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Levon Zurabyan `In a sense, the EU deserves'

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  • Levon Zurabyan `In a sense, the EU deserves'

    Levon Zurabyan `In a sense, the EU deserves'

    September 7 2013

    Today, inquired from the ANC leader Levon Zurabyan whether
    we can say that the EU is already giving sanctions to Armenia for the
    statement on joining the Customs Union. He answered,- `I think there
    should not be such a simplistic approach. Now every statement, a
    little bit of hardness or a little bit of softness, is assessed as a
    response by the West. It's not that simple. May be it is a
    coincidence. I do not think there now every statement should be
    interpreted as a final reaction of the West. The West also knows how
    to conduct diplomacy. Even if it is too angry on Serzh Sargsyan's
    decision, it also understands that it does not mean that it should
    sever ties with Armenia. It understands that it is necessary to
    continue some relations, some kind of dialogue with Armenia. One
    statement was harder, and the other was softer, in other words, a
    normal diplomatic process. But, generally, it is natural that the
    political elite of many Western countries, which had great
    expectations from Armenia in this regard, is in a very disappointed
    condition. In some sense, I am sorry, they deserve it, because if
    they, despite of all our claims, have believed all our information
    that this man can be trusted, then they are to blame.' To our question
    as to why earlier the European institutions were excluding `and-and'
    option, and now they say that one agreement is not contrary to the
    other agreement, Levon Zurabyan replied,- `If we try to judge by their
    statements, a contradictory image is created, because the Swedish
    Foreign Minister was writing that the 180-degree turn was made,
    another makes a softer statement. One can not judge based on these
    statements, especially when they are in mutual contradiction. This is
    a bit more complicated diplomatic process that should be followed and
    little by little to realize as to what line is formed. If you want the
    truth, they do not know also what kind of reaction to display. Let's
    say, disappointed, so what? This disappointment is not a political
    position. Well, when it is translated, rather soft formulations are
    found, but overall the process was clear to all of us. It is clear
    that this is a great disappointment for the EU. But we can not blame
    the EU, nor RF, the only one to blame is Serzh Sargsyan. If the EU is
    to be accused of something, only for the thing that they believed the
    man like Serzh Sargsyan.' Hripsime JEBEJYAN

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