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Greece Expects Primary Fiscal Surplus In Early 2014: Greek Ambassado

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  • Greece Expects Primary Fiscal Surplus In Early 2014: Greek Ambassado


    September 10, 2013 | 01:19

    YEREVAN. - Armenian News-NEWS.aminterviewed Greek Ambassador to
    Armenia, Ioannis Taghis.

    Ambassador Taghis, how would you assess the current level of relations
    between Greece and Armenia?

    The Greece-Armenia relations are excellent, and they are based on the
    rich historical past of the two countries. Our two peoples have always
    had close relations ever since ancient times. In recent years, Greek
    President Karolos Papoulias' visit to Armenia in 2007 and Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan's return visit to Greece in 2011 have highly
    contributed to the development of relations between our countries.

    Armenian FM Edward Nalbandian's official visit to Greece this March
    likewise gave new impetus to the development of our relations.

    Let us not forget the contribution of the large Armenian community
    in Greece and the Greek community in Armenia to the enhancement of
    the bilateral relationship.

    In the European context it should be noted that Greece stands ready
    to contribute to the cooperation between Armenia and European Union.

    Armenia has already signed several agreements with EU, which include
    the relaxation of the visa requirements with EU member countries
    and successfully completed the negotiations for a future association

    How would you assess the Armenian-Greek economic relations? What
    prospects for development do you see in this domain? Which domains
    of the economy could they refer to?

    I believe the Armenian-Greek economic ties have a big potential
    though now are well below the level of political relations between
    the two countries. They can improve in domains such as pharmaceutics,
    construction, high technology, food trade, etc.

    As for Greece, I can say that the economy is stable and all the
    conditions are in place for successful investments in Greek economy,
    specifically in the domains of tourism, construction, and real estate.

    Tourism is very much developed in Greece. Armenia likewise attaches
    a great importance to this sector. In your view, to what extent is
    tourism development full of prospect in Armenia?

    Truly, there is a great potential for tourism development in Armenia
    and it is a promising sector in your country. In my view, the
    development of tourism can be of importance for the economy as a whole.

    Do you agree with the view that tourism obstructs the development of
    other domains?

    Diversification is important for all economies, but if a country has
    especially potential in a specific field why not to benefit of it.

    The Greek economy is going through a difficult period. In your view,
    what are the ways out of this situation? Some even mention the need
    to leave EU and the eurozone. Is there such need?

    Greece was among the first European countries affected by the debt
    crisis and with the support of the EU and the IMF the Greek Government
    implements an ambitious economic adjustment programme in order to
    improve the country`s competitiveness and macroeconomic outlook
    through fiscal adjustment and structural reforms. These efforts have
    already started bearing fruit: total debt has been reduced, Greece is
    expecting a primary fiscal surplus in early 2014, the competitiveness
    of the economy has increased and the business environment is improving
    making the country more attractive for foreign investments.

    Nevertheless the continuous austerity measures have adversely affected
    unemployment and recession. There must be therefore a balance between
    the necessary fiscal solidity and an effort to boost growth and tackle
    the unemployment and this is the direction Greek Government is moving.

    No one speaks any more about Greece leaving the eurozone let alone
    the EU as some people used to predict a year ago and the euro itself
    looks stronger.

    What impact has the economic crisis had on ordinaryGreek citizens? Do
    the regularly-occurringprotests and strikes undermine the addressing
    of economic problems, or do they promote finding better solutions?

    Criticism and protests commonly happen in all democratic countries
    where the citizens freely express their view and to some extent they
    can contribute as you say in the adoption of the right policy. In
    Greece the austerity measures as I said before have had a direct social
    impact. In view of that the Government has made consistent efforts to
    protect especially the most vulnerable parts of the society besides
    the steps taken to boost growth.

    And do the rank-and-file [Greek] citizens already feel the positive
    results of the present-day economic policy [in Greece], or is time
    still needed for this?

    I believe the positive results and changes are already seen and
    they will be soon more clearly felt, when new jobs are created. The
    fact that the Greek products have again started to compete in the
    global market likewise bespeaks the reviving of the economy. All the
    indicators show that the competitiveness of the Greek products in
    the global market has increased markedly.

    In your view, should a diplomat set before himself an objective when
    assuming the position of an ambassador in a country?

    The work of a diplomat is important and, certainly, the ambassador of
    a country should set objectives before himself when being appointed to
    his/her post. And these objectives depend on the relations between his
    country and the state where he is appointed as ambassador. In my case
    I will consider it a personal reward if I`ll be able to substantially
    contribute to the consolidation of the excellent relations between
    Greece and Armenia.

    Do you remember your first impressions upon arrival in Armenia?

    I was very positively impressed by the very modern look of Yerevan
    airport. I must also mention the fascinating special architectural
    color of the old buildings of Yerevan.

    You have worked in a variety of countries. Can your mindset change
    by visiting new countries? Do you receive anything from a new culture?

    Of course. Every diplomat can learn many things when working in
    different countries. During his work, a diplomat familiarizes with
    new cultures, new conditions, gaining experiences which enrich and
    broaden his way of thinking.

    They say the Armenians and the Greeks have many things in common. Do
    you agree? What are the similarities and the differences between
    our peoples?

    The two peoples are very close to each other sharing the same social,
    moral and political values, with the exception of language.

    Is there something you miss a lot bybeing far away from Greece?

    I love Greece very much with the special meaning that homeland
    always has for everybody and I have always missed [it] wherever I
    have worked. But I would say I miss Greece much less here in Yerevan,
    since we are very close to Armenians in terms of mentality, life style,
    and even cuisine.

    And in the end, what would you wish to the Armenian people?

    I wish peace, progress, and welfare to the people of Armenia.

    By Artur Khemchyan
