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Azeri Comedy: Danish Delegation As Black List Candidates

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  • Azeri Comedy: Danish Delegation As Black List Candidates


    September 10, 2013 - 20:19 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Azeri Foreign Ministry found new victims to
    blacklist: this time, it's a group of Danish MPs and journalists
    headed by Eva Kjer Hansen, Chairwoman of the Committee on European
    Affairs of the Danish Parliament.

    As Azeri Ministry spokesman Elman Abdullayev stated, the Ministry
    is investigating the information on Danish journalists' visit to
    "occupied territories." "Azeri embassy in London was given relevant
    instructions, with a decision to be taken based on investigation
    results," he said. And quite seriously, at that.

    Actually, there's nothing to investigate: official information on the
    visit was released by Artsakh Foreign Ministry press service, along
    with details of Karabakh Foreign Minister's meeting with the guests.

    Although the visit of the Danish delegation is a fact, Azerbaijan
    is still eager to "investigate." The black list - peak of Azeri
    diplomatic stupidity - has been mentioned so often, that the fact will
    soon be ridiculed overtly. In any case, Baku is far from reaching its
    goal of preventing visits to the Nagrono Karabakh Republic, with the
    fact proved by Russian and Danish delegations travelling to Arstakh,
    to say nothing about the tourists.

    Back in early August, when the black list was released, no one included
    in it expressed regret over having visited Artsakh. On the contrary -
    whoever traveled to NKR said they'll visit the Republic again. Those
    who failed to find their names in the list, urged Baku to fix its
    mistake by announcing them personae non-grata. Even those expressing
    intention to travel to Artsakh were blacklisted.

    Any other sensible country would try to hush up such a disgraceful
    step, by rushing to "forget" about it - but not Azerbaijan.

    Azeris would do well to save themselves from further ridicule, what
    with half the world laughing at them already. Even the best joke
    repeated one too many times becomes annoying.

    Marina Ananikyan
