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U.S. Starts Delivering Weapons To Syrian Rebels

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  • U.S. Starts Delivering Weapons To Syrian Rebels


    September 11, 2013 - 13:56 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The United States has begun distributing some weapons
    to the Syrian rebels, a spokesman for the Syrian Coalition of groups
    opposed to President Bashar al-Assad said on Tuesday, Sept 10, after
    months of reported delays, according to Reuters.

    White House officials suggested in June that President Barack Obama
    had decided to provide military aid to the Syrian rebels, but in the
    months since, rebel leaders and U.S. lawmakers have said no lethal
    assistance has arrived.

    "The U.S. is distributing non-lethal aid and ... some lethal assistance
    as well to the SMC (Supreme Military Council)," Saleh told a news
    conference, referring to the council that oversees operations of
    rebels loyal to General Salim Idriss.

    The United States is providing lethal assistance "because they are
    sure that the mechanisms that the SMC has established are well tested
    and they will be sure that the weapons are not falling into the wrong
    hands," Saleh said.

    He apparently referred to Washington's concerns that U.S. arms could
    end up benefiting radical Islamist groups, such as the al Nusra Front,
    active in northern Syria.

    Saleh's comments at a Washington news conference may be the first
    public indication that U.S.-provided military goods such as arms or
    ammunition are actually moving to anti-Assad forces.

    One U.S. government source said it was "unlikely" that any
    U.S.-supplied arms were on the ground in the hands of Syrian rebels
    at this time, while not dismissing the possibility that such aid was
    in the works.

    Separately, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday that
    Washington was trying to upgrade its support for the Syrian opposition.

    "It is ramping up, but I can tell you that many of the items that
    people have complained were not getting (to) them are now getting to
    them," Kerry said in a Google+ Hangout interview. He declined to say
    what military items were arriving.

    Rebel spokesman Saleh, who is based in Turkey, spoke at a news
    conference called to urge the U.S. Congress to authorize Obama's
    proposal for limited military strikes in Syria following a chemical
    weapons attack on rebel areas outside Damascus on August 21 that the
    United States has blamed on Assad's forces.

    Saleh said rebel military leaders were coordinating with the countries
    that might participate in a U.S.-led strike. He said the Supreme
    Military Council also had a plan to derive tactical benefits from the
    strikes if they do take place, such as by securing areas that are hit.

    The chances of U.S. military action have receded, however, since
    Russia offered a proposal on Monday for Syria to surrender its chemical
    weapons stockpile to international control.

    Rebel sources recently confirmed receipt of arms such as anti-tank
    weapons financed by Saudi Arabia, which arrived last month through
