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How Imperial Ambitions Stirred A Pot That's Now Boiling Over

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  • How Imperial Ambitions Stirred A Pot That's Now Boiling Over


    The New York Times
    September 9, 2013 Monday


    LAWRENCE IN ARABIA War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making
    of the Modern Middle East By Scott Anderson Illustrated. 577
    pages. Doubleday. $28.95.

    Scott Anderson's fine, sophisticated, richly detailed "Lawrence in
    Arabia" is filled with invaluably complex and fine-tuned information.

    This demanding but eminently readable account of the Middle East during
    World War I is certainly no hagiographic T. E. Lawrence biography,
    as the tiny nuance ("in," not "of") coloring its title makes clear.

    Mr. Anderson does not filter the tricky history of a crucially
    important era through any individual's perspective. Nor does he see
    Lawrence as the only schemer trying to manipulate Arab destiny; this
    book has an assortment of principal players, only one of whom managed
    to become so famous. As to why such acclaim elevated one renegade
    Briton and his feat of creating a guerrilla Bedouin army, Mr. Anderson
    writes that the short answer may seem anticlimactic. His reason: This
    was a time when the seed was planted for the Arab world "to define
    itself less by what it aspires to become than what it is opposed to:
    colonialism, Zionism, Western imperialism in its many forms."

    Clarity was hard to find, and so, after such wanton loss of life, were
    victors. But heroes were needed, and here was a shoo-in. According to
    the book, "Lawrence was able to become 'Lawrence of Arabia' because
    no one was paying much attention."

    That does not make Mr. Anderson's account a debunking. For those
    already fascinated by Lawrence's exploits and familiar with his
    written accounts of them, Mr. Anderson's thoughtful, big-picture
    version only enriches the story it tells. "Lawrence in Arabia"
    emphasizes the Gordian difficulties facing any strategist from any
    of the numerous contingents involved either in fighting for Arab
    freedom from the Ottoman Empire or looking to carve up Arab land once
    the fighting was over. He illustrates how difficult it was to have
    any foresight at all, let along to see clearly, and he reserves his
    greatest interest for players whose imaginations were most fertile.

    Lawrence was the best and most eloquent of these manipulators, but
    he was by no means alone.

    The book is careful to acknowledge aspects of Lawrence's skill that
    are not always done justice. Mr. Anderson is especially illuminating
    about Lawrence's purely political gifts: his way of anticipating the
    fallout from strategic or military maneuvers, his "peculiar skill at
    polite belligerence," his no-nonsense powers of description.

    Drawing from the vast body of Lawrence's writing, Mr. Anderson finds
    this bit of irreverence: "Jerusalem is a dirty town which all Semitic
    religions have made holy. ... In it the united forces of the past
    are so strong that the city fails to have a present; its people,
    with the rarest exceptions, are characterless as hotel servants,
    living on the crowd of visitors passing through."

    Beyond having a keen ear for memorable wording, Mr. Anderson has
    a gift for piecing together the conflicting interests of warring
    parties. His account of the grisly British debacle at Gallipoli and
    the bad decisions leading up to it display this book's analytic powers
    at their best. He explains why Alexandretta, now called of Iskenderun,
    on the Mediterranean near the Turkish-Syrian border, looked to Lawrence
    and others like the Ottoman Empire's most vulnerable point.

    It describes the 1914 incident in which a British warship, the Doris,
    managed almost accidentally to expose how weakly defended the area was.

    But "throughout history," he adds, "there have been occasions when
    a vastly superior military force has managed, against all odds, to
    snatch defeat from all but certain victory." Though Lawrence imagined
    the Syrian and Armenian uprisings that might further undermine Ottoman
    control of the Alexandretta region, the British looked eastward,
    designating the Dardanelles as the place to send wave after wave of
    troops. Fully exposed to the enemy as they made their naval landing,
    they were massacred to no strategic effect at all. Lawrence believed
    that Britain's decision had been influenced by the desire of its ally
    France to keep Syria stable -- and lay claim to it after the war.

    As "Lawrence in Arabia" lays out Lawrence's career, and his delicate
    negotiations to unite the sons of King Hussein to create an Arab
    revolt against the Turks, it also follows other diplomatic efforts.

    One of the book's startling revelations about Curt Prufer, a German
    diplomat in Cairo with espionage connections, is that he deployed
    Minna Weizmann -- a seldom-mentioned sister of Chaim Weizmann,
    Israel's first president -- as a pro-German spy. Also involved in
    espionage was Aaron Aaronsohn, a Zionist and agronomist, who worked
    his way into the good graces of the Ottoman regime.

    The book also follows the track of the American William Yale, roaming
    the region to do the bidding of Standard Oil of New York, known as
    Socony. He was instrumental in helping the company lay claims in
    Palestine, "except there was a key detail in all this that Socony saw
    no reason to trouble the Turks with," Mr. Anderson writes. Drilling
    for oil could have helped the Turkish war effort, but Yale's employers
    had no intention of doing so until the war was over.

    "Lawrence in Arabia" is a fascinating book, the best work of military
    history in recent memory and an illuminating analysis of issues that
    still loom large today. It's a big book in every sense, with a huge
    amount of terrain to cover. So it is perhaps understandable that
    Mr. Anderson makes only passing and none too flattering reference to
    David Lean's magnificent film about Lawrence.

    But readers who know the movie are apt to summon it more than he does.

    Yes, it was history a la Hollywood, with moments of clear
    exaggeration. But its effort to depict Lawrence, his military raids,
    the tribal leaders with whom he dealt, the inept British military
    effort and the sly French diplomatic one are all shown by this book
    to be unusually faithful to the facts. It's high praise for both the
    visually grand film and this grandly ambitious book to say that they
    do have a lot in common.

