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Syrian rebels attempt to force Obama info ousting Assad

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  • Syrian rebels attempt to force Obama info ousting Assad

    Syrian rebels attempt to force Obama info ousting Assad

    September 7, 2013 - 19:06 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Syrian rebels seem to have become wearied of waiting
    for Assad forces to be bombed and decided to use a well-proved
    `weapon' - accusation of using chemical agents.

    According to some sources of the so-called Syrian opposition, the
    Assad forces used poisonous shells while attacking rebel positions in
    Damascus suburb of Al Kabune. To prove their claim, the rebels cite a
    video featuring a person being examined by doctors after having been
    poisoned by some agent. No official response followed the statement.
    Earlier, Al Arabiya TV channel reported the deaths of 56 over the past
    day, which, however, were unconnected to the use of chemical weapon.

    Looks like Syrian rebels will stop at noting in forcing Obama to oust
    Assad, although the U.S. is planning no such step. As Obama repeatedly
    stated, the strike aims at punishing, rather that ousting Assad.
    However, the militants, unsatisfied with such an outcome, continue
    spreading deliberately false reports, in full knowledge that the media
    will be thriving on another report of `murdering of peaceful
    population.' No one seems to care about the fact that the militants
    have more than enough blood on their hands - Assad is the only `source
    of evil' in the world and he needs to be punished.

    Unfortunately, logic does not seem to be either the rebels, or the
    U.S. president's forte. Why poison one's people with gas when
    government forces are gaining ground against rebels? And it's utterly
    unclear why Obama chose this method to make Iran and South Korea
    (which the U.S. believes to be guilty of developing their own nuke
    programs) `see reason.'

    Somehow, Pakistan and Israel are allowed to have nuclear weapons, yet
    the countries of `evil' are not. And what further defies understanding
    is that the Christians, whose fellow believers are being killed and
    tortured, are the ones to write about Assad's `atrocities.' However,
    the misfortunes of the Near East Christians remain unheeded these
    days, with rare articles being published. In September, only one
    serious article was released in The American Conservative.

    `So here is the nightmare. If the U.S., France, and some miscellaneous
    allies strike at the regime, they could conceivably so weaken it that
    it would collapse. Out of the ruins would emerge a radically
    anti-Western regime, which would kill or expel several million
    Christians and Alawites. This would be a political, religious, and
    humanitarian catastrophe unparalleled since the Armenian genocide
    almost exactly a century ago,' Philip Jenkins said in his article
    Syria's Christians Risk Eradication.

    `Around the world, scholars and intellectual leaders are debating how
    to commemorate the approaching centennial of that cataclysm in 2015.
    Through its utter lack of historical awareness, the United States
    government may be pushing towards not a commemoration of the genocide
    but a faithful re-enactment,' the author said.

    In his weekly address to the nation, Obama reiterated that the Syria
    strike aims to protect the U.S. interests in preventing Syria crisis
    from turning into another Iraq or Afghanistan. Yet every one of the
    U.S. President's steps is proving the opposite.

    Karine Ter-Sahakyan
