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Accusations By Activist: Editor Claims Police Out Of Line Against Pr

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  • Accusations By Activist: Editor Claims Police Out Of Line Against Pr

    NEWS | 06.09.13 | 15:59


    By Gohar Abrahamyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    An activist who has been detained several times during the recent
    frequent acts of protest in Yerevan says the police is acting in
    a systemized and pre-arranged manner and that all this is just the

    Armenia Today editor, civil activist Argishti Kiviryan, facing one
    criminal and three administrative charges, told the press on Friday
    that "the regime in Armenia is using its two main pillars - the police
    and the criminal world - in an attempt to break the recently shaped
    active civil wave" and that "the authorities detect danger in this
    civil involvement".

    He claims that the total of around 100 activists have been detained and
    taken to various police stations as a result of the recent protests
    against the raise of public transport fare, private parking lots,
    the construction on Komitas street and Armenia's membership in the
    Customs Union. In the majority of cases administrative motions were
    filed against them.

    "I have no guarantees today that while walking in the streets of
    Yerevan some police officer won't approach me and subject me to some
    kind of violence. The recent cases of steps taken against me are
    a proof of that. I am dealing with political persecution in terms
    of my professional and public activities. It can't be defined as
    anything else," says Kiviryan, predicting that tougher processes are
    yet to come.

    He says that three times during the past month he has been taken to
    the police station - first on August 5 from the vicinity of the city
    hall, then on August 24 he got detained during the protest against
    the construction on Komitas street, and on September 4 during the
    rally against Armenia joining the Customs Union held on Baghramyan
    Avenue, when ten others had gotten detained earlier and he had gone
    to Arabkir police station as a representative of Armenia Today news
    agency to find out what was happening. He claims that the detentions
    were accompanied with violence, but no criminal cases were filed.

    The police issued a statement today responding to media reports
    about assaults against civil activists in recent days and alleged
    inaction from police. It said such allegations were groundless,
    giving assurances that investigations are being conducted regarding
    every case. It also urged witnesses to come forward to help police
    with the investigations guaranteeing confidentiality of the informers.
