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Armenian Legacy To Be Displayed In Diyarbakı Church

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  • Armenian Legacy To Be Displayed In Diyarbakı Church


    10:36 * 10.09.13

    One of Diyarbakýr's most famous churches, the Armenian church of
    Surp Giragos, is set to become a city museum hosting artwork and
    artifacts depicting the Armenian history in the city, the Hurriyet
    Daily News reported.

    Earlier, Diyarbakýr Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir and Surp Giragos
    Armenian Foundation President Ergun Ayýk were reported to have signed
    a protocol to turn the church, which was recently restored and opened
    to prayer, into a museum.

    According to the protocol, the church's Hidir Ilyas section will
    be given to the municipality and converted into a museum featuring
    belongings and ethnographic artifacts.

    Ayik said the church was the largest church in the Middle East but was
    in ruins until it was restored and reopened to worship three years ago.

    Noting that the church was surrounded by many famous buildings and
    artifacts in the city, Ayik said, "The representatives are evaluating
    the buildings around the church."

    The Diyarbakýr City Museum will display Armenian heritage and Armenian
    art. "We are currently meeting with the municipality and we have
    signed a protocol to open this part," Ayik said.

    "We will first collect artifacts before decorating the museum. The
    decorations and the curation will be made according to the artifacts,"
    said Ayik, noting that there would be information about the family,
    social and cultural life of Armenians.

    Very few artifacts have survived over the past 100 years, but Ayýk
    said they were able to collect letters from 1913 from a family who
    lived in the province's Lice district, as well as kitchen appliances,
    musical instruments and other examples of writings from elsewhere.

    During the last 100 years, many artifacts that belonged to Armenian
    families have been lost, he said. "We are currently collecting
    artifacts to display in the museum. This is the first time that
    something like this has happened in Turkey, and many people are
    approaching this with suspicion."

    The written documents are very valuable because they reflect the
    lifestyle of Armenians at the time, he said. "We have collected
    these documents from Turkey and also from foreign countries. We have
    succeeded in collecting these artifacts."

    Noting that there were also many financial documents, Ayýk said these
    revealed the debts and the trade that Armenians had in history.

    The artifacts that have been collected have been sent to Istanbul to
    be analyzed and researched.

    Collecting the data and the artifacts has taken a long time, he said,
    adding that the job was an important task that only professionals
    could do.

    After analyzing the works, the artifact will be sent to the museum
    for display.

    Surp Giragos, which boasts seven altars, originally had an earthen
    roof, although a new roof of wood was subsequently erected over the
    restored church. It was closed in 1915-1916 before being returned to
    the local Armenian community in 1960.

    A new bell that was made for the reopened church was made in Russia
    especially for the place of worship.

    Armenian News -

    From: Baghdasarian