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Community Members Gather For Peace In Syria

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  • Community Members Gather For Peace In Syria

    Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

    Community members gather to oppose Syria attacks

    GLENDALE-On September 9, more than 200 community members gathered
    at the Glendale Youth Center to join the Armenian National Committee
    of America, Glendale chapter, Civic Action, CREDO Action,
    Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), The Martin Luther King
    Coalition of Greater Los Angeles and Win Without War, in order to
    voice their opposition to U.S. military strikes against Syria.

    Thousands of people throughout the nation were hosting such vigils.

    After a short welcome by ANCA Glendale's Executive Director, Talar
    Malakian, and a prayer, Seto Boyadjian, the Chairman of the ANCA
    National Board, Caro Avanessian, the Chairman of the California
    Armenian American Democrats, and Glendale Unified School District
    President Nayiri Nahabedian spoke out against military intervention in
    Syria by the United States. They stressed the importance of finding
    diplomatic solutions while also sending more humanitarian aid to
    suffering communities in need, including over 100,000 Syrians of
    Armenian descent living in Syria.

    Berdj Karapetyan, Chairman of the ANCA Glendale Board concluded with
    final remarks and asked community members to gather around a board
    filled with pictures from the Syrian crisis, in the back of the room.

    After a moment of silence for the lives lost, the lit candles were
    circulated and everyone was ushered out of the hall and to St. Mary's
    Apostolic Church. Many returned to write messages for peace that were
    pinned to the board. Many also sent emails to their representatives
    on iPads provided by ANCA Glendale.

    "We are gathered to commemorate the lives lost but to also show that
    we are opposed to more violence. The only way to achieve peace is
    through diplomacy," said ANCA Glendale Executive Director, Talar
    Malakian. "We need to urge our representatives to remember that."

    Local affiliates of CBS, NBC, and ABC covered the event on evening
    news. KNX Radio, and KPPC Radio aired reports earlier in the day.

    Community members will be joining a delegation to Congressman Adam
    Schiff's Hollywood office from 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, to urge him to
    vote against the authorization to strike.

    ANCA action alerts to representatives can still be sent online
    through the National Armenian National Committee of America website:

    The ANCA-Glendale advocates for the social, economic, cultural,
    and political rights of the city's Armenian American community and
    promotes increased civic participation at the grassroots and public
    policy levels.
