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PASSAGES OF NONSENSE What Is Bad For The Human Rights Watch Is Good

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  • PASSAGES OF NONSENSE What Is Bad For The Human Rights Watch Is Good

    Tuesday, 10 September 2013 11:45

    There is about a month left before the presidential elections in
    Azerbaijan, and although on the eve of this event the Azerbaijani
    authorities are doing their best to prove to the world that the
    situation of human rights is quite successful in the country, the
    criticism by various international structures and politicians, who
    accuse official Baku of the suppression of democratic rights and
    freedoms, does not stop.

    Recently, the well-known international human rights organization
    Human Rights Watch has released a critical report on Azerbaijan.

    The almost 100-page document notes the ongoing intimidation of
    opposition and independent journalists, accusing them of libeling and
    committing crimes. It is noted that during the year, in connection with
    the arrests of journalists, the situation of the mass media freedom has
    deteriorated; there is still the problem of tortures, ordered judgment
    and arrests; the pressure on human rights organizations is underway.

    These facts, quite eloquently describing the ruling regime of President
    Aliyev as definitely authoritarian and totalitarian, have long been
    stated in the world. Another thing is that the Azerbaijani authorities,
    confident of their permissiveness and impunity, openly ignore the calls
    of the competent international structures to improve the situation of
    human rights. Moreover, following the well-known principle of "the best
    defense is attack", the representatives of official Baku are attacking
    those who have "dared" to criticize the actions of the leadership of
    Azerbaijan, which are incompatible with the norms of international law.

    The Human Rights Watch hasn't escaped the fate either. Commenting on
    the noted report of the organization, head of the Political Analysis
    and Information Department of the Presidential Administration of
    Azerbaijan Elnur Aslanov, calling it a libel, said that the document
    "is grossly distorting the real facts and misleading the international
    community". He accused the organization of bias and execution of
    orders paid by certain groups and individuals, with the aim ... of
    forming a negative opinion about Azerbaijan.

    We do not intend to act as an advocate of the Human Rights Watch,
    believing that the organization can defend its honor and dignity.

    However, let us give a fact that proves the objectivity and validity
    of the conclusions of this respected human rights organization. The
    other day, four former Ambassadors of the USA and EU to European
    countries have published an article in the New York Times, calling on
    the West to speak on behalf of those who are denied freedom in the
    South Caucasus, particularly in Azerbaijan. One of the authors of
    the article, former U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Richard Kozlarich
    stressed in an interview to Turan Agency that he was indignant at
    the fact that the Azerbaijanis were deprived of human rights. "The
    authorities' behavior is unacceptable, and the West should pay more
    attention to this situation. The government's actions against its
    own people have become extremely oppressive", said Mr. Kozlarich.

    However, the authorities of Azerbaijan would have betrayed themselves,
    if even in this situation would not have tried to direct the arrow
    to the Armenians. As a popular saying goes, whatever the people
    say, the nitty always speaks about the bath. So, nitty Azerbaijan,
    represented by the above mentioned department head of the presidential
    administration, saw the Armenian trace in the "machinations" of the
    Human Rights Watch. It turns out that the human rights situation in
    the Azerbaijani Sultanate, where, according to him, "all are equal
    before the law", is just great. One of the reasons of the critical
    report's appearance is that ... "the Board of Directors of the Human
    Rights Watchcomprises Vardan Grigoryan - a person of Armenian origin".

    This circumstance, according to the official, is also crucial for the
    fact that "the organization is constantly limited with episodes on
    Armeniaand groundlessly takes a biased position against Azerbaijan,
    occasionally spreading false and defamatory reports about our country".

    And further, the representative of the presidential administration,
    touching upon the Karabakh problem, turned out to be in his own element
    - the element of falsehood and forgery. Accusing theHuman Rights
    Watch of gross distortion of the real facts, it is he who distorts
    the history of the conflict, ascribing to Armenians gross violations
    of human rights and freedoms of "more than 1 million refugees and
    internally displaced persons". Let us leave the inflated figures of the
    Azerbaijani propaganda upon Aslanov's conscience (if it is generally
    appropriate to speak about this). Let us only note that he is "gently"
    silent about the reason of the emergence of refugees and internally
    displaced persons - both Armenians and Azerbaijanis. It lies in the
    fact that this problem arose as a result of the armed aggression of
    Azerbaijan against the NKR, which had declared its independence. Then
    comes another passage, which against the background of the rabid
    Armenia-hatred in Azerbaijan does not fit into the framework of
    common sense. It turns out, according to Aslanov, that the report's
    assertions on the "Armenia-phobia" in Azerbaijan are ...the fruit
    of sick imagination and full nonsense. While it would be fair to
    consider nonsense his regular thesis that the Armenians of Nagorno
    Karabakh are citizens ofAzerbaijan and the Azerbaijani society will
    resume their joint residence in the post-conflict period.And while
    during the Soviet era even the current Azerbaijani president was not
    a citizen of Azerbaijanand after the collapse of the Soviet Union
    Nagorno Karabakh declared its independence.

    In short, Azerbaijan is really a country of nonsense. And this nonsense
    will continue until the critical reports and calls by international
    structures to respect the norms of the civilized community are followed
    by effective measures on forcing Azerbaijan to fulfill its commitments
    assumed when joining the Council of Europe. It will also continue as
    long as Azerbaijan doesn't seek for the reasons of its troubles in
    itself, instead doing it outside.


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
