining more influence over its
    neighbours. It explicitly linked a trade dispute with Ukraine last
    month to that country's plan to sign agreements with the EU.

    Polish MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, who has drafted a resolution in the
    European Parliament condemning Russian pressure, yesterday warned
    that its success with Armenia could have a "domino effect" on more
    of the EU's eastern neighbours.

    The EU has repeatedly said that it views membership of the Eurasian
    Customs Union as "incompatible" with the type of deep and wide-ranging
    trade deals that Armenia and Ukraine have been seeking with the EU.

    Armenia completed technical preparations for such a deal in July. An
    agreement was to have been sealed in November at a summit meeting of
    leaders from the EU and the six countries of the Eastern Partnership.

    The summit is billed as a flagship event of Lithuania's presidency
    of the Council of Ministers.

    As well as Armenia and Ukraine, the EU was hoping for agreements with
    Georgia and Moldova. No progress is expected with the partnership's
    other members, Azerbaijan and Belarus.

    Saryusz-Wolski pointed to a statement made yesterday by Georgia's
    President Bidzina Ivanishvili, when he was asked whether Georgia
    would consider joining the Eurasian Customs Union. Ivanishvili said:
    "If...we see that it is interesting for our country, then why not? But
    at this stage we have no position."

    EU sources said that they were still trying to ascertain why
    Armenia's President Serzh Sarkisian abandoned his ambitions for a
    trade agreement with the EU within the space of four days, following
    a demand from Russia's President Vladimir Putin on Friday (30 August)
    for an immediate meeting.

    However, Sarkisian's decision on Tuesday (3 September) came days after
    Putin signed a ~@3 billion arms agreement with Azerbaijan, lending
    credence to suggestions that Sarkisian feared losing Russian backing
    in Armenia's 'frozen conflict' with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Sweden's foreign minister, Carl Bildt, said yesterday (4 September)
    that Moscow had engaged in a "dangerous game" in the Caucasus.

    An official privy to EU consultations said that one of the primary
    considerations in the EU's deliberations was how to avoid lending
    "ammunition" to Russia in its geopolitical battle with the EU.

    Russia explicitly linked its decision to restrict exports from
    Ukraine in August to the EU's offer of free trade and other benefits
    to Ukraine. An adviser to Putin described the move as a warning to
    Ukraine not to take the "suicidal" step of signing association and
    trade agreements with the EU in November.

    Ukraine says that the flow of exports to Russia is now returning to
    normal, but Russia has officially said that it may reassess rules
    affecting the many Ukrainians who work in Russia.

    Russia's pressure on Ukraine has led to a call from Pawel Kowal, the
    Polish chairman of the European Parliament's delegation to Ukraine, for
    the EU to sign trade and political agreements with Ukraine immediately,
    before the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius.

    EU officials expect Russia to apply further pressure in the coming
    months. Gunnar Wiegand, the EU diplomat responsible for relations with
    the EU's eastern neighbours, told the European Parliament last week
    (28 August) that the clash with Ukraine was "likely to be a first
    warning shot" to Ukraine.

    One EU source suggested that, cumulatively, Russia's pressure on
    Ukraine and Armenia amounts to Russia's biggest challenge to the EU
    in the neighbourhood since the EU enlarged to include eight formerly
    communist states in 2004.

    The EU responded to Russia's pressure on Ukraine by saying that
    Ukraine and Russia should resolve their disputes in the World Trade

    Olga Shumylo-Tapiola of the Brussels-based think-tank Carnegie Europe
    said the EU was right to put the Ukraine-Russia dispute "into the
    international or European framework" of legal norms and trade rules.

    "I don't think that to fight politically with Russia makes much sense;
    that is Russia's game," she said. "The EU has to use the instruments
    that it has."
