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Armenian Genocide Memorial Approved In Pasadena

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  • Armenian Genocide Memorial Approved In Pasadena


    Los Angeles Times, CA
    Sept 11 2013

    By Joe Piasecki
    September 11, 2013, 4:36 p.m.

    A proposal to memorialize victims of the Armenian genocide with a
    monument in Pasadena received unanimous approval from Pasadena City
    Council members Monday, a decision cheered by Armenian American
    leaders in Glendale who have joined the effort to see it built.

    Organizers of the nonprofit Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial
    Committee are raising funds to erect the monument at Memorial Park
    in central Pasadena before the centennial observance of the genocide
    on April 24, 2015.

    Garo Ghazarian, chair of the Armenian Bar Assn. and a member of the
    Glendale Civil Service Commission, said Pasadena is a fitting home
    for the tribute because the city was the first in Southern California
    to embrace Armenian American immigrants before and after the genocide.

    That a City Council without Armenian American members united behind
    the proposal is "all the more reason to be encouraged that there is
    hope for greater understanding and acceptance of what history has
    documented so well," said Ghazarian, who was among more than 150
    supporters who attended the meeting at Pasadena City Hall.

    The monument's design will include a three-column tripod from which
    drops of water will fall into a carved stone basin. About 1.5 million
    of these symbolic teardrops will fall each year, representing the
    estimated number of lives lost during the genocide.

    The campaign in Pasadena has also rekindled talks of erecting a
    genocide monument in Glendale, a conversation that began more than
    a decade ago, according to the Glendale News-Press.

    "Building a genocide memorial in Pasadena is setting an example for
    what should be done in Glendale," said David Gevorkyan, a member of
    the Pasadena memorial committee's board who also serves on Glendale's
    city Audit Committee.

    Dan Bell, Glendale's liaison to a community group that plans the
    annual city-sponsored genocide memorial ceremony in the city, said
    members are seeking to revive a dormant nonprofit board previously
    in charge of plans for a Glendale monument.

    More than 1,000 people signed a petition in favor of the Pasadena
    monument and Glendale City Councilman Zareh Sinanyan attended Monday's
    Pasadena council meeting to voice his support.

    Ghazarian, who co-chairs a committee planning Armenian genocide
    commemoration events throughout the western United States, said
    Glendale should consider a museum or permanent library exhibit focused
    on the tragedy.

    "Something significant needs to be done in Glendale," he said.,0,2573738.story

    From: A. Papazian